// dropping old structure index
dropIndex(transaction, doc);
// dropping dom index
final NodeRef ref = new NodeRef(doc.getDocId());
final IndexQuery idx = new IndexQuery(IndexQuery.TRUNC_RIGHT, ref);
new DOMTransaction(this, domDb, Lock.WRITE_LOCK) {
public Object start() {
try {
domDb.remove(transaction, idx, null);
} catch(final IOException | DBException e) {
LOG.warn("start() - " + "error while removing doc", e);
} catch(final TerminatedException e) {
LOG.warn("method terminated", e);
return null;
// create a copy of the old doc to copy the nodes into it
final DocumentImpl tempDoc = new DocumentImpl(pool, doc.getCollection(), doc.getFileURI());
tempDoc.copyOf(doc, true);
indexController.setDocument(doc, StreamListener.STORE);
final StreamListener listener = indexController.getStreamListener();
// copy the nodes
final NodeList nodes = doc.getChildNodes();
for(int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
final StoredNode node = (StoredNode) nodes.item(i);
final Iterator<StoredNode> iterator = getNodeIterator(node);
copyNodes(transaction, iterator, node, new NodePath(), tempDoc, true, true, listener);
// remove the old nodes
new DOMTransaction(this, domDb, Lock.WRITE_LOCK) {
public Object start() {
domDb.removeAll(transaction, firstChild);
try {