// Names of the descriptors in the above List
List descriptorNames = new ArrayList();
// Update any descriptors derived from the metainfo
CMElementDeclaration ed = getDeclaration();
CMNamedNodeMap attrMap = null;
if (ed != null) {
attrMap = ed.getAttributes();
CMNamedNodeMapImpl allAttributes = new CMNamedNodeMapImpl(attrMap);
ModelQuery modelQuery = ModelQueryUtil.getModelQuery(fNode.getOwnerDocument());
if(modelQuery != null) {
List nodes = modelQuery.getAvailableContent((Element) fNode, ed, ModelQuery.INCLUDE_ATTRIBUTES);
for (int k = 0; k < nodes.size(); k++) {
CMNode cmnode = (CMNode) nodes.get(k);
if (cmnode.getNodeType() == CMNode.ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION) {
attrMap = allAttributes;
// Update exiting descriptors; not added to the final list here
if (attrMap != null) {
// Update existing descriptor types based on metainfo
CMAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attrMap.getLength(); i++) {
attrDecl = (CMAttributeDeclaration) attrMap.item(i);
String attrName = DOMNamespaceHelper.computeName(attrDecl, fNode, null);
if (!declaredNames.contains(attrName)) {
for (int j = 0; j < fDescriptors.length; j++) {
boolean sameName = (fCaseSensitive && fDescriptors[j].getId().equals(attrDecl.getNodeName())) || (!fCaseSensitive && attrDecl.getNodeName().equals(fDescriptors[j].getId().toString()));
if (sameName) {
String[] validValues = getValidValues(attrDecl);
// Update the descriptor for this
// CMAttributeDeclaration (only enumerated values get
// updated for now)
if (fDescriptors[j] instanceof EnumeratedStringPropertyDescriptor) {
((EnumeratedStringPropertyDescriptor) fDescriptors[j]).updateValues(validValues);
// Replace with better descriptor
else if ((validValues != null) && (validValues.length > 0)) {
fDescriptors[j] = createPropertyDescriptor(attrDecl, null);
else {
// Update existing descriptors based on not having any metainfo
for (int j = 0; j < fDescriptors.length; j++) {
// Replace with basic descriptor
if (!(fDescriptors[j] instanceof TextPropertyDescriptor)) {
fDescriptors[j] = createDefaultPropertyDescriptor((String) fDescriptors[j].getId());
NamedNodeMap attributes = fNode.getAttributes();
// Remove descriptors for attributes that aren't present AND aren't
// known through metainfo,
// do this by only reusing existing descriptors for attributes that
// are present or declared
for (int i = 0; i < fDescriptors.length; i++) {
if (fDescriptors[i] != null) {
String descriptorName = fDescriptors[i].getId().toString();
if ((declaredNames.contains(descriptorName) || (attributes.getNamedItem(descriptorName) != null)) && !descriptorNames.contains(descriptorName)) {
// Add descriptors for declared attributes that don't already have one
if (attrMap != null) {
// Update existing descriptor types based on metainfo
CMAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = null;
for (int i = 0; i < attrMap.getLength(); i++) {
attrDecl = (CMAttributeDeclaration) attrMap.item(i);
String attrName = DOMNamespaceHelper.computeName(attrDecl, fNode, null);
if (fCaseSensitive) {
if (!descriptorNames.contains(attrName)) {
IPropertyDescriptor descriptor = createPropertyDescriptor(attrDecl, null);
if (descriptor != null) {