
Examples of$PrincipalIdReceiver

    private void setUMask(final DBBroker broker, final Subject currentUser, final String username, final int umask) throws XPathException {
        if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !currentUser.getUsername().equals(username)) {
            throw new XPathException(this, new PermissionDeniedException("You must have suitable access rights to set the users umask."));
        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);
        try {
        } catch(final PermissionDeniedException pde) {
            throw new XPathException(this, pde);
        } catch(final EXistException ee) {
            throw new XPathException(this, ee);
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        final Subject currentUser = broker.getSubject();
        if(currentUser.getName().equals(SecurityManager.GUEST_USER)) {
            throw new XPathException("You must be an authenticated user");

        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        final String strPrincipal = args[0].getStringValue();
        final String metadataAttributeNamespace = args[1].getStringValue();
        final String value = args[2].getStringValue();
        final Principal principal;
        if(isCalledAs(qnSetAccountMetadata.getLocalName())) {
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !currentUser.getUsername().equals(strPrincipal)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, new PermissionDeniedException("You must have suitable access rights to modify the users metadata."));
            principal = securityManager.getAccount(strPrincipal);
        } else if(isCalledAs(qnSetGroupMetadata.getLocalName())) {
            //check for a valid group metadata key
            boolean valid = false;
            for(final SchemaType groupMetadataKey : GetPrincipalMetadataFunction.GROUP_METADATA_KEYS) {
                if(groupMetadataKey.getNamespace().equals(metadataAttributeNamespace)) {
                    valid = true;
            if(!valid) {
                throw new XPathException("The metadata attribute key '" + metadataAttributeNamespace + "' is not valid on a group.");
            final Group group = securityManager.getGroup(strPrincipal);
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !group.isManager(currentUser)) {
                throw new XPathException(this, new PermissionDeniedException("You must have suitable access rights to modify the groups metadata."));
            principal = group;
        } else {
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    public Sequence eval(final Sequence[] args, final Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {

        final DBBroker broker = getContext().getBroker();
        final Subject currentUser = broker.getSubject();
        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();

        final String username = args[0].getStringValue();

        try {
            if(isCalledAs(qnRemoveAccount.getLocalName())) {
                /* remove account */
                if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole()) {
                    throw new XPathException("Only a DBA user may remove accounts.");
                if(!securityManager.hasAccount(username)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The user account with username " + username + " does not exist.");

                if(currentUser.getName().equals(username)) {
                    throw new XPathException("You cannot remove yourself i.e. the currently logged in user.");


            } else {

                final String password = args[1].getStringValue();

                if(isCalledAs(qnPasswd.getLocalName())) {
                    /* change password */

                    if(!(currentUser.getName().equals(username) || currentUser.hasDbaRole())) {
                        throw new XPathException("You may only change your own password, unless you are a DBA.");

                    final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);

                } else if(isCalledAs(qnCreateAccount.getLocalName())) {
                    /* create account */
                    if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole()) {
                        throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA to create a User Account.");
                    if(securityManager.hasAccount(username)) {
                        throw new XPathException("The user account with username " + username + " already exists.");

                    final Account user = new UserAider(username);

                    if(getSignature().getArgumentCount() >= 5) {
                        //set metadata values if present
                        user.setMetadataValue(AXSchemaType.FULLNAME, args[getSignature().getArgumentCount() - 2].toString());
                        user.setMetadataValue(EXistSchemaType.DESCRIPTION, args[getSignature().getArgumentCount() - 1].toString());

                    final String[] subGroups;
                    if(getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 3 || getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 5) {
                        //create the personal group
                        final Group group = new GroupAider(username);
                        group.setMetadataValue(EXistSchemaType.DESCRIPTION, "Personal group for " + username);

                        //add the personal group as the primary group

                        subGroups = getGroups(args[2]);
                    } else {
                        //add the primary group as the primary group

                        subGroups = getGroups(args[3]);

                    for(int i = 0; i <  subGroups.length; i++) {

                    //create the account

                    //if we created a personal group, then add the new account as a manager of their personal group
                    if(getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 3 || getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 5) {
                        final Group group = securityManager.getGroup(username);
                } else {
                    throw new XPathException("Unknown function call: " + getSignature());
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    public Sequence eval(final Sequence[] args, final Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {

        final SecurityManager securityManager = context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        final Subject currentSubject = context.getBroker().getSubject();

        try {
            final String groupName = args[0].itemAt(0).getStringValue();

            if(isCalledAs(qnCreateGroup.getLocalName())) {
                if(securityManager.hasGroup(groupName)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The group with name " + groupName + " already exists.");

                if(!currentSubject.hasDbaRole()) {
                    throw new XPathException("Only DBA users may create a user group.");

                final Group group = new GroupAider(groupName);

                if(getSignature().getArgumentCount() == 3) {
                    //set group managers
                    final List<Account> groupManagers = getGroupManagers(securityManager, args[1]);

                //set metadata
                if(getSignature().getArgumentCount() >= 2) {
                    group.setMetadataValue(EXistSchemaType.DESCRIPTION, args[getSignature().getArgumentCount() - 1].toString());


            } else if(isCalledAs(qnRemoveGroup.getLocalName()) || isCalledAs(qnDeleteGroup.getLocalName())) {

                if(!securityManager.hasGroup(groupName)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The group with name " + groupName + " does not exist.");

                final Group successorGroup;
                if(getArgumentCount() == 2) {
                    final String successorGroupName = args[1].itemAt(0).getStringValue();
                    if(!currentSubject.hasGroup(successorGroupName)) {
                        throw new PermissionDeniedException("You must be a member of the group for which permissions should be inherited by");
                    successorGroup = securityManager.getGroup(successorGroupName);

                } else {
                    successorGroup = securityManager.getGroup("guest");

                try {
                } catch(final EXistException ee) {
                    throw new XPathException(this, ee);
            } else {
                throw new XPathException("Unknown function call: " + getSignature());
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        if(!isCalledAs(qnGetUserGroups.getLocalName()) && currentUser.getName().equals(SecurityManager.GUEST_USER)) {
            throw new XPathException("You must be an authenticated user");

        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();

        final Sequence result;
        if(isCalledAs(qnGetUserPrimaryGroup.getLocalName())) {
            final String username = args[0].getStringValue();
            result = new StringValue(securityManager.getAccount(username).getPrimaryGroup());
        } else if(isCalledAs(qnGroupExists.getLocalName())) {
            final String groupName = args[0].getStringValue();
            result = BooleanValue.valueOf(securityManager.hasGroup(groupName));
        } else {
            final List<String> groupNames;
            if(isCalledAs(qnListGroups.getLocalName()) || isCalledAs(qnGetGroups.getLocalName())) {
                groupNames = securityManager.findAllGroupNames();
            } else if(isCalledAs(qnFindGroupsByGroupname.getLocalName())) {
                final String startsWith = args[0].getStringValue();
                groupNames = securityManager.findGroupnamesWhereGroupnameStarts(startsWith);
            } else if(isCalledAs(qnFindGroupsWhereGroupnameContains.getLocalName())) {
                final String fragment = args[0].getStringValue();
                groupNames = securityManager.findGroupnamesWhereGroupnameContains(fragment);
            } else if(isCalledAs(qnGetUserGroups.getLocalName())) {
                final String username = args[0].getStringValue();

                if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !currentUser.getName().equals(username)) {
                    throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA or enquiring about your own user account!");

                final Account user = securityManager.getAccount(username);
                groupNames = Arrays.asList(user.getGroups());
            } else {
                throw new XPathException("Unknown function");
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        Sequence result = Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;

        final DBBroker broker = getContext().getBroker();
        final Subject currentUser = broker.getSubject();
        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();

        try {
            if(isCalledAs(qnIsDba.getLocalName())) {
                final String username = args[0].getStringValue();

                if(!securityManager.hasAccount(username)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The user account with username " + username + " does not exist.");
                } else {
                    final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);
                    result = BooleanValue.valueOf(securityManager.hasAdminPrivileges(account));
            } else if(isCalledAs(qnSetPrimaryGroup.getLocalName())) {

                final String username = args[0].getStringValue();
                final String groupName = args[1].getStringValue();

                if(!securityManager.hasAccount(username)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The user account with username " + username + " does not exist.");

                if(!securityManager.hasGroup(groupName)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The user group with name " + groupName + " does not exist.");

                final Group group = securityManager.getGroup(groupName);

                if(!isCalledAs(qnGetGroupMembers.getLocalName()) && (!(group.isManager(currentUser) || currentUser.hasDbaRole()))) {
                    throw new XPathException("Only a Group Manager or DBA may modify the group or retrieve sensitive group information.");

                final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);

                //set the primary group

            } else {

                final String groupName = args[0].getStringValue();

                if(!securityManager.hasGroup(groupName)) {
                    throw new XPathException("The user group with name " + groupName + " does not exist.");

                final Group group = securityManager.getGroup(groupName);

                if(!isCalledAs(qnGetGroupMembers.getLocalName()) && (!(group.isManager(currentUser) || currentUser.hasDbaRole()))) {
                    throw new XPathException("Only a Group Manager or DBA may modify the group or retrieve sensitive group information.");

                if(isCalledAs(qnAddGroupMember.getLocalName())) {
                    final List<Account> users = getUsers(securityManager, args[1]);
                    addGroupMembers(securityManager, group, users);
                } else if(isCalledAs(qnRemoveGroupMember.getLocalName())) {
                    final List<Account> users = getUsers(securityManager, args[1]);
                    removeGroupMembers(securityManager, group, users);
                } else if(isCalledAs(qnGetGroupMembers.getLocalName())) {
                    final List<String> groupMembers = securityManager.findAllGroupMembers(groupName);

                    final ValueSequence seq = new ValueSequence();
                    for(final String groupMember : groupMembers) {
                        seq.add(new StringValue(groupMember));
View Full Code Here"Attempting to add user '" + userName + "' to group '" + groupName + "'");

        try {

            final SecurityManager sm = context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();

            final Group group = sm.getGroup(groupName);

            final Account account = sm.getAccount(userName);
            if(account != null) {
                //TEMP - ESCALATE TO DBA :-(
                 * Security Manager has a fundamental flaw
                 * Group Membership is stored in the Account XML: so you cannot
                 * add a user to a group without modifying the users XML
                 * this is a security issue as if you are not that user
                 * you have to escalate to DBA - must redesign
                 * Consider Unix /etc/groups design!
                 * See XMLDBCreateGroup and XMLDRemoveUserFromGroup
                final Subject currentSubject = context.getBroker().getSubject();
                try {

                    //perform action
                } finally {
                //END TEMP

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    public Sequence eval(final Sequence[] args, final Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException {
        final DBBroker broker = getContext().getBroker();
        final Subject currentUser = broker.getSubject();
        final SecurityManager securityManager = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        final String username = args[0].getStringValue();
        if(isCalledAs(qnIsAccountEnabled.getLocalName())) {
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole() && !currentUser.getName().equals(username)) {
                throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA or be enquiring about your own account!");
            final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);
            return new BooleanValue(account.isEnabled());
        } else if(isCalledAs(qnSetAccountEnabled.getLocalName())) {
            if(!currentUser.hasDbaRole()) {
                throw new XPathException("You must be a DBA to change the status of an account!");
            final boolean enable = args[1].effectiveBooleanValue();
            final Account account = securityManager.getAccount(username);
            try {
                return Sequence.EMPTY_SEQUENCE;
View Full Code Here"Attempting to remove user '" + userName + "' from group '" + groupName + "'");

        try {

            final SecurityManager sm = context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();

            final Account account = sm.getAccount(userName);


            //TEMP - ESCALATE TO DBA :-(
            //START TEMP - Whilst we can remove the group from the user
            //we cannot update the user because we do not have sufficient permissions
            //in the real world we should not be able to do either. The modelling of group
            //membership as a concern of user data is wrong! Should follow Unix approach.
            //see XMLDBAddUserToGroup also
            final Subject currentSubject = context.getBroker().getSubject();
            try {

                //perform action
            } finally {
            //END TEMP
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        final Sequence password = getArgument(1).eval(contextSequence, contextItem);
        final String username = usernameResult.getStringValue();
        final SecurityManager sm = broker.getBrokerPool().getSecurityManager();
        Subject user;
        try {
            user = sm.authenticate(username, password.getStringValue());
        } catch(final AuthenticationException e) {
            final XPathException exception = new XPathException(this, "Authentication failed", e);
            logger.error("Authentication failed for [" + username + "] because of [" + e.getMessage() + "].", exception);
            throw exception;
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Related Classes of$PrincipalIdReceiver

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