if (port == null)
throw new WSIException(
"WSDL Port \'"
+ portName
+ "\' for Service \'"
+ serviceName
+ "\' not found in service description");
this.ports = new Port[] { port };
// ADD: do serviceLocation check for soapbind:address?
// ADD: the following could be instantiated here instead to refine context info
// definitions
// imports
// types
else if (wsdlElement.isBinding())
if (wsdlElement.getQName() != null
&& wsdlElement.getQName().getLocalPart() != null
&& wsdlElement.getQName().getLocalPart().length() > 0)
Binding binding =
if (binding == null)
throw new WSIException(
"WSDL Binding named \'"
+ wsdlElement.getQName()
+ "\' not found in service description");
this.bindings = new Binding[] { binding };
// the rest ... below binding:
// portTypes from binding
// operations from portTypes
// messages from operations
// above binding:
// ports
// definitions, imports, types (future?)
// ancestors(bindings);
else if (wsdlElement.isPortType())
PortType portType =
this.portTypes = new PortType[] { portType };
if (portType == null)
throw new WSIException(
"WSDL PortType named \'"
+ wsdlElement.getQName()
+ "\' not found in service description");
this.portTypes = new PortType[] { portType };
// the rest ... below portType:
// above portType:
// ports
// definitions, imports, types (future) ?
else if (wsdlElement.isOperation())
Operation operation = null;
String configOpName = wsdlElement.getName();
// Use parentElementName to qualify the operation within a portType.
QName portTypeName = wsdlElement.getParentElementQName();
PortType[] p = wsdlDocument.getPortTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < p.length && operation == null; i++)
if (p[i].getQName().equals(portTypeName))
// wsdl4j available method call below implies that only
// name+inputname+outputname uniquely defines operation!
// Since we do not have <input> & <output> name information
// available in the config, use this instead for now: -
// Get the first operation we find:
Iterator opIt = p[i].getOperations().iterator();
Operation op = null;
while (opIt.hasNext() && operation == null)
op = (Operation) opIt.next();
if (configOpName.equals(op.getName()))
operation = op;
if (operation == null)
throw new WSIException(
"No WSDL Operation named \'"
+ wsdlElement.getQName()
+ "\' found in service description");
this.operations = new Operation[] { operation };
else if (wsdlElement.isMessage())
Message message =
if (message == null)
throw new WSIException(
"No WSDL Message named \'"
+ wsdlElement.getQName()
+ "\' found in service description");
this.messages = new Message[] { message };
throw new WSIException(
"Unrecognised <WSDLElement type> in config: " + wsdlElement.getType());
// get info about the effective service location (s)
//this.endPoints = deriveEndpoints(analyzerConfig, this.ports, this.definitions);