Package org.elasticsearch.action.index

Examples of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest

        MetaData metaData = MetaData.builder().build();
        DocumentMapper docMapper = createIndex("test").mapperService().documentMapperParser().parse(mapping.string());

        MappingMetaData mappingMetaData = new MappingMetaData(docMapper);

        IndexRequest request = new IndexRequest("test", "type", "1").source(doc);
        request.process(metaData, mappingMetaData, true, "test");
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    public void testIndex() {
        String[] indexShardActions = new String[]{IndexAction.NAME, IndexAction.NAME + "[r]"};

        IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest(randomIndexOrAlias(), "type", "id").source("field", "value");

        assertSameIndices(indexRequest, indexShardActions);
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        List<String> indices = new ArrayList<>();
        BulkRequest bulkRequest = new BulkRequest();
        int numIndexRequests = iterations(1, 10);
        for (int i = 0; i < numIndexRequests; i++) {
            String indexOrAlias = randomIndexOrAlias();
            bulkRequest.add(new IndexRequest(indexOrAlias, "type", "id").source("field", "value"));
        int numDeleteRequests = iterations(1, 10);
        for (int i = 0; i < numDeleteRequests; i++) {
            String indexOrAlias = randomIndexOrAlias();
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        BulkRequestBuilder brb = node.client().prepareBulk();

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            Beer beer = BeerHelper.generate();
            IndexRequest irq = new IndexRequest("meal", "beer", "beer_" + i);
            String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(beer);

        BulkResponse br = brb.execute().actionGet();
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        BulkRequestBuilder brb = node.client().prepareBulk();

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            Beer beer = BeerHelper.generate();
            IndexRequest irq = new IndexRequest("meal", "beer", "beer_" + i);
            String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(beer);

        BulkResponse br = brb.execute().actionGet();
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    public void testBulkAddIterable() {
        BulkRequest bulkRequest = Requests.bulkRequest();
        List<ActionRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>();
        requests.add(new IndexRequest("test", "test", "id").source("field", "value"));
        requests.add(new UpdateRequest("test", "test", "id").doc("field", "value"));
        requests.add(new DeleteRequest("test", "test", "id"));
        assertThat(bulkRequest.requests().size(), equalTo(3));
        assertThat(bulkRequest.requests().get(0), instanceOf(IndexRequest.class));
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                .setFlushInterval(TimeValue.timeValueHours(24)).setBulkSize(new ByteSizeValue(1, ByteSizeUnit.GB)).build()) {

            for (int i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++) {
                if (randomBoolean()) {
                    processor.add(new IndexRequest("test", "test", Integer.toString(testDocs)).source("field", "value"));
                    multiGetRequestBuilder.add("test", "test", Integer.toString(testDocs));
                } else {
                    processor.add(new IndexRequest("test-ro", "test", Integer.toString(testReadOnlyDocs)).source("field", "value"));

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    private static MultiGetRequestBuilder indexDocs(Client client, BulkProcessor processor, int numDocs) {
        MultiGetRequestBuilder multiGetRequestBuilder = client.prepareMultiGet();
        for (int i = 1; i <= numDocs; i++) {
            processor.add(new IndexRequest("test", "test", Integer.toString(i)).source("field", randomRealisticUnicodeOfLengthBetween(1, 30)));
            multiGetRequestBuilder.add("test", "test", Integer.toString(i));
        return multiGetRequestBuilder;
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    public void handleRequest(final RestRequest request, final RestChannel channel, final Client client) {
        IndexRequest indexRequest = new IndexRequest(request.param("index"), request.param("type"), request.param("id"));
        indexRequest.parent(request.param("parent")); // order is important, set it after routing, so it will set the routing
        if (request.hasParam("ttl")) {
            indexRequest.ttl(request.paramAsTime("ttl", null).millis());
        indexRequest.source(request.content(), request.contentUnsafe());
        indexRequest.timeout(request.paramAsTime("timeout", IndexRequest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT));
        indexRequest.refresh(request.paramAsBoolean("refresh", indexRequest.refresh()));
        indexRequest.versionType(VersionType.fromString(request.param("version_type"), indexRequest.versionType()));
        String sOpType = request.param("op_type");
        if (sOpType != null) {
            try {
            } catch (ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException eia){
                try {
                    XContentBuilder builder = channel.newBuilder();
                    channel.sendResponse(new BytesRestResponse(BAD_REQUEST, builder.startObject().field("error", eia.getMessage()).endObject()));
                } catch (IOException e1) {
                    logger.warn("Failed to send response", e1);
        String replicationType = request.param("replication");
        if (replicationType != null) {
        String consistencyLevel = request.param("consistency");
        if (consistencyLevel != null) {
        client.index(indexRequest, new RestBuilderListener<IndexResponse>(channel) {
            public RestResponse buildResponse(IndexResponse response, XContentBuilder builder) throws Exception {
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        long[] preVersions = new long[request.items().length];
        VersionType[] preVersionTypes = new VersionType[request.items().length];
        for (int requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < request.items().length; requestIndex++) {
            BulkItemRequest item = request.items()[requestIndex];
            if (item.request() instanceof IndexRequest) {
                IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) item.request();
                preVersions[requestIndex] = indexRequest.version();
                preVersionTypes[requestIndex] = indexRequest.versionType();
                try {
                    try {
                        WriteResult result = shardIndexOperation(request, indexRequest, clusterState, indexShard, true);
                        // add the response
                        IndexResponse indexResponse = result.response();
                        setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, indexRequest.opType().lowercase(), indexResponse));
                        if (result.mappingTypeToUpdate != null) {
                        if (result.op != null) {
                            if (ops == null) {
                                ops = new Engine.IndexingOperation[request.items().length];
                            ops[requestIndex] = result.op;
                    } catch (WriteFailure e) {
                        if (e.mappingTypeToUpdate != null) {
                        throw e.getCause();
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    // rethrow the failure if we are going to retry on primary and let parent failure to handle it
                    if (retryPrimaryException(e)) {
                        // restore updated versions...
                        for (int j = 0; j < requestIndex; j++) {
                            applyVersion(request.items()[j], preVersions[j], preVersionTypes[j]);
                        for (String mappingTypeToUpdate : mappingTypesToUpdate) {
                            DocumentMapper docMapper = indexService.mapperService().documentMapper(mappingTypeToUpdate);
                            if (docMapper != null) {
                                mappingUpdatedAction.updateMappingOnMaster(indexService.index().name(), docMapper, indexService.indexUUID());
                        throw (ElasticsearchException) e;
                    if (e instanceof ElasticsearchException && ((ElasticsearchException) e).status() == RestStatus.CONFLICT) {
                        logger.trace("{} failed to execute bulk item (index) {}", e, shardRequest.shardId, indexRequest);
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("{} failed to execute bulk item (index) {}", e, shardRequest.shardId, indexRequest);
                    // if its a conflict failure, and we already executed the request on a primary (and we execute it
                    // again, due to primary relocation and only processing up to N bulk items when the shard gets closed)
                    // then just use the response we got from the successful execution
                    if (item.getPrimaryResponse() != null && isConflictException(e)) {
                        setResponse(item, item.getPrimaryResponse());
                    } else {
                        setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, indexRequest.opType().lowercase(),
                                new BulkItemResponse.Failure(request.index(), indexRequest.type(),, e)));
            } else if (item.request() instanceof DeleteRequest) {
                DeleteRequest deleteRequest = (DeleteRequest) item.request();
                preVersions[requestIndex] = deleteRequest.version();
                preVersionTypes[requestIndex] = deleteRequest.versionType();

                try {
                    // add the response
                    DeleteResponse deleteResponse = shardDeleteOperation(request, deleteRequest, indexShard).response();
                    setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_DELETE, deleteResponse));
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    // rethrow the failure if we are going to retry on primary and let parent failure to handle it
                    if (retryPrimaryException(e)) {
                        // restore updated versions...
                        for (int j = 0; j < requestIndex; j++) {
                            applyVersion(request.items()[j], preVersions[j], preVersionTypes[j]);
                        throw (ElasticsearchException) e;
                    if (e instanceof ElasticsearchException && ((ElasticsearchException) e).status() == RestStatus.CONFLICT) {
                        logger.trace("{} failed to execute bulk item (delete) {}", e, shardRequest.shardId, deleteRequest);
                    } else {
                        logger.debug("{} failed to execute bulk item (delete) {}", e, shardRequest.shardId, deleteRequest);
                    // if its a conflict failure, and we already executed the request on a primary (and we execute it
                    // again, due to primary relocation and only processing up to N bulk items when the shard gets closed)
                    // then just use the response we got from the successful execution
                    if (item.getPrimaryResponse() != null && isConflictException(e)) {
                        setResponse(item, item.getPrimaryResponse());
                    } else {
                        setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_DELETE,
                                new BulkItemResponse.Failure(request.index(), deleteRequest.type(),, e)));
            } else if (item.request() instanceof UpdateRequest) {
                UpdateRequest updateRequest = (UpdateRequest) item.request();
                preVersions[requestIndex] = updateRequest.version();
                preVersionTypes[requestIndex] = updateRequest.versionType();
                //  We need to do the requested retries plus the initial attempt. We don't do < 1+retry_on_conflict because retry_on_conflict may be Integer.MAX_VALUE
                for (int updateAttemptsCount = 0; updateAttemptsCount <= updateRequest.retryOnConflict(); updateAttemptsCount++) {
                    UpdateResult updateResult;
                    try {
                        updateResult = shardUpdateOperation(clusterState, request, updateRequest, indexShard);
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        updateResult = new UpdateResult(null, null, false, t, null);
                    if (updateResult.success()) {

                        switch (updateResult.result.operation()) {
                            case UPSERT:
                            case INDEX:
                                WriteResult result = updateResult.writeResult;
                                IndexRequest indexRequest = updateResult.request();
                                BytesReference indexSourceAsBytes = indexRequest.source();
                                // add the response
                                IndexResponse indexResponse = result.response();
                                UpdateResponse updateResponse = new UpdateResponse(indexResponse.getIndex(), indexResponse.getType(), indexResponse.getId(), indexResponse.getVersion(), indexResponse.isCreated());
                                if (updateRequest.fields() != null && updateRequest.fields().length > 0) {
                                    Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> sourceAndContent = XContentHelper.convertToMap(indexSourceAsBytes, true);
                                    updateResponse.setGetResult(updateHelper.extractGetResult(updateRequest, shardRequest.request.index(), indexResponse.getVersion(), sourceAndContent.v2(), sourceAndContent.v1(), indexSourceAsBytes));
                                item = request.items()[requestIndex] = new BulkItemRequest(request.items()[requestIndex].id(), indexRequest);
                                setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE, updateResponse));
                                if (result.mappingTypeToUpdate != null) {
                                if (result.op != null) {
                                    if (ops == null) {
                                        ops = new Engine.IndexingOperation[request.items().length];
                                    ops[requestIndex] = result.op;
                                // Replace the update request to the translated index request to execute on the replica.
                            case DELETE:
                                DeleteResponse response = updateResult.writeResult.response();
                                DeleteRequest deleteRequest = updateResult.request();
                                updateResponse = new UpdateResponse(response.getIndex(), response.getType(), response.getId(), response.getVersion(), false);
                                updateResponse.setGetResult(updateHelper.extractGetResult(updateRequest, shardRequest.request.index(), response.getVersion(), updateResult.result.updatedSourceAsMap(), updateResult.result.updateSourceContentType(), null));
                                // Replace the update request to the translated delete request to execute on the replica.
                                item = request.items()[requestIndex] = new BulkItemRequest(request.items()[requestIndex].id(), deleteRequest);
                                setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE, updateResponse));
                            case NONE:
                                setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE, updateResult.noopResult));
                                item.setIgnoreOnReplica(); // no need to go to the replica
                        // NOTE: Breaking out of the retry_on_conflict loop!
                    } else if (updateResult.failure()) {
                        Throwable t = updateResult.error;
                        if (updateResult.retry) {
                            // updateAttemptCount is 0 based and marks current attempt, if it's equal to retryOnConflict we are going out of the iteration
                            if (updateAttemptsCount >= updateRequest.retryOnConflict()) {
                                setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE,
                                        new BulkItemResponse.Failure(request.index(), updateRequest.type(),, t)));
                        } else {
                            // rethrow the failure if we are going to retry on primary and let parent failure to handle it
                            if (retryPrimaryException(t)) {
                                // restore updated versions...
                                for (int j = 0; j < requestIndex; j++) {
                                    applyVersion(request.items()[j], preVersions[j], preVersionTypes[j]);
                                throw (ElasticsearchException) t;
                            // if its a conflict failure, and we already executed the request on a primary (and we execute it
                            // again, due to primary relocation and only processing up to N bulk items when the shard gets closed)
                            // then just use the response we got from the successful execution
                            if (item.getPrimaryResponse() != null && isConflictException(t)) {
                                setResponse(item, item.getPrimaryResponse());
                            } else if (updateResult.result == null) {
                                setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE, new BulkItemResponse.Failure(shardRequest.request.index(), updateRequest.type(),, t)));
                            } else {
                                switch (updateResult.result.operation()) {
                                    case UPSERT:
                                    case INDEX:
                                        IndexRequest indexRequest = updateResult.request();
                                        if (t instanceof ElasticsearchException && ((ElasticsearchException) t).status() == RestStatus.CONFLICT) {
                                            logger.trace("{} failed to execute bulk item (index) {}", t, shardRequest.shardId, indexRequest);
                                        } else {
                                            logger.debug("{} failed to execute bulk item (index) {}", t, shardRequest.shardId, indexRequest);
                                        setResponse(item, new BulkItemResponse(, OP_TYPE_UPDATE,
                                                new BulkItemResponse.Failure(request.index(), indexRequest.type(),, t)));
                                    case DELETE:
                                        DeleteRequest deleteRequest = updateResult.request();
                                        if (t instanceof ElasticsearchException && ((ElasticsearchException) t).status() == RestStatus.CONFLICT) {
                                            logger.trace("{} failed to execute bulk item (delete) {}", t, shardRequest.shardId, deleteRequest);
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Related Classes of org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest

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