private void applyInitializingShard(final RoutingTable routingTable, final DiscoveryNodes nodes, final IndexMetaData indexMetaData, final IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRouting, final ShardRouting shardRouting) throws ElasticsearchException {
final IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(shardRouting.index());
if (indexService == null) {
// got deleted on us, ignore
final int shardId =;
if (indexService.hasShard(shardId)) {
IndexShard indexShard = indexService.shardSafe(shardId);
if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.STARTED || indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.POST_RECOVERY) {
// the master thinks we are initializing, but we are already started or on POST_RECOVERY and waiting
// for master to confirm a shard started message (either master failover, or a cluster event before
// we managed to tell the master we started), mark us as started
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("{} master marked shard as initializing, but shard has state [{}], resending shard started to {}",
indexShard.shardId(), indexShard.state(), nodes.masterNode());
if (nodes.masterNode() != null) {
shardStateAction.shardStarted(shardRouting, indexMetaData.getUUID(),
"master " + nodes.masterNode() + " marked shard as initializing, but shard state is [" + indexShard.state() + "], mark shard as started",
} else {
if (indexShard.ignoreRecoveryAttempt()) {
logger.trace("ignoring recovery instruction for an existing shard {} (shard state: [{}])", indexShard.shardId(), indexShard.state());
// if we're in peer recovery, try to find out the source node now so in case it fails, we will not create the index shard
DiscoveryNode sourceNode = null;
if (isPeerRecovery(shardRouting)) {
sourceNode = findSourceNodeForPeerRecovery(routingTable, nodes, shardRouting);
if (sourceNode == null) {
logger.trace("ignoring initializing shard {} - no source node can be found.", shardRouting.shardId());
// if there is no shard, create it
if (!indexService.hasShard(shardId)) {
if (failedShards.containsKey(shardRouting.shardId())) {
if (nodes.masterNode() != null) {
shardStateAction.resendShardFailed(shardRouting, indexMetaData.getUUID(),
"master " + nodes.masterNode() + " marked shard as initializing, but shard is marked as failed, resend shard failure",
try {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("[{}][{}] creating shard", shardRouting.index(), shardId);
InternalIndexShard indexShard = (InternalIndexShard) indexService.createShard(shardId);
} catch (IndexShardAlreadyExistsException e) {
// ignore this, the method call can happen several times
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to create shard", e, shardRouting.index(),;
try {
indexService.removeShard(shardId, "failed to create [" + ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(e) + "]");
} catch (IndexShardMissingException e1) {
// ignore
} catch (Throwable e1) {
logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to remove shard after failed creation", e1, shardRouting.index(),;
failedShards.put(shardRouting.shardId(), new FailedShard(shardRouting.version()));
if (nodes.masterNode() != null) {
shardStateAction.shardFailed(shardRouting, indexMetaData.getUUID(), "Failed to create shard, message [" + detailedMessage(e) + "]",
} else {
logger.debug("can't send shard failed for {} as there is no current master", shardRouting.shardId());
final InternalIndexShard indexShard = (InternalIndexShard) indexService.shardSafe(shardId);
if (indexShard.ignoreRecoveryAttempt()) {
// we are already recovering (we can get to this state since the cluster event can happen several
// times while we recover)
logger.trace("ignoring recovery instruction for shard {} (shard state: [{}])", indexShard.shardId(), indexShard.state());
if (isPeerRecovery(shardRouting)) {
try {
assert sourceNode != null : "peer recovery started but sourceNode is null";
// we don't mark this one as relocated at the end.
// For primaries: requests in any case are routed to both when its relocating and that way we handle
// the edge case where its mark as relocated, and we might need to roll it back...
// For replicas: we are recovering a backup from a primary
RecoveryState.Type type = shardRouting.primary() ? RecoveryState.Type.RELOCATION : RecoveryState.Type.REPLICA;
recoveryTarget.startRecovery(indexShard, type, sourceNode, new PeerRecoveryListener(shardRouting, indexService, indexMetaData));
} catch (Throwable e) {
indexShard.engine().failEngine("corrupted preexisting index", e);
handleRecoveryFailure(indexService, indexMetaData, shardRouting, true, e);
} else {
// we are the first primary, recover from the gateway
// if its post api allocation, the index should exists
boolean indexShouldExists = indexShardRouting.primaryAllocatedPostApi();
IndexShardGatewayService shardGatewayService = indexService.shardInjectorSafe(shardId).getInstance(IndexShardGatewayService.class);
shardGatewayService.recover(indexShouldExists, new IndexShardGatewayService.RecoveryListener() {
public void onRecoveryDone() {
shardStateAction.shardStarted(shardRouting, indexMetaData.getUUID(), "after recovery from gateway");