String lineDelim= this.compilationUnit.findRecommendedLineSeparator();
IBuffer buffer= this.compilationUnit.getBuffer();
int currPos= importsStart;
MultiTextEdit resEdit= new MultiTextEdit();
if ((this.flags & F_NEEDS_LEADING_DELIM) != 0) {
// new import container
resEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(currPos, lineDelim));
PackageEntry lastPackage= null;
Set onDemandConflicts= null;
if (this.findAmbiguousImports) {
onDemandConflicts= evaluateStarImportConflicts(monitor);
int spacesBetweenGroups= getSpacesBetweenImportGroups();
ArrayList stringsToInsert= new ArrayList();
int nPackageEntries= this.packageEntries.size();
for (int i= 0; i < nPackageEntries; i++) {
PackageEntry pack= (PackageEntry) this.packageEntries.get(i);
if (this.filterImplicitImports && !pack.isStatic() && isImplicitImport(pack.getName())) {
int nImports= pack.getNumberOfImports();
if (nImports == 0) {
if (spacesBetweenGroups > 0 && lastPackage != null) {
// add a space between two different groups by looking at the two adjacent imports
if (!lastPackage.isComment() && !pack.isComment() && !pack.isSameGroup(lastPackage)) {
for (int k= spacesBetweenGroups; k > 0; k--) {
} else if (lastPackage.isComment() && pack.isSameGroup(lastPackage)) {
// the last pack may be a dummy for a comment which doesn't belong to any extended range
lastPackage= pack;
boolean isStatic= pack.isStatic();
int threshold= isStatic ? this.staticImportOnDemandThreshold : this.importOnDemandThreshold;
boolean doStarImport= pack.hasStarImport(threshold, onDemandConflicts);
boolean allImportsAddedToStar = false;
if (doStarImport && (pack.find("*") == null)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String[] imports = getNewImportStrings(buffer, pack, isStatic, lineDelim);
for (int j = 0, max = imports.length; j < max; j++) {
allImportsAddedToStar = true; // may still need to handle onDemandConflicts below
for (int k= 0; k < nImports; k++) {
ImportDeclEntry currDecl= pack.getImportAt(k);
IRegion region= currDecl.getSourceRange();
boolean isConflict = !currDecl.isComment() && onDemandConflicts != null && onDemandConflicts.contains(currDecl.getSimpleName());
boolean addRegularToStar = doStarImport && !currDecl.isOnDemand();
if (region == null) { // new entry
if (!addRegularToStar || isConflict) {
IRegion rangeBefore = currDecl.getPrecedingCommentRange();
IRegion rangeAfter = currDecl.getTrailingCommentRange();
if (rangeBefore != null) {
stringsToInsert.add(buffer.getText(rangeBefore.getOffset(), rangeBefore.getLength()));
String trailingComment = null;
if (rangeAfter != null) {
trailingComment = buffer.getText(rangeAfter.getOffset(), rangeAfter.getLength());
String str= getNewImportString(currDecl.getElementName(), isStatic, trailingComment, lineDelim);
} else if (addRegularToStar && !allImportsAddedToStar) {
String simpleName = currDecl.getTypeQualifiedName();
if (simpleName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
String str= getNewImportString(currDecl.getElementName(), isStatic, lineDelim);
if (stringsToInsert.indexOf(str) == -1) {
} else if (!addRegularToStar || isConflict) {
int offset= region.getOffset();
IRegion rangeBefore = currDecl.getPrecedingCommentRange();
if (rangeBefore != null && currPos > rangeBefore.getOffset()) {
// moved ahead of the leading comments, bring the currPos back
currPos = rangeBefore.getOffset();
if (rangeBefore != null) {
stringsToInsert.add(buffer.getText(rangeBefore.getOffset(), rangeBefore.getLength()));
removeAndInsertNew(buffer, currPos, offset, stringsToInsert, resEdit);
currPos= offset + region.getLength();
} else if (addRegularToStar && !allImportsAddedToStar && !currDecl.isComment()) {
String simpleName = currDecl.getTypeQualifiedName();
if (simpleName.indexOf('.') != -1) {
IRegion rangeBefore = currDecl.getPrecedingCommentRange();
if (rangeBefore != null && currPos > rangeBefore.getOffset()) {
// moved ahead of the leading comments, bring the currPos back
currPos = rangeBefore.getOffset();
if (rangeBefore != null) {
stringsToInsert.add(buffer.getText(rangeBefore.getOffset(), rangeBefore.getLength()));
IRegion rangeAfter = currDecl.getTrailingCommentRange();
String trailingComment = null;
if (rangeAfter != null) {
trailingComment = buffer.getText(rangeAfter.getOffset(), rangeAfter.getLength());
String str= getNewImportString(currDecl.getElementName(), isStatic, trailingComment, lineDelim);
if (stringsToInsert.indexOf(str) == -1) {
// insert back all existing imports comments since existing imports were not preserved
if (this.preserveExistingCommentsRanges != null) {
for (int i = 0, max = this.preserveExistingCommentsRanges.length; (i < max && this.preserveExistingCommentsRanges[i] != null); i++) {
IRegion region = this.preserveExistingCommentsRanges[i];
String text = buffer.getText(region.getOffset(), region.getLength());
// remove preceding whitespaces
int index = 0;
int length = text.length();
loop: while (index < length) {
if (Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(index))) {
} else {
break loop;
if (index != 0) {
text = text.substring(index);
if (!text.endsWith(lineDelim)) {
text += lineDelim;
int end= importsStart + importsLen;
removeAndInsertNew(buffer, currPos, end, stringsToInsert, resEdit);
if (importsLen == 0) {
if (!this.importsCreated.isEmpty() || !this.staticImportsCreated.isEmpty()) { // new import container
if ((this.flags & F_NEEDS_TRAILING_DELIM) != 0) {
resEdit.addChild(new InsertEdit(currPos, lineDelim));
} else {
return new MultiTextEdit(); // no changes
return resEdit;
} finally {