* eXist Open Source Native XML Database
* Copyright (C) 2001-07 The eXist Project
* http://exist-db.org
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* $Id$
package org.exist.backup;
import org.exist.security.Account;
import org.exist.security.Group;
import org.exist.security.Permission;
import org.exist.storage.StorageAddress;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.exist.collections.Collection;
import org.exist.dom.BinaryDocument;
import org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl;
import org.exist.dom.ElementImpl;
import org.exist.dom.StoredNode;
import org.exist.management.Agent;
import org.exist.management.AgentFactory;
import org.exist.numbering.NodeId;
import org.exist.security.internal.AccountImpl;
import org.exist.stax.EmbeddedXMLStreamReader;
import org.exist.storage.DBBroker;
import org.exist.storage.NativeBroker;
import org.exist.storage.btree.BTreeCallback;
import org.exist.storage.btree.Value;
import org.exist.storage.dom.DOMFile;
import org.exist.storage.dom.DOMTransaction;
import org.exist.storage.index.CollectionStore;
import org.exist.storage.io.VariableByteInput;
import org.exist.storage.lock.Lock;
import org.exist.xmldb.XmldbURI;
import org.exist.xquery.TerminatedException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import org.exist.security.PermissionDeniedException;
public class ConsistencyCheck
private Stack<ElementNode> elementStack = new Stack<ElementNode>();
private int documentCount = -1;
private DBBroker broker;
private int defaultIndexDepth;
private boolean directAccess = false;
private boolean checkDocs = false;
* @param broker the db broker to use
* @param directAccess set to true to bypass the collections.dbx index and perform a low-level scan instead
* @param checkDocs set to true to perform additional checks on every document (slow)
public ConsistencyCheck( DBBroker broker, boolean directAccess, boolean checkDocs)
this.broker = broker;
this.defaultIndexDepth = ( (NativeBroker)broker ).getDefaultIndexDepth();
this.directAccess = directAccess;
this.checkDocs = checkDocs;
* Combines {@link #checkCollectionTree(org.exist.backup.ConsistencyCheck.ProgressCallback)} and {@link
* #checkDocuments(org.exist.backup.ConsistencyCheck.ProgressCallback)}.
* @param callback the callback object to report to
* @return a list of {@link ErrorReport} objects or an empty list if no errors were found
* @throws TerminatedException DOCUMENT ME!
public List<ErrorReport> checkAll( ProgressCallback callback ) throws TerminatedException, PermissionDeniedException
final List<ErrorReport> errors = checkCollectionTree( callback );
checkDocuments( callback, errors );
return( errors );
* Run some tests on the collection hierarchy, starting at the root collection /db.
* @param callback callback object
* @return a list of {@link ErrorReport} instances describing the errors found
* @throws TerminatedException DOCUMENT ME!
public List<ErrorReport> checkCollectionTree( ProgressCallback callback ) throws TerminatedException, PermissionDeniedException
try {
final List<ErrorReport> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorReport>();
final Collection root = broker.getCollection( XmldbURI.ROOT_COLLECTION_URI );
checkCollection( root, errors, callback );
return( errors );
finally {
private void checkCollection( Collection collection, List<ErrorReport> errors, ProgressCallback callback ) throws TerminatedException
final XmldbURI uri = collection.getURI();
if (callback != null)
{callback.startCollection( uri.toString() );}
checkPermissions(collection, errors);
try {
for(final Iterator<XmldbURI> i = collection.collectionIteratorNoLock(broker); i.hasNext(); ) {
final XmldbURI childUri = i.next();
try {
final Collection child = broker.getCollection( uri.append( childUri ) );
if( child == null ) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.CollectionError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.CHILD_COLLECTION, "Child collection not found: " + childUri + ", parent is " + uri );
error.setCollectionId( collection.getId() );
error.setCollectionURI( childUri );
errors.add( error );
if (callback != null)
{callback.error( error );}
if (child.getId() != collection.getId())
{checkCollection( child, errors, callback );}
catch( final Exception e ) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new ErrorReport.CollectionError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.CHILD_COLLECTION, "Error while loading child collection: " + childUri + ", parent is " + uri );
error.setCollectionId( collection.getId() );
error.setCollectionURI( childUri );
errors.add( error );
if (callback != null)
{callback.error( error );}
} catch(final PermissionDeniedException pde) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new ErrorReport.CollectionError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.CHILD_COLLECTION, "Error while loading collection: " + collection.getURI() + ", parent is " + uri );
error.setCollectionId(collection.getId() );
if(callback != null) {
public int getDocumentCount() throws TerminatedException
if( documentCount == -1 ) {
try {
final DocumentCallback cb = new DocumentCallback( null, null, false );
broker.getResourcesFailsafe( cb, directAccess );
documentCount = cb.docCount;
finally {
return( documentCount );
* Run some tests on all documents stored in the database. The method checks if a document is readable and if its DOM representation is
* consistent.
* @param progress progress callback
* @return a list of {@link ErrorReport} instances describing the errors found
* @throws TerminatedException DOCUMENT ME!
public List<ErrorReport> checkDocuments( ProgressCallback progress ) throws TerminatedException
final List<ErrorReport> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorReport>();
checkDocuments( progress, errors );
return( errors );
* Run some tests on all documents stored in the database. The method checks if a document is readable and if its DOM representation is
* consistent.
* @param progress progress callback
* @param errorList error reports will be added to this list, using instances of class {@link ErrorReport}.
* @throws TerminatedException DOCUMENT ME!
public void checkDocuments( ProgressCallback progress, List<ErrorReport> errorList ) throws TerminatedException
try {
final DocumentCallback cb = new DocumentCallback( errorList, progress, true );
broker.getResourcesFailsafe( cb, directAccess );
finally {
public void checkPermissions(Collection collection, List<ErrorReport> errorList) {
try {
Permission perms = collection.getPermissions();
Account owner = perms.getOwner();
if (owner == null) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new ErrorReport.CollectionError( ErrorReport.ACCESS_FAILED, "Owner account not found for collection: " + collection.getURI());
error.setCollectionId( collection.getId() );
error.setCollectionURI( collection.getURI() );
Group group = perms.getGroup();
if (group == null) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new ErrorReport.CollectionError( ErrorReport.ACCESS_FAILED, "Owner group not found for collection: " + collection.getURI());
error.setCollectionId( collection.getId() );
error.setCollectionURI( collection.getURI() );
} catch(Exception e) {
final ErrorReport.CollectionError error = new ErrorReport.CollectionError( ErrorReport.ACCESS_FAILED, "Exception caught while : " + collection.getURI());
error.setCollectionId( collection.getId() );
error.setCollectionURI( collection.getURI() );
public ErrorReport checkPermissions(final DocumentImpl doc) {
try {
Permission perms = doc.getPermissions();
Account owner = perms.getOwner();
if (owner == null) {
return new ErrorReport.ResourceError(ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, "Owner account not found for document " + doc.getFileURI());
Group group = perms.getGroup();
if (group == null) {
return new ErrorReport.ResourceError(ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, "Owner group not found for document " + doc.getFileURI());
} catch(Exception e) {
return new ErrorReport.ResourceError(ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, "Exception caught while checking permissions on document " + doc.getFileURI(), e);
return null;
* Check if data for the given XML document exists. Tries to load the document's root element.
* This check is certainly not as comprehensive as {@link #checkXMLTree(org.exist.dom.DocumentImpl)},
* but much faster.
* @param doc the document object to check
* @return
public ErrorReport checkDocument(final DocumentImpl doc) {
final DOMFile domDb = ( (NativeBroker)broker ).getDOMFile();
return (ErrorReport)new DOMTransaction( this, domDb, Lock.WRITE_LOCK, doc ) {
public Object start() {
EmbeddedXMLStreamReader reader = null;
try {
final ElementImpl root = (ElementImpl)doc.getDocumentElement();
if (root == null) {
return new ErrorReport.ResourceError(ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, "Failed to access document data");
} catch( final Exception e ) {
return( new ErrorReport.ResourceError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, e.getMessage(), e ) );
} finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
return null;
* Check the persistent DOM of a document. The method traverses the entire node tree and checks it for consistency, including node relationships,
* child and attribute counts etc.
* @param doc the document to check
* @return null if the document is consistent, an error report otherwise.
public ErrorReport checkXMLTree( final DocumentImpl doc )
final DOMFile domDb = ( (NativeBroker)broker ).getDOMFile();
return( (ErrorReport)new DOMTransaction( this, domDb, Lock.WRITE_LOCK, doc ) {
public Object start() {
EmbeddedXMLStreamReader reader = null;
try {
final ElementImpl root = (ElementImpl)doc.getDocumentElement();
reader = broker.getXMLStreamReader( root, true );
NodeId nodeId;
boolean attribsAllowed = false;
int expectedAttribs = 0;
int attributeCount = 0;
while( reader.hasNext() ) {
final int status = reader.next();
nodeId = (NodeId)reader.getProperty( EmbeddedXMLStreamReader.PROPERTY_NODE_ID );
ElementNode parent = null;
if( ( status != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT ) && !elementStack.isEmpty() ) {
parent = elementStack.peek();
// test parent-child relation
if( !nodeId.isChildOf( parent.elem.getNodeId() ) ) {
return( new ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.NODE_HIERARCHY, "Node " + nodeId + " is not a child of " + parent.elem.getNodeId() ) );
// test sibling relation
if( ( parent.prevSibling != null ) && !( nodeId.isSiblingOf( parent.prevSibling ) && ( nodeId.compareTo( parent.prevSibling ) > 0 ) ) ) {
return( new ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.INCORRECT_NODE_ID, "Node " + nodeId + " is not a sibling of " + parent.prevSibling ) );
parent.prevSibling = nodeId;
switch( status ) {
case XMLStreamReader.ATTRIBUTE: {
case XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT: {
if( elementStack.isEmpty() ) {
return( new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.NODE_HIERARCHY, "Error in node hierarchy: received END_ELEMENT event " + "but stack was empty!" ) );
final ElementNode lastElem = elementStack.pop();
if( lastElem.childCount != lastElem.elem.getChildCount() ) {
return( new ErrorReport.ResourceError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.NODE_HIERARCHY, "Element reports incorrect child count: expected " + lastElem.elem.getChildCount() + " but found " + lastElem.childCount ) );
case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT: {
if( nodeId.getTreeLevel() <= defaultIndexDepth ) {
// check dom.dbx btree, which maps the node
// id to the node's storage address
// look up the node id and check if the
// returned storage address is correct
final NativeBroker.NodeRef nodeRef = new NativeBroker.NodeRef( doc.getDocId(), nodeId );
try {
final long p = domDb.findValue( nodeRef );
if( p != reader.getCurrentPosition() ) {
final Value v = domDb.get( p );
if( v == null ) {
return( new ErrorReport.IndexError( ErrorReport.DOM_INDEX, "Failed to access node " + nodeId + " through dom.dbx index. Wrong storage address. Expected: " + p + "; got: " + reader.getCurrentPosition() + " - ", doc.getDocId() ) );
catch( final Exception e ) {
return( new ErrorReport.IndexError( ErrorReport.DOM_INDEX, "Failed to access node " + nodeId + " through dom.dbx index.", e, doc.getDocId() ) );
final StoredNode node = reader.getNode();
if( node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
return( new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.INCORRECT_NODE_TYPE, "Expected an element node, received node of type " + node.getNodeType() ) );
elementStack.push( new ElementNode( (ElementImpl)node ) );
attribsAllowed = true;
attributeCount = 0;
expectedAttribs = reader.getAttributeCount();
default: {
if( attribsAllowed ) {
if( attributeCount != expectedAttribs ) {
return( new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.INCORRECT_NODE_TYPE, "Wrong number of attributes. Expected: " + expectedAttribs + "; found: " + attributeCount ) );
attribsAllowed = false;
if( !elementStack.isEmpty() ) {
return( new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.NODE_HIERARCHY, "Error in node hierarchy: reached end of tree but " + "stack was not empty!" ) );
return( null );
catch( final IOException e ) {
return( new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, e.getMessage(), e ) );
catch( final XMLStreamException e ) {
return( new ErrorReport.ResourceError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, e.getMessage(), e ) );
finally {
if (reader != null) {
try {
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
}.run() );
public interface ProgressCallback
void startDocument( String name, int current, int count ) throws TerminatedException;
void startCollection( String path ) throws TerminatedException;
void error( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport error );
private static class ElementNode
ElementImpl elem;
int childCount = 0;
NodeId prevSibling = null;
ElementNode( ElementImpl element )
this.elem = element;
private class DocumentCallback implements BTreeCallback
private List<ErrorReport> errors;
private ProgressCallback progress;
private int docCount = 0;
private boolean checkDocs;
private int lastPercentage = -1;
private Agent jmxAgent = AgentFactory.getInstance();
private ArrayList<DocumentImpl> docs = new ArrayList<>(8192);
private DocumentCallback( List<ErrorReport> errors, ProgressCallback progress, boolean checkDocs )
this.errors = errors;
this.progress = progress;
this.checkDocs = checkDocs;
public boolean indexInfo( Value key, long pointer ) throws TerminatedException
final CollectionStore store = (CollectionStore)( (NativeBroker)broker ).getStorage( NativeBroker.COLLECTIONS_DBX_ID );
final @SuppressWarnings( "unused" )
int collectionId = CollectionStore.DocumentKey.getCollectionId( key );
final int docId = CollectionStore.DocumentKey.getDocumentId( key );
try {
final byte type = key.data()[key.start() + Collection.LENGTH_COLLECTION_ID + DocumentImpl.LENGTH_DOCUMENT_TYPE];
final VariableByteInput istream = store.getAsStream( pointer );
DocumentImpl doc = null;
if( type == DocumentImpl.BINARY_FILE ) {
doc = new BinaryDocument( broker.getBrokerPool() );
} else {
doc = new DocumentImpl( broker.getBrokerPool() );
doc.read( istream );
if( checkDocs ) {
if( progress != null ) {
progress.startDocument( doc.getFileURI().toString(), docCount, getDocumentCount() );
int percentage = 100 * ( docCount + 1 ) / ( getDocumentCount() + 1 );
if( ( jmxAgent != null ) && ( percentage != lastPercentage ) ) {
lastPercentage = percentage;
jmxAgent.updateStatus( broker.getBrokerPool(), percentage );
if( ( type == DocumentImpl.XML_FILE ) && !directAccess ) {
// add to the list of pending documents. They will be checked later
catch( final TerminatedException e ) {
throw( e );
catch( final Exception e ) {
final org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError error = new org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.ResourceError( org.exist.backup.ErrorReport.RESOURCE_ACCESS_FAILED, e.getMessage(), e );
error.setDocumentId( docId );
if( errors != null ) {
errors.add( error );
if( progress != null ) {
progress.error( error );
return( true );
* Sort the documents in the pending list by their storage page, then
* check each of them.
public void checkDocs() {
DocumentImpl documents[] = new DocumentImpl[docs.size()];
Arrays.sort(documents, new Comparator<DocumentImpl>() {
public int compare(DocumentImpl d1, DocumentImpl d2) {
final long a1 = StorageAddress.pageFromPointer(d1.getFirstChildAddress());
final long a2 = StorageAddress.pageFromPointer(d2.getFirstChildAddress());
return Long.compare(a1, a2);
for (DocumentImpl doc : documents) {
ErrorReport report;
report = checkPermissions(doc);
if (report == null) {
if (ConsistencyCheck.this.checkDocs) {
report = checkXMLTree(doc);
} else {
report = checkDocument(doc);
if( report != null ) {
if(report instanceof ErrorReport.ResourceError) {
( (ErrorReport.ResourceError)report ).setDocumentId( doc.getDocId() );
if(errors != null) {
if(progress != null) {