* TODO: Maybe we could provide more detailed messages in the trap, e.g. couldnt delete node `xyz` into `abc` becuase... this would be nicer for the end user of the xquery application
if (!Type.subTypeOf(inSeq.getItemType(), Type.NODE))
//Indicate the failure to perform this update by adding it to the sequence in the context variable XQueryContext.XQUERY_CONTEXTVAR_XQUERY_UPDATE_ERROR
ValueSequence prevUpdateErrors = null;
final XPathException xpe = new XPathException(this, Messages.getMessage(Error.UPDATE_SELECT_TYPE));
final Object ctxVarObj = context.getXQueryContextVar(XQueryContext.XQUERY_CONTEXTVAR_XQUERY_UPDATE_ERROR);
if(ctxVarObj == null)
prevUpdateErrors = new ValueSequence();
prevUpdateErrors = (ValueSequence)XPathUtil.javaObjectToXPath(ctxVarObj, context);
prevUpdateErrors.add(new StringValue(xpe.getMessage()));
context.setXQueryContextVar(XQueryContext.XQUERY_CONTEXTVAR_XQUERY_UPDATE_ERROR, prevUpdateErrors);
{throw xpe;} //TODO: should we trap this instead of throwing an exception - deliriumsky?