
Examples of

   * @see org.exist.xmldb.EXistResource#getLastModificationTime()
  public Date getLastModificationTime() throws XMLDBException {
        if (isNewResource)
            {throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE, "The resource has not yet been stored");}
    final Subject preserveSubject = pool.getSubject();
    DBBroker broker = null;
    try {
      broker = pool.get(user);
      final BinaryDocument blob = (BinaryDocument)getDocument(broker, Lock.NO_LOCK);
      return new Date(blob.getMetadata().getLastModified());
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     * @see org.exist.xmldb.AbstractEXistResource#getMimeType()
    public String getMimeType() throws XMLDBException {
        if (isNewResource)
            {return mimeType;}
    final Subject preserveSubject = pool.getSubject();
        DBBroker broker = null;
        try {
            broker = pool.get(user);
            final BinaryDocument blob = (BinaryDocument)getDocument(broker, Lock.NO_LOCK);
            mimeType = blob.getMetadata().getMimeType();
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   * @see org.exist.xmldb.EXistResource#getMode()
  public Permission getPermissions() throws XMLDBException {
        if (isNewResource)
            {throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE, "The resource has not yet been stored");}
    final Subject preserveSubject = pool.getSubject();
      DBBroker broker = null;
      try {
          broker = pool.get(user);
        final DocumentImpl document = getDocument(broker, Lock.NO_LOCK);
      return document != null ? document.getPermissions() : null;
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   * @see org.exist.xmldb.EXistResource#getContentLength()
  public long getContentLength() throws XMLDBException {
        if (isNewResource)
            {throw new XMLDBException(ErrorCodes.INVALID_RESOURCE, "The resource has not yet been stored");}
    final Subject preserveSubject = pool.getSubject();
    DBBroker broker = null;
    try {
      broker = pool.get(user);
      final DocumentImpl document = getDocument(broker, Lock.NO_LOCK);
      return document.getContentLength();
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            final Account account = sm.getAccount(userName);
            if(account != null) {
                //TEMP - ESCALATE TO DBA :-(
                 * Security Manager has a fundamental flaw
                 * Group Membership is stored in the Account XML: so you cannot
                 * add a user to a group without modifying the users XML
                 * this is a security issue as if you are not that user
                 * you have to escalate to DBA - must redesign
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    if (ldapUser) {
      AbstractAccount account = (AbstractAccount) getAccount(username);
      if (account == null) {
        Subject currentSubject = getDatabase().getSubject();
                DBBroker broker = null;
        try {
                    broker = getDatabase().get(null);

                    //elevate to system privs
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        if(modeStr.indexOf(Permission.EXECUTE_CHAR) > -1) {
            mode |= Permission.EXECUTE;
        final Subject effectiveSubject = context.getEffectiveUser();
        try {
            final boolean hasAccess = getPermissions(pathUri).validate(effectiveSubject, mode);
            return BooleanValue.valueOf(hasAccess);
        } catch(final XPathException xpe) {
            LOG.error(xpe.getMessage(), xpe);
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    public Sequence eval(final Sequence[] args, final Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
        final DBBroker broker = getContext().getBroker();
        final Subject currentUser = broker.getSubject();
        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        final String username = args[0].getStringValue();
        if(isCalledAs(qnIsAccountEnabled.getLocalName())) {
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !currentUser.getName().equals(username)) {
                throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA or be enquiring about your own account!");
            final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);
            return new BooleanValue(account.isEnabled());
        } else if(isCalledAs(qnSetAccountEnabled.getLocalName())) {
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole()) {
                throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA to change the status of an account!");
            final boolean enable = args[1].effectiveBooleanValue();
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            // map's the path if a mapping is specified in the descriptor
            path = descriptor.mapPath(path);

        // third, authenticate the user
        final Subject user = authenticate(request, response);
        if (user == null) {
            // You now get a challenge if there is no user
            // response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN,
            // "Permission denied: unknown user or password");

        DBBroker broker = null;
        try {
            final XmldbURI dbpath = XmldbURI.create(path);
            broker = getPool().get(user);
            final Collection collection = broker.getCollection(dbpath);
            if (collection != null) {
                response.sendError(400, "A PUT request is not allowed against a plain collection path.");
            srvREST.doPut(broker, dbpath, request, response);

        } catch (final BadRequestException e) {
            if (response.isCommitted()) {
                throw new ServletException(e.getMessage(), e);
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage());
        } catch (final PermissionDeniedException e) {
            // If the current user is the Default User and they do not have permission
            // then send a challenge request to prompt the client for a username/password.
            // Else return a FORBIDDEN Error
            if (user != null && user.equals(getDefaultUser())) {
                getAuthenticator().sendChallenge(request, response);
            } else {
                response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());
        } catch (final EXistException e) {
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            // map's the path if a mapping is specified in the descriptor
            path = descriptor.mapPath(path);

        // third, authenticate the user
        final Subject user = authenticate(request, response);
        if (user == null) {
            // You now get a challenge if there is no user
            // response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN,
            // "Permission denied: unknown user " + "or password");

        // fourth, process the request
        DBBroker broker = null;
        try {
            broker = getPool().get(user);

            // Route the request
            if (path.indexOf(SOAPServer.WEBSERVICE_MODULE_EXTENSION) > -1) {
                // SOAP Server
                srvSOAP.doGet(broker, request, response, path);
            } else {
                // REST Server
                srvREST.doGet(broker, request, response, path);
        } catch (final BadRequestException e) {
            if (response.isCommitted()) {
                throw new ServletException(e.getMessage());
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage());

        } catch (final PermissionDeniedException e) {
            // If the current user is the Default User and they do not have permission
            // then send a challenge request to prompt the client for a username/password.
            // Else return a FORBIDDEN Error
            if (user != null && user.equals(getDefaultUser())) {
                getAuthenticator().sendChallenge(request, response);
            } else {
                response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e.getMessage());
        } catch (final NotFoundException e) {
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