int primaryLength = primary.length;
ArrayUtil.timSort(primary, comparator);
final Set<ModelNode> throttledNodes = new IdentityHashSet<>();
do {
for (int i = 0; i < primaryLength; i++) {
MutableShardRouting shard = primary[i];
if (!shard.primary()) {
boolean drop = deciders.canAllocate(shard, allocation).type() == Type.NO;
if (drop) {
while(i < primaryLength-1 &&[i], primary[i+1]) == 0) {
} else {
while(i < primaryLength-1 &&[i], primary[i+1]) == 0) {
secondary[secondaryLength++] = primary[++i];
assert !shard.assignedToNode() : shard;
/* find an node with minimal weight we can allocate on*/
float minWeight = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
ModelNode minNode = null;
Decision decision = null;
if (throttledNodes.size() < nodes.size()) {
/* Don't iterate over an identity hashset here the
* iteration order is different for each run and makes testing hard */
for (ModelNode node : nodes.values()) {
if (throttledNodes.contains(node)) {
* The shard we add is removed below to simulate the
* addition for weight calculation we use Decision.ALWAYS to
* not violate the not null condition.
if (!node.containsShard(shard)) {
node.addShard(shard, Decision.ALWAYS);
float currentWeight = weight.weight(Operation.ALLOCATE, this, node, shard.index());
* Remove the shard from the node again this is only a
* simulation
Decision removed = node.removeShard(shard);
assert removed != null;
* Unless the operation is not providing any gains we
* don't check deciders
if (currentWeight <= minWeight) {
Decision currentDecision = deciders.canAllocate(shard, routingNodes.node(node.getNodeId()), allocation);
if (currentDecision.type() == Type.YES || currentDecision.type() == Type.THROTTLE) {
if (currentWeight == minWeight) {
/* we have an equal weight tie breaking:
* 1. if one decision is YES prefer it
* 2. prefer the node that holds the primary for this index with the next id in the ring ie.
* for the 3 shards 2 replica case we try to build up:
* 1 2 0
* 2 0 1
* 0 1 2
* such that if we need to tie-break we try to prefer the node holding a shard with the minimal id greater
* than the id of the shard we need to assign. This works find when new indices are created since
* primaries are added first and we only add one shard set a time in this algorithm.
if (currentDecision.type() == decision.type()) {
final int repId =;
final int nodeHigh = node.highestPrimary(shard.index());
final int minNodeHigh = minNode.highestPrimary(shard.index());
if ((((nodeHigh > repId && minNodeHigh > repId) || (nodeHigh < repId && minNodeHigh < repId)) && (nodeHigh < minNodeHigh))
|| (nodeHigh > minNodeHigh && nodeHigh > repId && minNodeHigh < repId)) {
minNode = node;
minWeight = currentWeight;
decision = currentDecision;
} else {
} else if (currentDecision.type() != Type.YES) {
minNode = node;
minWeight = currentWeight;
decision = currentDecision;
assert decision != null && minNode != null || decision == null && minNode == null;
if (minNode != null) {
minNode.addShard(shard, decision);
if (decision.type() == Type.YES) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Assigned shard [{}] to [{}]", shard, minNode.getNodeId());
routingNodes.assign(shard, routingNodes.node(minNode.getNodeId()).nodeId());
changed = true;
continue; // don't add to ignoreUnassigned
} else {
final RoutingNode node = routingNodes.node(minNode.getNodeId());
if (deciders.canAllocate(node, allocation).type() != Type.YES) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("Can not allocate on node [{}] remove from round decisin [{}]", node, decision.type());
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("No eligable node found to assign shard [{}] decision [{}]", shard, decision.type());
} else if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("No Node found to assign shard [{}]", shard);
if (!shard.primary()) { // we could not allocate it and we are a replica - check if we can ignore the other replicas
while(secondaryLength > 0 &&, secondary[secondaryLength-1]) == 0) {