if( A.col0 % BLOCK_LENGTH != 0 || A.row0 % BLOCK_LENGTH != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Submatrix A is not block aligned");
if( B.col0 % BLOCK_LENGTH != 0 || B.row0 % BLOCK_LENGTH != 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Submatrix B is not block aligned");
BlockMatrix64F origA = BlockMatrixOps.createRandom(numRows,numCols,-1,1, rand, BLOCK_LENGTH);
BlockMatrix64F origB = BlockMatrixOps.createRandom(numCols,numRows,-1,1, rand, BLOCK_LENGTH);
A.original = origA;
B.original = origB;
int w = B.col1-B.col0;
int h = A.row1-A.row0;
// offset it to make the test harder
// randomize to see if its set or adding
BlockMatrix64F subC = BlockMatrixOps.createRandom(BLOCK_LENGTH +h, BLOCK_LENGTH +w, -1,1,rand, BLOCK_LENGTH);
D1Submatrix64F C = new D1Submatrix64F(subC, BLOCK_LENGTH, subC.numRows, BLOCK_LENGTH, subC.numCols);
DenseMatrix64F rmC = multByExtract(operationType,A,B,C);
if( transA ) {
origA = BlockMatrixOps.transpose(origA,null);
A.original = origA;
if( transB ) {
origB = BlockMatrixOps.transpose(origB,null);
B.original = origB;
try {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for( int i = C.row0; i < C.row1; i++ ) {
for( int j = C.col0; j < C.col1; j++ ) {
// System.out.println(i+" "+j);
double diff = Math.abs(subC.get(i,j) - rmC.get(i-C.row0,j-C.col0));
// System.out.println(subC.get(i,j)+" "+rmC.get(i-C.row0,j-C.col0));
if( diff >= 1e-12) {
System.out.println("transA "+transA);
System.out.println("transB "+transB);
System.out.println("type "+operationType);