Package org.exolab.castor.dsml

Examples of org.exolab.castor.dsml.SearchDescriptor$Names$Element

    private Element handleDiv( boolean newLine )
        throws IOException
        int ch = nextToken();
        Element el = null;

        if( ch == '%' )
            String style = null;
            String clazz = null;

            ch = nextToken();

            //  Style or class?
            if( ch == '(' )
                style = readBraceContent('(',')');
            else if( Character.isLetter( (char) ch ) )
                pushBack( ch );
                clazz = readUntil( " \t\n\r" );
                ch = nextToken();

                //  Pop out only spaces, so that the upcoming EOL check does not check the
                //  next line.
                if( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' )
                // Anything else stops.


                    Boolean isSpan = m_styleStack.pop();

                    if( isSpan == null )
                        // Fail quietly
                    else if( isSpan.booleanValue() )
                        el = popElement( "span" );
                        el = popElement( "div" );
                catch( EmptyStackException e )
                    log.debug("Page '"+m_context.getName()+"' closes a %%-block that has not been opened.");
                    return m_currentElement;

                return el;

            //  Check if there is an attempt to do something nasty
                style = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(style);
                if( style != null && style.indexOf("javascript:") != -1 )
                    log.debug("Attempt to output javascript within CSS:"+style);
                    ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( m_context, InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE );
                    return addElement( makeError( rb.getString( "markupparser.error.javascriptattempt" ) ) );
            catch( NumberFormatException e )
                //  If there are unknown entities, we don't want the parser to stop.
                ResourceBundle rb = Preferences.getBundle( m_context, InternationalizationManager.CORE_BUNDLE );
                String msg = MessageFormat.format( rb.getString( "markupparser.error.parserfailure"), e.getMessage() );
                return addElement( makeError( msg ) );

            //  Decide if we should open a div or a span?
            String eol = peekAheadLine();

            if( eol.trim().length() > 0 )
                // There is stuff after the class

                el = new Element("span");

                m_styleStack.push( Boolean.TRUE );
                el = new Element("div");
                m_styleStack.push( Boolean.FALSE );

            if( style != null ) el.setAttribute("style", style);
            if( clazz != null ) el.setAttribute("class", clazz );
            el = pushElement( el );

            return el;

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    private Element handleBar( boolean newLine )
        throws IOException
        Element el = null;

        if( !m_istable && !newLine )
            return null;

        //  If the bar is in the first column, we will either start
        //  a new table or continue the old one.

        if( newLine )
            if( !m_istable )
                el = pushElement( new Element("table").setAttribute("class","wikitable").setAttribute("border","1") );
                m_istable = true;
                m_rowNum = 0;

            Element tr = ( m_rowNum % 2 != 0 )
                       ? new Element("tr").setAttribute("class", "odd")
                       : new Element("tr");
            el = pushElement( tr );

        //  Check out which table cell element to start;
        //  a header element (th) or a regular element (td).
        int ch = nextToken();

        if( ch == '|' )
            if( !newLine )
                el = popElement("th");
                if( el == null ) popElement("td");
            el = pushElement( new Element("th") );
            if( !newLine )
                el = popElement("td");
                if( el == null ) popElement("th");

            el = pushElement( new Element("td") );

            pushBack( ch );

        return el;
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     * @throws IOException If parsing fails.
    protected int parseToken( int ch )
        throws IOException
        Element el = null;

        //  Now, check the incoming token.
        switch( ch )
          case '\r':
            // DOS linefeeds we forget
            return IGNORE;

          case '\n':
            //  Close things like headings, etc.

            // FIXME: This is not really very fast
            popElement("dl"); // Close definition lists.
            if( m_istable )

            m_isdefinition = false;

            if( m_newLine )
                // Paragraph change.

                //  Figure out which elements cannot be enclosed inside
                //  a <p></p> pair according to XHTML rules.
                String nextLine = peekAheadLine();
                if( nextLine.length() == 0 ||
                    (nextLine.length() > 0 &&
                     !nextLine.startsWith("{{{") &&
                     !nextLine.startsWith("----") &&
                     !nextLine.startsWith("%%") &&
                     "*#!;".indexOf( nextLine.charAt(0) ) == -1) )
                    pushElement( new Element("p") );
                    m_isOpenParagraph = true;

                    if( m_restartitalic )
                        pushElement( new Element("i") );
                        m_isitalic = true;
                        m_restartitalic = false;
                    if( m_restartbold )
                        pushElement( new Element("b") );
                        m_isbold = true;
                        m_restartbold = false;
                m_newLine = true;
            return IGNORE;

          case '\\':
            el = handleBackslash();

          case '_':
            el = handleUnderscore();

          case '\'':
            el = handleApostrophe();

          case '{':
            el = handleOpenbrace( m_newLine );

          case '}':
            el = handleClosebrace();

          case '-':
            if( m_newLine )
                el = handleDash();


          case '!':
            if( m_newLine )
                el = handleHeading();

          case ';':
            if( m_newLine )
                el = handleDefinitionList();

          case ':':
            if( m_isdefinition )
                el = pushElement( new Element("dd") );
                m_isdefinition = false;

          case '[':
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    private void closeHeadings()
        if( m_lastHeading != null && !m_wysiwygEditorMode )
            // Add the hash anchor element at the end of the heading
            addElement( new Element("a").setAttribute( "class","hashlink" ).setAttribute( "href","#"+m_lastHeading.m_titleAnchor ).setText( "#" ) );
            m_lastHeading = null;
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        throws IOException
        WikiDocument d = new WikiDocument( m_context.getPage() );
        d.setContext( m_context );

        Element rootElement = new Element("domroot");

        d.setRootElement( rootElement );

        fillBuffer( rootElement );
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            //  If there were any elements, then add a new <p> (unless it would
            //  be an empty one)
            if( ls.size() > 0 )
                Element newel = new Element("p");

                for( Iterator i = ls.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                    Content c = (Content);


                // Make sure there are no empty <p/> tags added.
                if( newel.getTextTrim().length() > 0 || !newel.getChildren().isEmpty() )
                    rootElement.addContent(idxOfFirstContent, newel);
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        for( Iterator itr = baseElement.getChildren().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            Object childElement =;
            if( childElement instanceof Element )
                Element element = (Element)childElement;
                String elementName = element.getName().toLowerCase();
                Attribute classAttr = element.getAttribute( CLASS_ATTRIBUTE );

                if( elementName.equals( A_ELEMENT ) )
                    if( classAttr != null )
                        String classValue = classAttr.getValue();
                        Attribute hrefAttr = element.getAttribute( HREF_ATTRIBUTE );

                        XHtmlToWikiConfig wikiConfig = new XHtmlToWikiConfig( m_context );

                        // Get the url for wiki page link - it's typically "Wiki.jsp?page=MyPage"
                        // or when using the ShortURLConstructor option, it's "wiki/MyPage" .
                        String wikiPageLinkUrl = wikiConfig.getWikiJspPage();
                        String editPageLinkUrl = wikiConfig.getEditJspPage();

                        if( classValue.equals( WIKIPAGE )
                            || ( hrefAttr != null && hrefAttr.getValue().startsWith( wikiPageLinkUrl ) ) )
                            // Remove the leading url string so that users will only see the
                            // wikipage's name when editing an existing wiki link.
                            // For example, change "Wiki.jsp?page=MyPage" to just "MyPage".
                            String newHref = hrefAttr.getValue().substring( wikiPageLinkUrl.length() );

                            // Convert "This%20Pagename%20Has%20Spaces" to "This Pagename Has Spaces"
                            newHref = m_context.getEngine().decodeName( newHref );

                            // Handle links with section anchors.
                            // For example, we need to translate the html string "TargetPage#section-TargetPage-Heading2"
                            // to this wiki string: "TargetPage#Heading2".
                            hrefAttr.setValue( newHref.replaceFirst( LINKS_SOURCE, LINKS_TRANSLATION ) );
                        else if( hrefAttr != null && (classValue.equals( EDITPAGE ) ||
                                                      hrefAttr.getValue().startsWith( editPageLinkUrl ) ) )
                            Attribute titleAttr = element.getAttribute( TITLE_ATTRIBUTE );
                            if( titleAttr != null )
                                // remove the title since we don't want to eventually save the default undefined page title.
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    public String getString()
        throws IOException
        Element rootElement = m_document.getRootElement();
        processChildren( rootElement );

        m_document.setContext( m_context );

        XMLOutputter output = new XMLOutputter();
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        // Get all resources of all modules
        List< Element > editors = XmlUtil.parse( PLUGIN_RESOURCE_LOCATION, "/modules/editor" );

        for( Iterator< Element > i = editors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Element pluginEl =;
            String name = pluginEl.getAttributeValue( "name" );
            WikiEditorInfo info = WikiEditorInfo.newInstance( name, pluginEl );

            if( checkCompatibility(info) ) {
                m_editors.put( name, info );
                log.debug( "Registered editor " + name );
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            Entry e = (Entry);
            WikiPage p = e.getPage();

            String url = e.getURL();

            Element item = new Element("item");

            item.addContent( new Element("link").setText(url) );

            item.addContent( new Element("title").setText( e.getTitle()) );

            item.addContent( new Element("description").setText( e.getContent()) );

            //  Attachments for enclosures

            if( engine.getAttachmentManager().hasAttachments(p) && servletContext != null )
                    Collection c = engine.getAttachmentManager().listAttachments(p);

                    for( Iterator a = c.iterator(); a.hasNext(); )
                        Attachment att = (Attachment);

                        Element attEl = new Element("enclosure");
                        attEl.setAttribute( "url", engine.getURL(WikiContext.ATTACH, att.getName(), null, true ) );
                        attEl.setAttribute( "length", Long.toString(att.getSize()) );
                        attEl.setAttribute( "type", getMimeType( servletContext, att.getFileName() ) );

                        item.addContent( attEl );
                catch( ProviderException ex )
                    // FIXME:"Can't get attachment data",ex);

            //  Modification date.
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.setTime( p.getLastModified() );
            cal.add( Calendar.MILLISECOND,
                     - (cal.get( Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET ) +
                        (cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime( p.getLastModified() ) ? cal.get( Calendar.DST_OFFSET ) : 0 )) );

            item.addContent( new Element("pubDate").setText(fmt.format(cal.getTime())) );

            list.add( item );

        return list;
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Related Classes of org.exolab.castor.dsml.SearchDescriptor$Names$Element

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