protected ActionForward checkPersonalData(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
final PhdProgramCandidacyProcessBean bean = getCandidacyBean();
final PersonBean personBean = bean.getPersonBean();
// First case : get persons by document id value (not type)
final Collection<Person> personsFoundByDocumentId = Person.readByDocumentIdNumber(personBean.getDocumentIdNumber());
if (personsFoundByDocumentId.size() > 1) {
// There's more than one person, throw an error
addErrorMessage(request, "");
return fillPersonalDataInvalid(mapping, form, request, response);
final Person person = !personsFoundByDocumentId.isEmpty() ? personsFoundByDocumentId.iterator().next() : null;
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(personBean.getFiscalCode())) {
final Party partyFoundBySocialSecurityNumber =
// Second case : person found by documentId and person found by
// social
// security number must be equal
if (person != null || partyFoundBySocialSecurityNumber != null) {
if (person != partyFoundBySocialSecurityNumber) {
return fillPersonalDataInvalid(mapping, form, request, response);
if (bean.hasInstitutionId()) {
Person personByIstId = Person.readPersonByUsername(bean.getInstitutionId());
if (personByIstId == null) {
addErrorMessage(request, "");
return fillPersonalDataInvalid(mapping, form, request, response);
if (person != null && person != personByIstId) {
return fillPersonalDataInvalid(mapping, form, request, response);
// check if person already exists
if (person != null) {
// Exists
// Third case person exists so the birth date must be equal and also
// ist Id if it has
if (person.getDateOfBirthYearMonthDay().equals(personBean.getDateOfBirth())) {
if (person.getUsername() != null && person.getUsername().equals(bean.getInstitutionId())) {
} else if (person.getUsername() == null && !bean.hasInstitutionId()) {
} else {
return fillPersonalDataInvalid(mapping, form, request, response);