* @param headerRef Stores offsets per field in the {@code termVectors} and some
* header information as {@link BytesRef}.
* @param termVectors Stores the actual term vectors as a {@link BytesRef}.
public TermVectorFields(BytesReference headerRef, BytesReference termVectors) throws IOException {
BytesStreamInput header = new BytesStreamInput(headerRef);
fieldMap = new ObjectLongOpenHashMap<>();
// here we read the header to fill the field offset map
String headerString = header.readString();
assert headerString.equals("TV");
int version = header.readInt();
assert version == -1;
hasTermStatistic = header.readBoolean();
hasFieldStatistic = header.readBoolean();
final int numFields = header.readVInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
fieldMap.put((header.readString()), header.readVLong());
// reference to the term vector data
this.termVectors = termVectors;