public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
// get reference to current modeController
final ModeController modeControllerForSelectedMap = Controller.getCurrentModeController();
// get reference of selected node (target)
final NodeModel targetNode = modeControllerForSelectedMap.getMapController().getSelectedNode();
// get file path of selected node (target)
final File targetMapFile = targetNode.getMap().getFile();
if(targetMapFile == null) {
// extract file name string (URI) for target
final String targetMapFileNameURI = targetMapFile.toURI().toString();
// extract file name string for target
final String targetMapFileName = targetMapFileNameURI.substring(targetMapFileNameURI.indexOf("/")+1);
// get ID (consisting of fileName and nodeID) of selected node (as targetID)
final String targetID = targetMapFile.toURI().toString() + '#' + targetNode.createID();
// get anchorID (as sourceID) from MLinkController
final String sourceID = ((MLinkController)(LinkController.getController())).getAnchorID();
// check if anchorID valid (should be null when file is closed or anchor is cleared)
if( sourceID == null) {
// extract anchorMapFileName (source)
final String sourceMapFileName = sourceID.substring( sourceID.indexOf("/") +1, sourceID.indexOf("#") );
// check if target and source reside within same map
if( targetMapFileName.equals(sourceMapFileName) ) {
// get link controller
final MLinkController linkController = (MLinkController) MLinkController.getController();
// get nodeID of anchored node (source)
final String sourceNodeID = sourceID.substring( sourceID.indexOf("#")+1 );
// get reference to node from ID-String (source)
final NodeModel sourceNode = modeControllerForSelectedMap.getMapController().getNodeFromID(sourceNodeID);
// insert only targetNodeID as link
linkController.setLink(sourceNode, targetID.substring(targetID.indexOf("#")), LinkController.LINK_ABSOLUTE);
} else {
// navigate to anchored map (source)
final MLinkController linkController_selected = (MLinkController) MLinkController.getController();
try {
final URI linkToAnchorNode = LinkController.createURI(sourceID.trim());
catch (final URISyntaxException e1) {
// UITools.errorMessage(TextUtils.format("invalid_uri", link));
// get reference of anchor node within anchor map
final NodeModel sourceNode = modeControllerForSelectedMap.getMapController().getSelectedNode();
// set link in anchored node within anchored map
final MLinkController linkController_anchored = (MLinkController) MLinkController.getController();
try {
final URI linkToCurrentNode = LinkController.createURI(targetID.trim());