@Override public void run() {
if (!running) {
// return and don't spawn...
final DiscoveryNode masterToPing = masterNode;
if (masterToPing == null) {
// master is null, should not happen, but we are still running, so reschedule
threadPool.schedule(pingInterval, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, MasterPinger.this);
transportService.sendRequest(masterToPing, MasterPingRequestHandler.ACTION, new MasterPingRequest(nodesProvider.nodes().localNode().id(), masterToPing.id()), options().withHighType().withTimeout(pingRetryTimeout),
new BaseTransportResponseHandler<MasterPingResponseResponse>() {
@Override public MasterPingResponseResponse newInstance() {
return new MasterPingResponseResponse();
@Override public void handleResponse(MasterPingResponseResponse response) {
if (!running) {
// reset the counter, we got a good result
MasterFaultDetection.this.retryCount = 0;
// check if the master node did not get switched on us..., if it did, we simply return with no reschedule
if (masterToPing.equals(MasterFaultDetection.this.masterNode())) {
if (!response.connectedToMaster) {
logger.trace("[master] [{}] does not have us registered with it...", masterToPing);
// we don't stop on disconnection from master, we keep pinging it
threadPool.schedule(pingInterval, ThreadPool.Names.SAME, MasterPinger.this);
@Override public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
if (!running) {
if (exp instanceof ConnectTransportException) {
// ignore this one, we already handle it by registering a connection listener
synchronized (masterNodeMutex) {
// check if the master node did not get switched on us...
if (masterToPing.equals(MasterFaultDetection.this.masterNode())) {
if (exp.getCause() instanceof NoLongerMasterException) {
logger.debug("[master] pinging a master {} that is no longer a master", masterNode, pingRetryCount, pingRetryTimeout);
notifyMasterFailure(masterToPing, "no longer master");
int retryCount = ++MasterFaultDetection.this.retryCount;
logger.trace("[master] failed to ping [{}], retry [{}] out of [{}]", exp, masterNode, retryCount, pingRetryCount);
if (retryCount >= pingRetryCount) {
logger.debug("[master] failed to ping [{}], tried [{}] times, each with maximum [{}] timeout", masterNode, pingRetryCount, pingRetryTimeout);
// not good, failure
notifyMasterFailure(masterToPing, "failed to ping, tried [" + pingRetryCount + "] times, each with maximum [" + pingRetryTimeout + "] timeout");
} else {
// resend the request, not reschedule, rely on send timeout
transportService.sendRequest(masterToPing, MasterPingRequestHandler.ACTION, new MasterPingRequest(nodesProvider.nodes().localNode().id(), masterToPing.id()), options().withHighType().withTimeout(pingRetryTimeout), this);