// prepare target header
ColumnHeaderEditPart target = null;
for (EditPart editPart : getHost().getChildren()) {
ColumnHeaderEditPart columnEditPart = (ColumnHeaderEditPart) editPart;
Rectangle bounds = columnEditPart.getFigure().getBounds();
if (location.x < bounds.getCenter().x) {
target = columnEditPart;
// prepare grid information
IGridInfo gridInfo = m_panel.getGridInfo();
Interval[] columnIntervals = gridInfo.getColumnIntervals();
Interval[] rowIntervals = gridInfo.getRowIntervals();
int y1 = rowIntervals[0].begin - 5;
int y2 = rowIntervals[rowIntervals.length - 1].end() + 5;
// prepare index of target column and position for insert feedbacks
final int targetIndex;
int x;
int size = AbstractGridLayoutEditPolicy.INSERT_COLUMN_SIZE;
if (target != null) {
targetIndex = target.getIndex();
x = columnIntervals[targetIndex].begin - size / 2;
if (targetIndex != 0) {
x -= (columnIntervals[targetIndex].begin - columnIntervals[targetIndex - 1].end()) / 2;
} else {
targetIndex = m_panel.getColumns().size();
x = columnIntervals[columnIntervals.length - 1].end() - size / 2;
// show insert feedbacks
// ...on main viewer
m_mainPolicy.showInsertFeedbacks(new Rectangle(x, y1, size, y2 - y1), null);
// ...on header viewer
if (m_insertFeedback.getParent() == null) {
// set bounds
Point offset = headerEditPart.getOffset();
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(x + offset.x, 0, size, getHostFigure().getSize().height);
// show text feedback