if (ngrams.length == 0)
return new EmptyNodeSet();
String firstNgramm = ngrams[0];
LOG.trace("First NGRAM: " + firstNgramm);
NodeSet result = index.search(getExpressionId(), docs, qnames, firstNgramm, firstNgramm, context, nodeSet, axis);
for (int i = 1; i < ngrams.length; i++) {
String ngram = ngrams[i];
int len = ngram.codePointCount(0, ngram.length());
int fillSize = index.getN() - len;
String filledNgram = ngram;
// if this ngram is shorter than n,
// fill it up with characters from the previous ngram. too short
// ngrams lead to a considerable performance loss.
if (fillSize > 0) {
String filler = ngrams[i - 1];
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int pos = filler.offsetByCodePoints(0, len);
for (int j = 0; j < fillSize; j++) {
int codepoint = filler.codePointAt(pos);
pos += Character.charCount(codepoint);
filledNgram = buf.toString();
LOG.debug("Filled: " + filledNgram);
NodeSet nodes = index.search(getExpressionId(), docs, qnames, filledNgram, ngram, context, nodeSet, axis);
final NodeSet nodesContainingFirstINgrams = result;
result = NodeSets.fmapNodes(nodes, new F<NodeProxy, NodeProxy>() {
public NodeProxy f(NodeProxy a) {
NodeProxy before = nodesContainingFirstINgrams.get(a);
if (before != null) {
return getContinuousMatches(before, a);
} else {
return null;