
Examples of$LogReader

         throw new BackupConfigurationException("Backup set directory should contains only one workspace backup log : "
                  + workspaceBackupSetDir.getPath());

      BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(cfs[0]);

         this.restore(backupChainLog, backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository(), backupChainLog
                  .getOriginalWorkspaceEntry(), asynchronous);
      catch (RepositoryException e)
         throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Workapce \"" + backupChainLog.getOriginalWorkspaceEntry().getName()
                  + "\" was not restored in repository \"" + backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository() + "\"", e);
      catch (RepositoryConfigurationException e)

         throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Workapce \"" + backupChainLog.getOriginalWorkspaceEntry().getName()
                  + "\" was not restored in repository \"" + backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository() + "\"", e);

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         if (isWorkspaceExist(repository, wEntry.getName()))
            throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Workspace " + wEntry.getName() + " already exist!");

         BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(backupLog);

         backupManager.restore(backupChainLog, repository, wEntry, true);

          * Sleeping
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            throw new BackupLogNotFoundException("The backup log file with id " + backupId + " not exists.");


         BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(backupLog);

         if (removeExisting)
            if (!isWorkspaceExist(repository, wEntry.getName()))
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                     "Backup set directory should contains only one workspace backup log : " + backupSetPath);


         BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(cfs[0]);

         if (removeExisting)
            if (!isWorkspaceExist(repository, wEntry.getName()))
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         if (backupLog == null)
            throw new BackupLogNotFoundException("The backup log file with id " + backupId + " not exists.");

         BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(backupLog);

         repository = backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository();
         workspace = backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace();

         validateOneRestoreInstants(repository, workspace);


         //workspace name and repository name should equals original names from backup set.
         if (!repository.equals(backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository()))
            throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Repository name\"" + repository
                     + "\" should equals original repository name from backup set : \""
                     + backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository() + "\".");

         if (!workspace.equals(backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace()))
            throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Workspace name\"" + workspace
                     + "\" should equals original workspace name from backup set : \""
                     + backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace() + "\".");

         if (removeExisting)
            if (!isWorkspaceExist(repository, workspace))
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         String workspace = null;


            BackupChainLog backupChainLog = new BackupChainLog(backuplog);

            repository = backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository();
            workspace = backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace();

            validateOneRestoreInstants(repository, workspace);


            if (removeExisting)
               if (!isWorkspaceExist(repository, workspace))
                  throw new WorkspaceRestoreException("Workspace " + workspace + " is not exists!");

               backupManager.restoreExistingWorkspace(backupSetDir, true);
               if (isWorkspaceExist(repository, workspace))
                  throw new Exception("Workspace " + workspace + " already exists!");

               backupManager.restoreWorkspace(backupSetDir, true);

             * Sleeping
             * Restore must be initialized by job thread


             * search necessary restore

            List<JobWorkspaceRestore> restoreJobs = backupManager.getRestores();
            JobWorkspaceRestore restore = null;
            for (JobWorkspaceRestore curRestore : restoreJobs)
               if (curRestore.getRepositoryName().equals(repository) && curRestore.getWorkspaceName().equals(workspace))
                  restore = curRestore;

            if (restore != null)
               ShortInfo info =
                        new ShortInfo(ShortInfo.RESTORE, restore.getBackupChainLog(), restore.getStartTime(), restore
                                 .getEndTime(), restore.getStateRestore(), restore.getRepositoryName(), restore
               return Response.ok(info).cacheControl(noCache).build();

            return Response.ok().cacheControl(noCache).build();
         catch (WorkspaceRestoreExeption e)
            exception = e;
            status = Response.Status.FORBIDDEN;
            failMessage = e.getMessage();
         catch (RepositoryException e)
            exception = e;
            status = Response.Status.NOT_FOUND;
            failMessage = e.getMessage();
         catch (RepositoryConfigurationException e)
            exception = e;
            status = Response.Status.NOT_FOUND;
            failMessage = e.getMessage();
         catch (BackupLogNotFoundException e)
            exception = e;
            status = Response.Status.NOT_FOUND;
            failMessage = e.getMessage();
         catch (Throwable e)
            exception = e;
            status = Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
            failMessage = e.getMessage();

         log.error("Can not start restore the workspace '" + "/" + repository + "/" + workspace
                  + "' from backup set \"" + backupSetPath + "\"", exception);

         return Response.status(status).entity(
                  "Can not start restore the workspace '" + "/" + repository + "/" + workspace + "' from backup set \""
                           + backupSetPath + "\" : " + failMessage).type(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).cacheControl(noCache)
         String repository = null;


            RepositoryBackupChainLog backupChainLog = new RepositoryBackupChainLog(backuplog);
            repository = backupChainLog.getBackupConfig().getRepository();


            if (removeExisting)
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            DetailedInfo info = new DetailedInfo(DetailedInfo.CURRENT, current);
            return Response.ok(info).cacheControl(noCache).build();

         BackupChainLog completed = null;

         for (BackupChainLog chainLog : backupManager.getBackupsLogs())
            if (id.equals(chainLog.getBackupId()))
               completed = chainLog;
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      WorkspaceInitializerEntry wieOriginal = systemWorkspaceEntry.getInitializer();

      //getting backup chail log to system workspace.
      BackupChainLog systemBackupChainLog = workspacesMapping.get(systemWorkspaceEntry.getName());
      WorkspaceInitializerEntry wiEntry = getWorkspaceInitializerEntry(systemBackupChainLog);

      // set initializer
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         File cf = cfs[i];

            if (!isCurrentBackup(cf))
               logs.add(new BackupChainLog(cf));
         catch (BackupOperationException e)
            log.warn("Log file " + cf.getAbsolutePath() + " is bussy or corrupted. Skipped. " + e, e);
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      if (workspaceNamesCorrespondMap == null)
         for (String path : rblog.getWorkspaceBackupsInfo())
            BackupChainLog bLog = new BackupChainLog(new File(path));
            backups.put(bLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace(), bLog);

         if (!rblog.getSystemWorkspace().equals(repositoryEntry.getSystemWorkspaceName()))
            throw new BackupConfigurationException(
               "The backup to system workspace is not system workspace in repository entry: "
                  + rblog.getSystemWorkspace() + " is not equal " + repositoryEntry.getSystemWorkspaceName());

         if (backups.size() != repositoryEntry.getWorkspaceEntries().size())
            throw new BackupConfigurationException(
               "The repository entry is contains more or less workspace entry than backups of workspace in "
                  + rblog.getLogFilePath());

         for (WorkspaceEntry wsEntry : repositoryEntry.getWorkspaceEntries())
            if (!backups.containsKey(wsEntry.getName()))
               throw new BackupConfigurationException("The workspace '" + wsEntry.getName()
                  + "' is not found in backup " + rblog.getLogFilePath());
               workspacesMapping.put(wsEntry.getName(), backups.get(wsEntry.getName()));
         // Create map [new_ws_name : backupLog to that workspace].
         for (String path : rblog.getWorkspaceBackupsInfo())
            BackupChainLog bLog = new BackupChainLog(new File(path));

            if (!workspaceNamesCorrespondMap.containsKey(bLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace()))
               throw new BackupConfigurationException("Can not found coresptonding workspace name to workspace '"
                  + bLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace() + "' in  " + workspaceNamesCorrespondMap.keySet());

            backups.put(workspaceNamesCorrespondMap.get(bLog.getBackupConfig().getWorkspace()), bLog);

         // Checking system workspace.
         if (!repositoryEntry.getSystemWorkspaceName().equals(
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