Package org.gatein.pc.test.unit.protocol.response

Examples of org.gatein.pc.test.unit.protocol.response.FailureResponse

            return new EndTestResponse();
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure(""));
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      seq.bindAction(1, UTS2.SERVICE_JOIN_POINT, new ServletServiceTestAction()
         protected Response run(Servlet servlet, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws ServletException, IOException
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Redirection shouldn't be made"));

      seq.bindAction(1, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
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      seq.bindAction(1, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context)
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Render wasn't expected to be called"));
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      seq.bindAction(1, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context)
            //if portlet was invoked we will have failure
            return new FailureResponse(Failure.createAssertionFailure("Render wasn't expected"));

      seq.bindAction(1, UTP2.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
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               // Now render the full page
               return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createRenderURL().toString());
            catch (InterruptedException e)
               return new FailureResponse(Failure.createFailure(e));

      // Now make the request to the full page after one second, the goal is to test also an issue whereby the request
      // to the cached content extends the expiration out of the box, as we will wait after that for one second, if that
      // problem occur, then the revalidation would not occur at all
      seq.bindAction(2, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Set cached to false to make test fail later
            cached = false;
            return null;
      seq.bindAction(2, UTP2.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Trigger a resource so we are sure that the cached portlet will not be part of the whole request
            return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createResourceURL().toString());

      seq.bindAction(3, UTP2.RESOURCE_JOIN_POINT, new PortletResourceTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
            // Check caching occurred

            // Check it contains the cached content
            byte[] bytes = (byte[])context.getPayload().get("http.response.body");
            String cachedMarkup = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
            Assert.assertTrue("Was expected " + cachedMarkup + " to contain foocached", cachedMarkup.contains("foocached"));

            // Wait for one second so the content should have just expired
            catch (InterruptedException e)
               return new FailureResponse(Failure.createFailure(e));

            return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createRenderURL().toString());

      // Assert we have the etag and revalidate response for two seconds
      seq.bindAction(4, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Check everything is as espected
            Assert.assertEquals("footag", request.getETag());

            // Revalidate markup for two seconds and invoke again

            return null;
      seq.bindAction(4, UTP2.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Trigger a resource so we are sure that the cached portlet will not be part of the whole request
            return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createResourceURL().toString());

      seq.bindAction(5, UTP2.RESOURCE_JOIN_POINT, new PortletResourceTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
               // Wait for one second so the cached content will be aged of 1 second

               // Now render the full page
               return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createRenderURL().toString());
            catch (InterruptedException e)
               return new FailureResponse(Failure.createFailure(e));

      seq.bindAction(6, UTP1.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Set cached to false to make test fail later
            cached = false;
            return null;
      seq.bindAction(6, UTP2.RENDER_JOIN_POINT, new PortletRenderTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws IOException, PortletException
            // Trigger a resource so we are sure that the cached portlet will not be part of the whole request
            // and we can make the 2 seconds pause without messing with the invalid entry we want to revalidate
            return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createResourceURL().toString());

      seq.bindAction(7, UTP2.RESOURCE_JOIN_POINT, new PortletResourceTestAction()
         protected Response run(Portlet portlet, ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
            // Check caching occurred

            // Check it contains the cached content
            byte[] bytes = (byte[])context.getPayload().get("http.response.body");
            String cachedMarkup = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
            Assert.assertTrue("Was expected " + cachedMarkup + " to contain foocached", cachedMarkup.contains("foocached"));

            // Wait for one second so the content should have just expired
            catch (InterruptedException e)
               return new FailureResponse(Failure.createFailure(e));

            return new InvokeGetResponse(response.createRenderURL().toString());
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Related Classes of org.gatein.pc.test.unit.protocol.response.FailureResponse

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