public PortletInvocationResponse invoke(PortletInvocation invocation) throws IllegalArgumentException, PortletInvokerException
if (invocation instanceof EventInvocation)
EventInvocation eventInvocation = (EventInvocation)invocation;
Serializable srcPayload = eventInvocation.getPayload();
Serializable dstPayload = srcPayload;
if (srcPayload instanceof SerializablePayload)
PortletContainer container = (PortletContainer)invocation.getAttribute(ContainerPortletInvoker.PORTLET_CONTAINER);
String containerId = container.getId();
QName eventName = eventInvocation.getName();
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
// get the event metadata from the portlet metadata
PortletInfo info = container.getInfo();
EventingInfo eventingInfo = info.getEventing();
Map<QName, ? extends EventInfo> consumedEventInfos = eventingInfo.getConsumedEvents();
EventInfo eventInfo = consumedEventInfos.get(eventName);
Class dstPayloadClass;
if (eventInfo != null)
// get the type of the event
ContainerTypeInfo typeInfo = (ContainerTypeInfo)eventInfo.getType();
if (typeInfo != null)
// if we managed to get the event type information, try to unmarshall the event from the XML payload
dstPayloadClass = typeInfo.getType();
if (trace)
log.trace("Obtained for event " + eventName + " its payload class " + dstPayloadClass.getName() + " declared by the portlet meta data "
+ containerId);
// get the portlet application class loader so we can access the war classes
PortletApplication application = container.getPortletApplication();
PortletApplicationContext applicationContext = application.getContext();
ClassLoader loader = applicationContext.getClassLoader();
if (srcPayload instanceof SerializableSimplePayload)
dstPayload = ((SerializableSimplePayload)srcPayload).getPayload();
SerializablePayload scp = (SerializablePayload)srcPayload;
Class<? extends Serializable> clazz = loader.loadClass(dstPayloadClass.getName()).asSubclass(Serializable.class);
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(clazz);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
JAXBElement<? extends Serializable> result = unmarshaller.unmarshal(scp.getElement(), clazz);
dstPayload = result.getValue();
catch (Exception e)
throw new PortletInvokerException("Couldn't unmarshall event from payload!", e);
if (trace)
log.trace("No type declared for event " + eventName + " declared by the portlet meta data " + containerId);
// Set payload
return super.invoke(invocation);
return super.invoke(invocation);