if (!targetResult.isPublic())
Set<Long> groupCoordinators = groupCoordMapper.execute(targetResult.getEntityId());
if (!groupCoordinators.contains(inActionContext.getPrincipal().getId()))
throw new AuthorizationException("Only group coordinators can add members to a private group.");
// if the group is private, the follower and group coordinators are the only users that can sever the
// relationship.
if (!targetResult.isPublic())
Set<Long> groupCoordinators = groupCoordMapper.execute(targetResult.getEntityId());
if (!groupCoordinators.contains(inActionContext.getPrincipal().getId())
&& !request.getFollowerUniqueId().equals(inActionContext.getPrincipal().getAccountId()))
throw new AuthorizationException("Coordinators and Followers are the only ones who can remove a "
+ "follower from a private group.");
// If the group is public only the own can sever the relationship.
else if (request.getFollowerUniqueId() != null && request.getFollowerUniqueId() != ""
&& !request.getFollowerUniqueId().equals(inActionContext.getPrincipal().getAccountId()))
throw new AuthorizationException("Only the owner of a relationship can remove it.");