Point p= textWidget.getLocationAtOffset(lineEnd);
Color c= gc.getForeground();
FontMetrics metrics= gc.getFontMetrics();
// baseline: where the dots are drawn
int baseline= textWidget.getBaseline(offset);
// descent: number of pixels that the box extends over baseline
int descent= Math.min(2, textWidget.getLineHeight(offset) - baseline);
// ascent: so much does the box stand up from baseline
int ascent= metrics.getAscent();
// leading: free space from line top to box upper line
int leading= baseline - ascent;
// height: height of the box
int height= ascent + descent;
int width= metrics.getAverageCharWidth();
gc.drawRectangle(p.x, p.y + leading, width, height);
int third= width/3;
int dotsVertical= p.y + baseline - 1;
gc.drawPoint(p.x + third, dotsVertical);
gc.drawPoint(p.x + width - third, dotsVertical);