// prepare headers
MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
headers.add(ExtHttpHeaders.DESTINATION, host + getPathWS() + destFilename);
// execute the query
ContainerResponse response = service(WebDAVMethods.MOVE, getPathWS() + filename, host, headers, null);
// check if operation completed successfully, we expect a new resource to be created
assertEquals(HTTPStatus.CREATED, response.getStatus());
filename = destFilename;
destFilename = TestUtils.getFileName() + "%20'test";
// prepare headers
headers = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
headers.add(ExtHttpHeaders.DESTINATION, host + getPathWS() + destFilename);
// execute the query
response = service(WebDAVMethods.MOVE, getPathWS() + filename, host, headers, null);
// check if operation completed successfully, we expect a new resource to be created
assertEquals(HTTPStatus.CREATED, response.getStatus());