Package org.exolab.castor.dsml

Examples of org.exolab.castor.dsml.SearchDescriptor$Names$Attribute

        dims.add( iDim);
        ncfile.addDimension( null, iDim);
        ncfile.addDimension( null, jDim);
        //ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", thredds.catalog.DataType.GRID.toString()));
        if(cname.startsWith("Precip")) {
            ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("isRadial", new Integer(3)));
            ddx = ddx * rasp_xscale;
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", FeatureType.GRID.toString()));
        //Variable dist = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "distance");
        //ncfile.addVariable(null, dist);
        //dist.setSPobject( new Vinfo ( numX, numX0, numY, numY0, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, null, pkcode, 0));

        String coordinates = "x y time latitude longitude altitude";

        Variable v = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, cname+ "_RAW");
        ncfile.addVariable(null, v);
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", ctitle));
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", cunit));
        v.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, numY0, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, null, pkcode, 0));
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));

        if( cname.startsWith("VertLiquid")){
          addVariable(cname, ctitle, ncfile, dims, coordinates, DataType.FLOAT,
                       cunit, hoff, hedsiz, isZ, nlevel, levels, iscale);
        else if( cname.startsWith("EchoTop")){
          addVariable(cname, ctitle, ncfile, dims, coordinates, DataType.FLOAT,
                       cunit, hoff, hedsiz, isZ, nlevel, levels, iscale);
        else if( cname.startsWith("BaseReflectivityComp") || cname.startsWith("LayerCompReflect")){
          addVariable(cname, ctitle, ncfile, dims, coordinates, DataType.FLOAT,
                       cunit, hoff, hedsiz, isZ, nlevel, levels, iscale);
        else if( cname.startsWith("Precip")){
          addVariable(cname, ctitle, ncfile, dims, coordinates, DataType.FLOAT,
                       cunit, hoff, hedsiz, isZ, nlevel, levels, iscale);

        // create coordinate variables
        Variable xaxis = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, "x");
        xaxis.setDataType( DataType.DOUBLE);
        xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "projection x coordinate"));
        xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "km"));
        xaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoX"));
        double[] data1 = new double[numX];
        for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++)
          data1[i] = (double) (numX0 + i*ddx);
        Array dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {numX}, data1);
        xaxis.setCachedData( dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, xaxis);

        Variable yaxis = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, "y");
        yaxis.setDataType( DataType.DOUBLE);
        yaxis.setDimensions( "y");
        yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "projection y coordinate"));
        yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "km"));
        yaxis.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoY"));
        data1 = new double[numY];
        for (int i = 0; i < numY; i++)
          data1[i] = numY0 + i*ddx;
        dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {numY}, data1);
        yaxis.setCachedData( dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, yaxis);

        ProjectionImpl projection = new FlatEarth(lat_min, lon_max);
        //ProjectionImpl projection = new LambertConformal(latitude, longitude, latitude, latitude);
        // coordinate transform variable
        Variable ct = new Variable( ncfile, null, null, projection.getClassName());
        ct.setDataType( DataType.CHAR);
        ct.setDimensions( "");
        List params = projection.getProjectionParameters();
        for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
          Parameter p = (Parameter) params.get(i);
          ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(p));
        ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, "Projection"));
        ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, "x y"));
        // fake data
        dataA = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {});
        dataA.setChar(dataA.getIndex(), ' ');
        ct.setCachedData(dataA, false);

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        int nlevel = code_levelslookup( pcode );
        int [] levels;

        //prod_info_size = 2 * (int) (num_bin * scale + 0.5);
        //dimensions: radial, bin
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", FeatureType.RADIAL.toString()));
        Dimension radialDim = new Dimension("azimuth", num_radials);
        ncfile.addDimension( null, radialDim);

        Dimension binDim = new Dimension("gate", num_bin);
        ncfile.addDimension( null, binDim);
        dims.add( radialDim);
        dims.add( binDim);

        ArrayList dims1 =  new ArrayList();
        ArrayList dims2 =  new ArrayList();
        // Variable aziVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "azimuth");
        // aziVar.setDataType(DataType.FLOAT);
        // aziVar.setDimensions(dims1);
        // ncfile.addVariable(null, aziVar);
        // aziVar.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "azimuth angle in degrees: 0 = true north, 90 = east"));
        // aziVar.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "degrees"));
        // aziVar.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, numY0, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, null, 0));

        // dims1 =  new ArrayList();
        // dims1.add(binDim);
        //Variable gateV = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "gate1");
        //ncfile.addVariable(null, gateV);
        //gateV.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "radial distance to start of gate"));
        //gateV.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", "m"));
        //gateV.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, radp_scale, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, null, 0, 0));
        isR = true;

        // add elevation coordinate variable
        String vName = "elevation";
        String lName = "elevation angle in degres: 0 = parallel to pedestal base, 90 = perpendicular";
        Attribute att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialElevation.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.FLOAT, "degrees",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, p3);

        // add azimuth coordinate variable
        vName = "azimuth";
        lName = "azimuth angle in degrees: 0 = true north, 90 = east";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialAzimuth.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.FLOAT, "degrees",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, 0);

        // add gate coordinate variable
        vName = "gate";
        lName = "Radial distance to the start of gate";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.RadialDistance.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims2, att, DataType.FLOAT, "meters",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, radp_scale);

        // add radial coordinate variable

        vName = "latitude";
        lName = "Latitude of the instrument";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lat.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.FLOAT, "degrees",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, 0);

        vName = "longitude";
        lName = "Longitude of the instrument";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Lon.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.FLOAT, "degrees",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, 0);

        vName = "altitude";
        lName = "Altitude in meters (asl) of the instrument";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Height.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.FLOAT, "meters",hoff, hedsiz, isZ, 0);

        vName = "rays_time";
        lName = "rays time";
        att = new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, AxisType.Time.toString());
        addParameter(vName, lName, ncfile, dims1, att, DataType.DOUBLE, "milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC"
                    ,hoff, hedsiz, isZ, 0);
        //add RAW, BRIT variables for all radial variable
        if(pcode == 182 || pcode == 99 ) {
            levels = getTDWRLevels(nlevel, threshold);
            iscale = 10;
        } else if (pcode == 186 || pcode == 94) {
            threshold[0] = -320;
            threshold[1] = 5;
            threshold[2] = 254;
            levels = getTDWRLevels(nlevel, threshold);
            iscale = 10;
        } else if (pcode == 32  ) {
            levels = getTDWRLevels1(nlevel, threshold);
            iscale = 10;
        } else if (pcode == 138) {
            levels = getTDWRLevels1(nlevel, threshold);
            iscale = 100;
        } else if (pcode == 134 ||  pcode == 135) {
            levels = getTDWRLevels2(nlevel, threshold);
            iscale = 1;
        else {
            levels = getLevels(nlevel, threshold);

        Variable v = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, cname + "_RAW");
        ncfile.addVariable(null, v);
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", cunit));
        String coordinates = "elevation azimuth gate rays_time latitude longitude altitude";
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("_unsigned", "true"));
        v.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, numY0, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, levels, 0, nlevel));

        // addVariable(cname + "_Brightness", ctitle + " Brightness", ncfile, dims, coordinates, DataType.FLOAT,
        //                 cunit, hoff, hedsiz, isZ, nlevel, levels, iscale);
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        Variable v = new Variable(nc, null, null, pName);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, v);
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", longName));
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", ut));
        v.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));
        v.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, numY0, hoff, hedsiz, isR, isZ, null, levels, iscale, nlevel));

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          Variable vVar = new Variable(nc, null, null, vName);
          if( dims != null ) vVar.setDimensions(dims);
          else vVar.setDimensions("");
          if(att != null ) vVar.addAttribute(att);
          vVar.addAttribute( new Attribute("units", ut));
          vVar.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", longName));
          nc.addVariable(null, vVar);
          vVar.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numX, numX0, numY, y0, hoff, doff, isR, isZ, null, null, 0, 0));
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            ctitle = "error" ;
            cunit = "error" ;
            cname = "error";
        /* add geo global att  */
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("summary", "Nexrad level 3 data are WSR-88D radar products." +
                  summary ));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("keywords_vocabulary", ctilt));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("conventions", _Coordinate.Convention));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("format", "Level3/NIDS"));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lat_min", new Float(lat_min)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lat_max", new Float(lat_max)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lon_min", new Float(lon_min)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_lon_max", new Float(lon_max)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_min", new Float(height)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_max", new Float(height)));

        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("RadarElevationNumber", new Integer(prod_elevation)));
        dstring = formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(startDate);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_start", dstring));
        dstring = formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(endDate);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("time_coverage_end", dstring));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("data_min", new Float(prod_min)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("data_max", new Float(prod_max)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("isRadial", new Integer(radial)));
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          ncfile.addDimension( null, tbDim);
          dims.add( tbDim);
          Variable ppage = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "TabMessagePage");
          ppage.addAttribute( new Attribute("long_name", "Stand Alone Tabular Alphanumeric Product Message"));
          ncfile.addVariable(null, ppage);
          //ppage.setSPobject( new Vinfo (numPages, 0, tblen, 0, hoff, ppos, isR, false, null, null, 82, 0));
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        Short tShort;
        Integer tInt;
        //Double tDouble = null;

        /* thredds global att */
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("title", "Nexrad Level 3 Data"));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("keywords", "WSR-88D; NIDS"));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("creator_name", "NOAA/NWS"));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("creator_url", ""));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("naming_authority", "NOAA/NCDC"));

        //      ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("keywords_vocabulary", cname));
        //out.println( "offset of buffer is " + off);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        tShort = (Short)convert(b2, DataType.SHORT, -1);
        divider  =  tShort.shortValue();
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("Divider", tShort));

        buf.get(b4, 0, 4);
        tInt = (Integer)convert(b4, DataType.INT, -1);
        latitude = tInt.intValue()/ 1000.0;
        buf.get(b4, 0, 4);
        tInt = (Integer)convert(b4, DataType.INT, -1);
        longitude = tInt.intValue()/ 1000.0;
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        height = getInt(b2, 2)*0.3048; // LOOK now in units of meters

        if (useStationDB) { // override by station table for more accuracy
        try {
          NexradStationDB.init(); // make sure database is initialized
          NexradStationDB.Station station = NexradStationDB.get("K"+stationId);
          if (station != null) {
            latitude =;
            longitude = station.lon;
            height = station.elev;
            stationName =;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          log.error("NexradStationDB.init "+raf.getLocation(), ioe);

        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("RadarLatitude", new Double(latitude)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("RadarLongitude", new Double(longitude)));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("RadarAltitude", new Double(height)));

        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        pcode = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("ProductStation", stationId));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("ProductStationName", stationName));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        opmode = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("OperationalMode", new Short(opmode)));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        volumnScanPattern = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("VolumeCoveragePatternName", new Short(volumnScanPattern)));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        sequenceNumber = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("SequenceNumber", new Short(sequenceNumber)));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        volumeScanNumber = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("VolumeScanNumber", new Short(volumeScanNumber)));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        volumeScanDate = (short)getUInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b4, 0, 4);
        volumeScanTime = getUInt(b4, 4);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        productDate = (short)getUInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b4, 0, 4);
        productTime = getUInt(b4, 4);
        java.util.Date pDate = getDate( productDate, productTime*1000);
        String dstring = formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(pDate);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("DateCreated", dstring));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p1 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p2 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        elevationNumber = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("ElevationNumber",new Short(elevationNumber)));
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p3 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        off += 40;
        if(pcode == 182 || pcode == 186 || pcode == 32
                || pcode == 94 || pcode == 99) {
          for(int i = 0; i< 16; i++) {
            buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
            threshold[i] = (short)bytesToInt(b2[0], b2[1], false);
        else {
          for(int i = 0; i< 16; i++) {
            buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
            threshold[i] = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        off += 32;
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p4 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        //int t1 = getUInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p5 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        //t1 = getUInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p6 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        //t1 = getUInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p7 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p8 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p9 = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        p10 = (short)getUInt(b2, 2) ; //bytesToInt(b2[0], b2[1], true); //       getInt(b2, 2); //
        off += 14;

        buf.get(b2, 0, 2);
        numberOfMaps = (short)getInt(b2, 2);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("NumberOfMaps",new Short(numberOfMaps)));
        off += 2;
        buf.get(b4, 0, 4);
        //tInt = (Integer)convert(b4, DataType.INT, -1);
        offsetToSymbologyBlock = getInt(b4, 4);
        //ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("offset_symbology_block",new Integer(offsetToSymbologyBlock)));
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        // time
        Variable timeVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "time");
        timeVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units",
                                           "seconds since "
                                           + df.toDateTimeString(nomTime)));
        timeVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time"));
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(1);
        ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(0, 0);
        timeVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, timeVar);

        // lines and elements
        Variable lineVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lines");
        //lineVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        lineVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numLines);
        for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
            int pos = nav.isFlippedLineCoordinates()
                      ? i
                      : numLines - i - 1;
            ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(i, pos);
        lineVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, lineVar);

        Variable elementVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "elements");
        //elementVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        elementVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numElements);
        for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
            ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(i, i);
        elementVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, elementVar);

        // TODO: handle bands and calibrations
        Variable bandVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "bands");
        bandVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name",
                                           "spectral band number"));
        bandVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "Z"));
        Array bandArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numBands);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) {
            ((ArrayInt.D1) bandArray).set(i, bandMap[i]);
        bandVar.setCachedData(bandArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, bandVar);

        // the image
        Variable imageVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "image");
        setCalTypeAttributes(imageVar, getCalType(calName));
        imageVar.addAttribute(new Attribute(getADDescription(af.AD_CALTYPE),
        imageVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("bands", bandArray));
        imageVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("grid_mapping", "AREAnav"));
        ncfile.addVariable(null, imageVar);

        Variable dirVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "areaDirectory");
        ArrayInt.D1 dirArray = new ArrayInt.D1(AreaFile.AD_DIRSIZE);
        for (int i = 0; i < AreaFile.AD_DIRSIZE; i++) {
            dirArray.set(i, dirBlock[i]);
        dirVar.setCachedData(dirArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, dirVar);

        Variable navVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "navBlock");
        ArrayInt.D1 navArray = new ArrayInt.D1(navBlock.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < navBlock.length; i++) {
            navArray.set(i, navBlock[i]);
        navVar.setCachedData(navArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, navVar);

        // projection variable
        ProjectionImpl projection = new McIDASAreaProjection(af);
        Variable       proj = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "AREAnav");

        List params = projection.getProjectionParameters();
        for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
            Parameter p = (Parameter) params.get(i);
            proj.addAttribute(new Attribute(p));

        // For now, we have to overwrite the parameter versions of thes
            new Attribute(
                "grid_mapping_name", McIDASAreaProjection.GRID_MAPPING_NAME));
        proj.addAttribute(new Attribute(McIDASAreaProjection.ATTR_AREADIR,
        proj.addAttribute(new Attribute(McIDASAreaProjection.ATTR_NAVBLOCK,
        varArray = new ArrayChar.D0();
        ((ArrayChar.D0) varArray).set(' ');
        proj.setCachedData(varArray, false);

        ncfile.addVariable(null, proj);

        // add the attributes
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("Conventions", "CF-1.0"));
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("netCDF-Java", "4.0"));
                            new Attribute("nominal_image_time",
        String encStr = "netCDF encoded on "
                        + df.toDateTimeString(new Date());
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("history", encStr));

        //Lastly, finish the file
        return true;
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        for (int i = 1; i < 14; i++) {
            if (i == 7) {
            v.addAttribute(new Attribute(getADDescription(i),
                                         new Integer(dirBlock[i])));
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    private void setNavBlockAttributes(Variable v) {
        if ((navBlock == null) || (ad == null)) {
            new Attribute(
                "navigation_type", McIDASUtil.intBitsToString(navBlock[0])));
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Related Classes of org.exolab.castor.dsml.SearchDescriptor$Names$Attribute

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