Package org.gatein.pc.api

Examples of org.gatein.pc.api.Portlet

         // Dereference the portlet
         PortletContext refPortletContext = context.getPortletContext();

         // Get the referenced portlet
         Portlet refPortlet = super.getPortlet(refPortletContext);

         // We need the referenced portlet
         if (refPortlet == null)
            throw new PortletInvokerException("The portlet " + refPortletContext + " referenced by this clone " + portletId + " is not available");
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         throw new InvalidPortletIdException("Cannot configure producer offered portlets", portletId);
      StatefulContext statefulContext = (StatefulContext)context;

      // Get the container
      Portlet referencedPortlet = super.getPortlet(context.getPortletContext());

      // We need the referenced portlet
      if (referencedPortlet == null)
         throw new PortletInvokerException("The portlet " + context.getPortletContext() + " referenced by this clone " + portletId + " is not available");

      // Get the portlet info
      PortletInfo referencedPortletInfo = referencedPortlet.getInfo();

      PreferencesInfo prefs = referencedPortletInfo.getPreferences();

      // Clone the current state
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    * @throws PortletInvokerException any portlet invoker exception
   private void getPropertiesFromMetaData(PortletContext portletContext, PropertyMap props) throws PortletInvokerException
      Portlet portlet = super.getPortlet(portletContext);

      // The prefs info
      PreferencesInfo prefs = portlet.getInfo().getPreferences();

      // Collect missing or read only properties from the referenced portlet
      Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>();
      for (String key : prefs.getKeys())
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      public Portlet getPortlet() throws PortletInvokerException
         if (portlet == null)
            Portlet producerPortlet = ConsumerPortletInvoker.super.getPortlet(producerPortletContext);

            if (stateId == null)
               portlet = producerPortlet;
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               PortletState portletState = stateConverter.unmarshall(statefulPortletContext.getType(), state);
               Portlet delegate = super.getPortlet(PortletContext.createPortletContext(portletState.getPortletId()));
               return new ProducerPortlet(portletContext, delegate);
            catch (StateConversionException e)
               throw new PortletInvokerException(e);
            throw new InvalidPortletIdException("", portletId);
      else if (portletId.startsWith(PRODUCER_CLONE_ID_PREFIX))
            String stateId = portletId.substring(PRODUCER_CLONE_ID_PREFIX.length());
            PortletStateContext stateContext = persistenceManager.loadState(stateId);
            PortletState state = stateContext.getState();
            Portlet delegate = super.getPortlet(PortletContext.createPortletContext(state.getPortletId()));
            return new ProducerPortlet(portletContext, delegate);
         catch (NoSuchStateException e)
            throw new NoSuchPortletException(e, portletId);
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         access = AccessMode.READ_ONLY;

      // Get the portlet container and set it on invocation
      Portlet portlet = super.getPortlet(context.getPortletContext());
      if (portlet == null)
         throw new NoSuchPortletException("Portlet " + context.getPortletContext() + " not found", context.getPortletId());

      // Create prefs
      AbstractPropertyContext prefs = new AbstractPropertyContext(
         context.isStateful() ? ((StatefulContext)context).getProperties() : null,
         invocation instanceof RenderInvocation);

      PortletInvocationResponse response;
         invocation.setAttribute(PropertyContext.PREFERENCES_ATTRIBUTE, prefs);

         // Invoke
         response = super.invoke(invocation);

      int status = prefs.getStatus();

      // Producer state management if the invocation was succesful
      if ((invocation instanceof ActionInvocation || invocation instanceof ResourceInvocation || invocation instanceof EventInvocation) && status == AbstractPropertyContext.UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL)
         // Get the potentially updated prefs
         PropertyMap newPrefs = prefs.getPrefs();

         PortletStateType stateType = instanceCtx.getStateType();
         boolean persistLocally;
         if (stateType == null)
            persistLocally = true;
            persistLocally = stateManagementPolicy.persistLocally();

         switch (access)
            case CLONE_BEFORE_WRITE:
               // Create the state
               if (context.isStateful())
                  StatefulContext statefulContext = (StatefulContext)context;
                  if (persistLocally)
                        // The state id should be ok as it was used before to load the state
                        LocalContext localContext = (LocalContext)statefulContext;
                        String portletStateId = localContext.getStateId();
                        String cloneStateId = persistenceManager.cloneState(portletStateId, newPrefs);

                        // Return the clone context
                        String cloneId = PRODUCER_CLONE_ID_PREFIX + cloneStateId;
                        PortletContext clonedCtx = PortletContext.createPortletContext(cloneId);
                        StateEvent event = new StateEvent(clonedCtx, StateEvent.Type.PORTLET_CLONED_EVENT);
                     catch (NoSuchStateException e)
                        throw new PortletInvokerException("Unexpected exception", e);
                     catch (InvalidStateIdException e)
                        throw new PortletInvokerException("Unexpected exception", e);
                     PortletContext clonedCtx = marshall(stateType, context.getPortletId(), newPrefs);
                     StateEvent event = new StateEvent(clonedCtx, StateEvent.Type.PORTLET_CLONED_EVENT);
                  // Add the missing mutable portlet state
                  getPropertiesFromMetaData(portlet.getContext(), newPrefs);

                  if (persistLocally)
                     // Create the new state
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         // Dereference the portlet
         PortletContext refPortletContext = context.getPortletContext();

         // Get the referenced portlet
         Portlet refPortlet = super.getPortlet(refPortletContext);

         // We need the referenced portlet
         if (refPortlet == null)
            throw new PortletInvokerException("The portlet " + refPortletContext + " referenced by this clone " + portletId + " is not available");
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         throw new InvalidPortletIdException("Cannot configure producer offered portlets", portletId);
      StatefulContext statefulContext = (StatefulContext)context;

      // Get the container
      Portlet referencedPortlet = super.getPortlet(context.getPortletContext());

      // We need the referenced portlet
      if (referencedPortlet == null)
         throw new PortletInvokerException("The portlet " + context.getPortletContext() + " referenced by this clone " + portletId + " is not available");

      // Get the portlet info
      PortletInfo referencedPortletInfo = referencedPortlet.getInfo();

      PreferencesInfo prefs = referencedPortletInfo.getPreferences();

      // Clone the current state
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    * @throws PortletInvokerException any portlet invoker exception
   private void getPropertiesFromMetaData(PortletContext portletContext, PropertyMap props) throws PortletInvokerException
      Portlet portlet = super.getPortlet(portletContext);

      // The prefs info
      PreferencesInfo prefs = portlet.getInfo().getPreferences();

      // Collect missing or read only properties from the referenced portlet
      Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>();
      for (String key : prefs.getKeys())
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   public Portlet getPortlet(PortletContext portletContext) throws IllegalArgumentException, PortletInvokerException
      ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(portletContext, "PortletContext");

      Portlet portlet = producerInfo.getPortlet(portletContext);

      if (portlet == null)
         throw new NoSuchPortletException(portletContext.getId());
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Related Classes of org.gatein.pc.api.Portlet

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