final File externalsFile = createTmpFile("x.erlidex",
((ErlProject) project)
final IErlElementLocator model = ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel();
final IErlModule findModule = model.findModuleFromProject(project,
externalName, null, IErlElementLocator.Scope.PROJECT_ONLY);
// final ErlModelCache cache = ErlModelCache.getDefault();
// final Set<IErlModule> modulesByName = cache
// .getModulesByName(ListsUtils
// .withoutExtension(externalName));
// when
// creating a new project with a module with the same name and
// searching
// for it
final String projectName2 = "testprojectb";
project2 = createProject(
projectName2, getTmpPath(projectName2));
final IErlModule module = createModule(project2,
externalName, "-module(xyz).\n");
final IErlModule findModule2 = model.findModuleFromProject(project,
externalName, null, IErlElementLocator.Scope.ALL_PROJECTS);
// final Set<IErlModule> modulesByName2 = cache
// .getModulesByName(ListsUtils
// .withoutExtension(externalName));
// then