ReleasableBytesStreamOutput bStream = new ReleasableBytesStreamOutput(bigArrays);
boolean addedReleaseListener = false;
try {
StreamOutput stream = bStream;
// only compress if asked, and, the request is not bytes, since then only
// the header part is compressed, and the "body" can't be extracted as compressed
if (options.compress() && (!(request instanceof BytesTransportRequest))) {
status = TransportStatus.setCompress(status);
stream = CompressorFactory.defaultCompressor().streamOutput(stream);
stream = new HandlesStreamOutput(stream);
// we pick the smallest of the 2, to support both backward and forward compatibility
// note, this is the only place we need to do this, since from here on, we use the serialized version
// as the version to use also when the node receiving this request will send the response with
Version version = Version.smallest(this.version, node.version());
stream.writeString(transportServiceAdapter.action(action, version));
ReleasableBytesReference bytes;
ChannelBuffer buffer;
// it might be nice to somehow generalize this optimization, maybe a smart "paged" bytes output
// that create paged channel buffers, but its tricky to know when to do it (where this option is
// more explicit).
if (request instanceof BytesTransportRequest) {
BytesTransportRequest bRequest = (BytesTransportRequest) request;
assert node.version().equals(bRequest.version());
bytes = bStream.bytes();
ChannelBuffer headerBuffer = bytes.toChannelBuffer();
ChannelBuffer contentBuffer = bRequest.bytes().toChannelBuffer();
buffer = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(NettyUtils.DEFAULT_GATHERING, headerBuffer, contentBuffer);
} else {
bytes = bStream.bytes();
buffer = bytes.toChannelBuffer();
NettyHeader.writeHeader(buffer, requestId, status, version);
ChannelFuture future = targetChannel.write(buffer);