if (fieldName == null) {
throw new QueryParsingException(parseContext.index(), "terms filter requires a field name, followed by array of terms");
FieldMapper fieldMapper = null;
smartNameFieldMappers = parseContext.smartFieldMappers(fieldName);
String[] previousTypes = null;
if (smartNameFieldMappers != null) {
if (smartNameFieldMappers.hasMapper()) {
fieldMapper = smartNameFieldMappers.mapper();
fieldName = fieldMapper.names().indexName();
// if we have a doc mapper, its explicit type, mark it
if (smartNameFieldMappers.explicitTypeInNameWithDocMapper()) {
previousTypes = QueryParseContext.setTypesWithPrevious(new String[]{smartNameFieldMappers.docMapper().type()});
if (lookupId != null) {
// if there are no mappings, then nothing has been indexing yet against this shard, so we can return
// no match (but not cached!), since the Terms Lookup relies on the fact that there are mappings...
if (fieldMapper == null) {
return Queries.MATCH_NO_FILTER;
// external lookup, use it
TermsLookup termsLookup = new TermsLookup(fieldMapper, lookupIndex, lookupType, lookupId, lookupRouting, lookupPath, parseContext);
Filter filter = termsFilterCache.termsFilter(termsLookup, lookupCache, cacheKey);
if (filter == null) {
return null;
// cache the whole filter by default, or if explicitly told to
if (cache == null || cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
return filter;
if (terms.isEmpty()) {
return Queries.MATCH_NO_FILTER;
try {
Filter filter;
if (EXECUTION_VALUE_PLAIN.equals(execution)) {
if (fieldMapper != null) {
filter = fieldMapper.termsFilter(terms, parseContext);
} else {
BytesRef[] filterValues = new BytesRef[terms.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < filterValues.length; i++) {
filterValues[i] = BytesRefs.toBytesRef(terms.get(i));
filter = new TermsFilter(fieldName, filterValues);
// cache the whole filter by default, or if explicitly told to
if (cache == null || cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_FIELDDATA.equals(execution)) {
// if there are no mappings, then nothing has been indexing yet against this shard, so we can return
// no match (but not cached!), since the FieldDataTermsFilter relies on a mapping...
if (fieldMapper == null) {
return Queries.MATCH_NO_FILTER;
filter = fieldMapper.fieldDataTermsFilter(terms, parseContext);
if (cache != null && cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_BOOL.equals(execution)) {
XBooleanFilter boolFiler = new XBooleanFilter();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
boolFiler.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext), null), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
boolFiler.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))), null), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
filter = boolFiler;
// only cache if explicitly told to, since we cache inner filters
if (cache != null && cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_BOOL_NOCACHE.equals(execution)) {
XBooleanFilter boolFiler = new XBooleanFilter();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
boolFiler.add(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
boolFiler.add(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
filter = boolFiler;
// cache the whole filter by default, or if explicitly told to
if (cache == null || cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_AND.equals(execution)) {
List<Filter> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext), null));
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))), null));
filter = new AndFilter(filters);
// only cache if explicitly told to, since we cache inner filters
if (cache != null && cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_AND_NOCACHE.equals(execution)) {
List<Filter> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext));
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))));
filter = new AndFilter(filters);
// cache the whole filter by default, or if explicitly told to
if (cache == null || cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_OR.equals(execution)) {
List<Filter> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext), null));
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(parseContext.cacheFilter(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))), null));
filter = new OrFilter(filters);
// only cache if explicitly told to, since we cache inner filters
if (cache != null && cache) {
filter = parseContext.cacheFilter(filter, cacheKey);
} else if (EXECUTION_VALUE_OR_NOCACHE.equals(execution)) {
List<Filter> filters = Lists.newArrayList();
if (fieldMapper != null) {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(fieldMapper.termFilter(term, parseContext));
} else {
for (Object term : terms) {
filters.add(new TermFilter(new Term(fieldName, BytesRefs.toBytesRef(term))));