Package org.gatein.mop.api.workspace.ui

Examples of org.gatein.mop.api.workspace.ui.UIWindow

               String id = uniqueId.substring(1);

               // It's another window, we get its customization
               if (!dst.getObjectId().equals(id))
                  UIWindow window = session.findObjectById(ObjectType.WINDOW, id);
                  Customization<?> windowCustomization = window.getCustomization();
                  if (windowCustomization.getType().equals(contentType))
                     customization = windowCustomization;
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                dstAttrs.setObject(key, value);

            if (srcChild instanceof UIWindow) {
                UIWindow srcWindow = (UIWindow) srcChild;
                UIWindow dstWindow = (UIWindow) dstChild;
                Customization<?> customization = srcWindow.getCustomization();
                ContentType contentType = customization.getType();
                String contentId = customization.getContentId();
                Customization parent = customization.getParent();
                Customization dstParent = null;
                if (parent != null) {
                    WorkspaceCustomizationContext parentCtx = (WorkspaceCustomizationContext) parent.getContext();
                    String name = parentCtx.nameOf(parent);
                    if (parentCtx == srcPage) {
                        dstParent = dstPage.getCustomizationContext().getCustomization(name);
                        if (dstParent == null) {
                            Object state = parent.getVirtualState();
                            dstParent = dstPage.getCustomizationContext().customize(name, contentType, contentId, state);
                    if (dstParent != null) {
                        Object state = customization.getState();
                        Customization dstCustomization = dstWindow.customize(dstParent);
                    } else {
                        Object state = customization.getVirtualState();
                        dstWindow.customize(contentType, contentId, state);
                } else {
                    Object state = customization.getVirtualState();
                    dstWindow.customize(contentType, contentId, state);
            } else if (srcChild instanceof UIContainer) {
                UIContainer srcContainer = (UIContainer) srcChild;
                UIContainer dstContainer = (UIContainer) dstChild;
                copy(srcPage, dstPage, srcContainer, dstContainer);
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        POMSession session = pomMgr.getSession();
        WorkspaceObject workspaceObject = session.findObjectById(applicationStorageId);

        if (workspaceObject instanceof UIWindow) {
            UIWindow application = (UIWindow) workspaceObject;
            Mapper mapper = new Mapper(session);

            ApplicationData data = mapper.load(application);
            return data;
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                } else {
                    List<ComponentData> dstChildren = loadChildren(srcContainer);
                    mo = load(srcContainer, dstChildren);
            } else if (component instanceof UIWindow) {
                UIWindow window = (UIWindow) component;
                ApplicationData<?> application = load(window);
                mo = application;
            } else if (component instanceof UIBody) {
                mo = new BodyData(component.getObjectId(), BodyType.PAGE);
            } else {
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               mo = load(srcContainer, dstChildren);
         else if (component instanceof UIWindow)
            UIWindow window = (UIWindow)component;
            ApplicationData application = load(window);
            mo = application;
         else if (component instanceof UIBody)
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               String id = uniqueId.substring(1);

               // It's another window, we get its customization
               if (!dst.getObjectId().equals(id))
                  UIWindow window = session.findObjectById(ObjectType.WINDOW, id);
                  Customization<?> windowCustomization = window.getCustomization();
                  if (windowCustomization.getType().equals(contentType))
                     customization = windowCustomization;
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                } else {
                    List<ComponentData> dstChildren = loadChildren(srcContainer);
                    mo = load(srcContainer, dstChildren);
            } else if (component instanceof UIWindow) {
                UIWindow window = (UIWindow) component;
                ApplicationData application = load(window);
                mo = application;
            } else if (component instanceof UIBody) {
                mo = new BodyData(component.getObjectId(), BodyType.PAGE);
            } else {
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                } else {
                    List<ComponentData> dstChildren = loadChildren(srcContainer);
                    mo = load(srcContainer, dstChildren);
            } else if (component instanceof UIWindow) {
                UIWindow window = (UIWindow) component;
                ApplicationData application = load(window);
                mo = application;
            } else if (component instanceof UIBody) {
                mo = new BodyData(component.getObjectId(), BodyType.PAGE);
            } else {
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                dstAttrs.setObject(key, value);

            if (srcChild instanceof UIWindow) {
                UIWindow srcWindow = (UIWindow) srcChild;
                UIWindow dstWindow = (UIWindow) dstChild;
                Customization<?> customization = srcWindow.getCustomization();
                ContentType contentType = customization.getType();
                String contentId = customization.getContentId();
                Customization parent = customization.getParent();
                Customization dstParent = null;
                if (parent != null) {
                    WorkspaceCustomizationContext parentCtx = (WorkspaceCustomizationContext) parent.getContext();
                    String name = parentCtx.nameOf(parent);
                    if (parentCtx == srcPage) {
                        dstParent = dstPage.getCustomizationContext().getCustomization(name);
                        if (dstParent == null) {
                            Object state = parent.getVirtualState();
                            dstParent = dstPage.getCustomizationContext().customize(name, contentType, contentId, state);
                    if (dstParent != null) {
                        Object state = customization.getState();
                        Customization dstCustomization = dstWindow.customize(dstParent);
                    } else {
                        Object state = customization.getVirtualState();
                        dstWindow.customize(contentType, contentId, state);
                } else {
                    Object state = customization.getVirtualState();
                    dstWindow.customize(contentType, contentId, state);
            } else if (srcChild instanceof UIContainer) {
                UIContainer srcContainer = (UIContainer) srcChild;
                UIContainer dstContainer = (UIContainer) dstChild;
                copy(srcPage, dstPage, srcContainer, dstContainer);
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        PageInfo pageInfo = pageInfos.get(pageId);
        String uuid = pageInfo.getWindowUUID(windowId);
        ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(uuid, "UUID for " + windowId);

        // get the window
        UIWindow window = structureAccess.getWindowFrom(uuid);

        // construct the new customization state
        WSRP wsrp = new WSRP();
        String portletId = portletContext.getId();
        if (portletContext instanceof StatefulPortletContext) {
            StatefulPortletContext context = (StatefulPortletContext) portletContext;
            if (PortletStateType.OPAQUE.equals(context.getType())) {
                wsrp.setState((byte[]) context.getState());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to deal with state: " + context.getState());

        // destroy existing customization as otherwise re-customizing will fail
        Customization<?> customization = window.getCustomization();

        // and re-customize
        window.customize(WSRP.CONTENT_TYPE, portletId, wsrp);

        // Change the window's name so that it's less confusing to users
        Described described = window.adapt(Described.class);
        String newName = exportedPortletHandle + " (remote)";
        described.setName(newName); // should be the same as ApplicationRegistryService.REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX

        // update window mappings
        pageInfo.updateWindowName(windowId, newName);
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Related Classes of org.gatein.mop.api.workspace.ui.UIWindow

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