Package org.exist.xquery

Examples of org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext

       assertEquals("0750", result.itemAt(0).toString());
    public void modeToOctal_invalidMode() throws XPathException {
       final XQueryContext mckContext = EasyMock.createMock(XQueryContext.class);

       final PermissionsFunction permissionsFunctions = new PermissionsFunction(mckContext, PermissionsFunction.FNS_MODE_TO_OCTAL);
       Sequence args[] = {
           new StringValue("invalid")
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      if (collection == null)
        {throw new BadRequestException("Collection " + request.getPath() + " does not exist.");}

      final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService();

      final XQueryContext context = xquery.newContext(AccessContext.REST);

      String contentType = request.getHeader("Content-Type");
      String charset = getContext().getDefaultCharset();

      MimeType mime = MimeType.XML_TYPE;
      if (contentType != null) {
        final int semicolon = contentType.indexOf(';');
        if (semicolon > 0) {
          contentType = contentType.substring(0, semicolon).trim();
        mime = MimeTable.getInstance().getContentType(contentType);
        final int equals = contentType.indexOf('=', semicolon);
        if (equals > 0) {
          final String param = contentType.substring(semicolon + 1, equals).trim();
          if (param.compareToIgnoreCase("charset=") == 0) {
            charset = param.substring(equals + 1).trim();

      if (!mime.isXMLType() && !mime.equals(xqueryMimeType)) {
        throw new BadRequestException(
            "The xquery mime type is not an XML mime type nor application/xquery");

      CompiledXQuery compiledQuery = null;
      try {
        final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        final Reader r = new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream(), charset);
        final char[] buffer = new char[4096];
        int len;
        long count = 0;
        final long contentLength = request.getContentLength();
        while ((len = >= 0 && count < contentLength) {
          count += len;
          builder.append(buffer, 0, len);
        compiledQuery = xquery.compile(context, new StringSource(builder.toString()));
      } catch (final XPathException ex) {
        throw new EXistException("Cannot compile xquery.", ex);
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        throw new EXistException(
            "I/O exception while compiling xquery.", ex);

        new XmldbURI[] {
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       permissionsFunctions.eval(args, null);
    public void octalToMode() throws XPathException {
       final XQueryContext mckContext = EasyMock.createMock(XQueryContext.class);

       final PermissionsFunction permissionsFunctions = new PermissionsFunction(mckContext, PermissionsFunction.FNS_OCTAL_TO_MODE);
       Sequence args[] = {
           new StringValue("0750")
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      {throw new BadRequestException("Collection " + request.getPath() + " does not exist.");}

    final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService();
    CompiledXQuery feedQuery = xquery.getXQueryPool().borrowCompiledXQuery(broker, config.querySource);

    XQueryContext context;
    if (feedQuery == null) {
      context = xquery.newContext(AccessContext.REST);
      try {
        feedQuery = xquery.compile(context, config.querySource);
      } catch (final XPathException ex) {
        throw new EXistException("Cannot compile xquery "
            + config.querySource.getURL(), ex);
      } catch (final IOException ex) {
        throw new EXistException(
            "I/O exception while compiling xquery "
                + config.querySource.getURL(), ex);
    } else {
      context = feedQuery.getContext();

    context.setStaticallyKnownDocuments(new XmldbURI[] { XmldbURI.create(
        request.getPath()).append(AtomProtocol.FEED_DOCUMENT_NAME) });

    try {
      declareVariables(context, request.getRequest(), response.getResponse());
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     * Test of eval method, of class IdFunction.
     * when real and effective users are different
    public void differingRealAndEffectiveUsers() throws XPathException, XpathException {
        final XQueryContext mckContext = createMockBuilder(XQueryContext.class)

        final Subject mckRealUser = EasyMock.createMock(Subject.class);
        final String realUsername = "real";
        expect(mckRealUser.getGroups()).andReturn(new String[]{"realGroup1", "realGroup2"});

        final Subject mckEffectiveUser = EasyMock.createMock(Subject.class);
        final String effectiveUsername = "effective";
        expect(mckEffectiveUser.getGroups()).andReturn(new String[]{"effectiveGroup1", "effectiveGroup2"});

        replay(mckEffectiveUser, mckRealUser, mckContext);
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     * Test of eval method, of class IdFunction.
     * when real and effective users are the same
    public void sameRealAndEffectiveUsers() throws XPathException, XpathException {
        final XQueryContext mckContext = createMockBuilder(XQueryContext.class)

        final Subject mckUser = EasyMock.createMock(Subject.class);
        final String username = "user1";
        expect(mckUser.getGroups()).andReturn(new String[]{"group1", "group2"});


        replay(mckUser, mckContext);

        final IdFunction idFunctions = new IdFunction(mckContext, IdFunction.FNS_ID);
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    if(!TriggerStatePerThread.verifyUniqueTriggerPerThreadBeforePrepare(this, src)) {
    final XQueryContext context = service.newContext(AccessContext.TRIGGER);
         //TODO : further initialisations ?
        CompiledXQuery compiledQuery;
          //compile the XQuery
          compiledQuery = service.compile(context, query);

          //declare external variables
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "type", EVENT_TYPE_PREPARE);
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "event", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));
          if (isCollection)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src));}
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));}

          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "uri", new AnyURIValue(src));
          if (dst == null)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE);}
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", new AnyURIValue(dst));}
          // For backward compatibility
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "eventType", EVENT_TYPE_PREPARE);
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "triggerEvent", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));

          if (isCollection)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src));}
          else {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "documentName", new AnyURIValue(src));
          //declare user defined parameters as external variables
          for(final Iterator itUserVarName = userDefinedVariables.keySet().iterator(); itUserVarName.hasNext();)
            final String varName = (String);
            final String varValue = userDefinedVariables.getProperty(varName);
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + varName, new StringValue(varValue));
        } catch(final XPathException e) {
        TriggerStatePerThread.setTriggerRunningState(TriggerStatePerThread.NO_TRIGGER_RUNNING, this, null);
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    // avoid infinite recursion by allowing just one trigger per thread
    if(!TriggerStatePerThread.verifyUniqueTriggerPerThreadBeforeFinish(this, src))
        final XQueryContext context = service.newContext(AccessContext.TRIGGER);
        CompiledXQuery compiledQuery = null;
        try {
          //compile the XQuery
          compiledQuery = service.compile(context, query);
          //declare external variables
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "type", EVENT_TYPE_FINISH);
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "event", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));
          if (isCollection)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src));}
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collection", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));}
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "uri", new AnyURIValue(src));
          if (dst == null)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE);}
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "new-uri", new AnyURIValue(dst));}
          // For backward compatibility
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "eventType", EVENT_TYPE_FINISH);
          context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "triggerEvent", new StringValue(eventToString(event)));
          if (isCollection)
            {context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src));}
          else {
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "collectionName", new AnyURIValue(src.removeLastSegment()));
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + "documentName", new AnyURIValue(src));
          //declare user defined parameters as external variables
          for(final Iterator itUserVarName = userDefinedVariables.keySet().iterator(); itUserVarName.hasNext();)
            final String varName = (String);
            final String varValue = userDefinedVariables.getProperty(varName);
            context.declareVariable(bindingPrefix + varName, new StringValue(varValue));
        } catch(final XPathException e) {
          //Should never be reached
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//        DocumentSet docs = collection.getCollection().allDocs(broker, new DocumentSet(), true, true);
        final XmldbURI[] docs = new XmldbURI[] { XmldbURI.create(collection.getName()) };

        final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService();
        final XQueryPool pool = xquery.getXQueryPool();
        XQueryContext context;
        CompiledXQuery compiled = pool.borrowCompiledXQuery(broker, source);
        if(compiled == null)
            {context = xquery.newContext(accessCtx);}
            {context = compiled.getContext();}

        if (variableDecls.containsKey(Debuggee.PREFIX+":session")) {
          context.declareVariable(Debuggee.SESSION, variableDecls.get(Debuggee.PREFIX+":session"));

        setupContext(source, context);
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        DBBroker broker = null;
        try {
            final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            broker = brokerPool.get(user);
            final XQuery xquery = broker.getXQueryService();
            final XQueryContext context = xquery.newContext(accessCtx);
            setupContext(null, context);
            final CompiledXQuery expr = xquery.compile(context, query);
//            checkPragmas(context);
            LOG.debug("compilation took "  (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
            return expr;
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Related Classes of org.exist.xquery.XQueryContext

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