public static String parseVersionRange(final String string, final INode node) {
boolean _isEmpty = Strings.isEmpty(string);
if (_isEmpty) {
throw new ValueConverterException("Couldn\'t convert empty string to a VersionRange value.", node, null);
boolean _equalsIgnoreCase = "lazy".equalsIgnoreCase(string);
boolean _not = (!_equalsIgnoreCase);
if (_not) {
try {
final VersionRange value = new VersionRange(string);
return value.toString();
} catch (final Throwable _t) {
if (_t instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
final IllegalArgumentException e = (IllegalArgumentException)_t;
throw new ValueConverterException((("Couldn\'t convert \'" + string) + "\' to a VersionRange value."), node, e);
} else {
throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_t);
} else {