if (props.size() > 0) {
edit.selectAndReveal(start, end - start);
Shell activeShell = Display.getCurrent().getActiveShell();
ElementListSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementListSelectionDialog(activeShell,
new LabelProvider() {
//get the image and text for each completion
public Image getImage(Object element) {
CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal comp = ((CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal) element);
return comp.getImage();
public String getText(Object element) {
CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal comp = ((CtxInsensitiveImportComplProposal) element);
return comp.getDisplayString();
}) {
//override things to return the last position of the dialog correctly
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SelectionDialog#getDialogBoundsSettings()
protected IDialogSettings getDialogBoundsSettings() {
IDialogSettings section = dialogSettings.getSection(DIALOG_SETTINGS);
if (section == null) {
section = dialogSettings.addNewSection(DIALOG_SETTINGS);
return section;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog#getInitialSize()
protected Point getInitialSize() {
IDialogSettings settings = getDialogBoundsSettings();
if (settings != null) {
try {
int width = settings.getInt("DIALOG_WIDTH"); //$NON-NLS-1$
int height = settings.getInt("DIALOG_HEIGHT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (width > 0 & height > 0) {
return new Point(width, height);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
//make the default return
return new Point(300, 300);
dialog.setTitle("Choose import");
dialog.setMessage("Which import should be added?");
int returnCode = dialog.open();
if (returnCode == Window.OK) {
ICompletionProposalExtension2 firstResult = (ICompletionProposalExtension2) dialog
} else if (returnCode == Window.CANCEL) {
keepGoing[0] = false;