-------------------- ATTENTION -------------------- 02/01/2012 PrecedentDegreeInformation contains not only the completed qualification but the origin degree and institution. The origin is relevant for transfer, degree change and erasmus applications. In this cases the origin information says the degree the student was enrolled before this Institution. The attribute and relation names are misleading on the role they play. So this comment was created in hope to guide the developer. The completed qualification information comes from: - DGES first time students; - Second Cycle applications; - Degree applicattions for graduated students; - Over 23 applications The attributes for completed qualification information are - conclusionGrade - conclusionYear - degreeDesignation - schoolLevel - otherSchoolLevel - country - institution - sourceInstitution - numberOfEnrolmentsInPreviousDegrees - conclusionGrade Origin institution information is meaningful for: - Second cycle applications; - Degree transfer applications; - Degree change applications; - Erasmus applications The attributes are - precedentDegreeDesignation - precedentSchoolLevel - numberOfEnroledCurricularCourses - numberOfApprovedCurricularCourses - precedentInstitution - precedentCountry - gradeSum - approvedEcts - enroledEcts