PortletInvoker portletInvoker = (PortletInvoker) manager.getComponentInstance(PortletInvoker.class);
Set<org.gatein.pc.api.Portlet> portlets = portletInvoker.getPortlets();
portlet: for (org.gatein.pc.api.Portlet portlet : portlets) {
PortletInfo info = portlet.getInfo();
String portletApplicationName = info.getApplicationName();
String portletName = portlet.getContext().getId();
// Need to sanitize portlet and application names in case they contain characters that would
// cause an improper Application name
portletApplicationName = portletApplicationName.replace('/', '_');
portletName = portletName.replace('/', '_');
MetaInfo metaInfo = portlet.getInfo().getMeta();
LocalizedString keywordsLS = metaInfo.getMetaValue(MetaInfo.KEYWORDS);
Set<String> categoryNames = new HashSet<String>();
// Process keywords
if (keywordsLS != null) {
String keywords = keywordsLS.getDefaultString();
if (keywords != null && keywords.length() != 0) {
for (String categoryName : keywords.split(",")) {
// Trim name
categoryName = categoryName.trim();
if (INTERNAL_PORTLET_TAG.equalsIgnoreCase(categoryName)) {
log.debug("Skipping portlet (" + portletApplicationName + "," + portletName
+ ") + tagged as internal");
continue portlet;
} else {
ArrayList<String> permissions = new ArrayList<String>();
// If no keywords, use the portlet application name
if (categoryNames.isEmpty()) {
// Additionally categorise the portlet as remote
boolean remote = portlet.isRemote();
if (remote) {
// add producer name to categories for easier finding of portlets for GTNPORTAL-823
LocalizedString producerNameLS = metaInfo.getMetaValue(PRODUCER_NAME_META_INFO_KEY);
if (producerNameLS != null) {
categoryNames.add(producerNameLS.getDefaultString() + PRODUCER_CATEGORY_NAME_SUFFIX);
log.info("Importing portlet (" + portletApplicationName + "," + portletName + ") in categories " + categoryNames);
// Process category names
for (String categoryName : categoryNames) {
CategoryDefinition category = registry.getCategory(categoryName);
if (category == null) {
category = registry.createCategory(categoryName);
ContentDefinition app = category.getContentMap().get(portletName);
if (app == null) {
LocalizedString descriptionLS = metaInfo.getMetaValue(MetaInfo.DESCRIPTION);
LocalizedString displayNameLS = metaInfo.getMetaValue(MetaInfo.DISPLAY_NAME);
String displayName = getLocalizedStringValue(displayNameLS, portletName);
ContentType<?> contentType;
String contentId;
if (remote) {
contentType = WSRP.CONTENT_TYPE;
contentId = portlet.getContext().getId();
displayName += REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX; // add remote to display name to make it more obvious that
// the portlet is remote
} else {
contentType = Portlet.CONTENT_TYPE;
contentId = info.getApplicationName() + "/" + info.getName();
// Check if the portlet has already existed in this category
List<Application> applications = load(category).getApplications();
boolean isExist = false;