Package org.eclipse.sapphire.ui

Examples of org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.SapphireActionHandler$PreExecuteEvent

                    handleMouseDown( event );
        final SapphireActionHandler jumpActionHandler = new SapphireActionHandler()
            protected Object run( final Presentation context )
                return null;
        final SapphireAction jumpAction = actions.getAction( SapphireActionSystem.ACTION_JUMP );
        jumpActionHandler.init( jumpAction, null );
        jumpAction.addHandler( jumpActionHandler );
            new DisposeListener()
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                        for( ElementType memberType : possibleTypesService.types() )
                            final SapphireActionHandler addActionHandler = new AddActionHandler( memberType );
                            addActionHandler.init( addAction, null );
                            addActionHandler.attach( addActionHandlerListener );
                            addActionHandlers.add( addActionHandler );
                            addAction.addHandler( addActionHandler );
                final org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener possibleTypesServiceListener = new org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener()
                    public void handle( final org.eclipse.sapphire.Event event )
                possibleTypesService.attach( possibleTypesServiceListener );
                    new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                            addAction.removeHandlers( addActionHandlers );
                            for( SapphireActionHandler addActionHandler : addActionHandlers )
                            possibleTypesService.detach( possibleTypesServiceListener );
            if( this.exposeDeleteAction )
                final SapphireAction deleteAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_DELETE );
                final SapphireActionHandler deleteActionHandler = new DeleteActionHandler();
                deleteActionHandler.init( deleteAction, null );
                deleteAction.addHandler( deleteActionHandler );
                    new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                            deleteAction.removeHandler( deleteActionHandler );

            if( ! property.definition().hasAnnotation( FixedOrderList.class ) )
                final SapphireAction moveUpAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_MOVE_UP );
                final SapphireActionHandler moveUpActionHandler = new MoveUpActionHandler();
                moveUpActionHandler.init( moveUpAction, null );
                moveUpAction.addHandler( moveUpActionHandler );
                    new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                            moveUpAction.removeHandler( moveUpActionHandler );
                final SapphireAction moveDownAction = actions.getAction( ACTION_MOVE_DOWN );
                final SapphireActionHandler moveDownActionHandler = new MoveDownActionHandler();
                moveDownActionHandler.init( moveDownAction, null );
                moveDownAction.addHandler( moveDownActionHandler );
                    new Runnable()
                        public void run()
                            moveDownAction.removeHandler( moveDownActionHandler );

                final org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener moveActionHandlerListener = new org.eclipse.sapphire.Listener()
                    public void handle( final org.eclipse.sapphire.Event event )
                        if( event instanceof PostExecuteEvent )
                            // This is a workaround for a weird problem on SWT on Windows. If modifier keys are pressed
                            // when the list is re-ordered (as in when issuing move up or move down command from the
                            // keyboard), the focused row can detached from selected row.
                            final Element element = getSelectedElement();
                            final TableItem[] items = TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.getItems();
                            for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
                                if( items[ i ].getData() == element )
                                    TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.setSelection( i );
                moveUpAction.attach( moveActionHandlerListener );
                moveDownAction.attach( moveActionHandlerListener );
                final ElementsTransfer transfer = new ElementsTransfer( element().type().getModelElementClass().getClassLoader() );
                final Transfer[] transfers = new Transfer[] { transfer };
                final DragSource dragSource = new DragSource( this.table, DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE );
                dragSource.setTransfer( transfers );

                final List<Element> dragElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
                    new DragSourceListener()
                        public void dragStart( final DragSourceEvent event )
                            if( TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.tableViewer.getComparator() == null )
                                dragElements.addAll( getSelectedElements() );
                                event.doit = true;
                                event.doit = false;
                        public void dragSetData( final DragSourceEvent event )
                   = dragElements;
                        public void dragFinished( final DragSourceEvent event )
                            if( event.detail == DND.DROP_MOVE )
                                // When drop target is the same editor as drag source, the drop handler takes care of removing
                                // elements from their original location. The following block of code accounts for the case when
                                // dropping into another editor.
                                boolean droppedIntoAnotherEditor = false;
                                for( Element dragElement : dragElements )
                                    if( ! dragElement.disposed() )
                                        droppedIntoAnotherEditor = true;
                                if( droppedIntoAnotherEditor )
                                        final Element selectionPostDelete = findSelectionPostDelete( property(), dragElements );
                                        for( Element dragElement : dragElements )
                                            final ElementList<?> dragElementContainer = (ElementList<?>) dragElement.parent();
                                            dragElementContainer.remove( dragElement );
                                        setSelectedElement( selectionPostDelete );
                                    catch( Exception e )
                                        // Log this exception unless the cause is EditFailedException. These exception
                                        // are the result of the user declining a particular action that is necessary
                                        // before the edit can happen (such as making a file writable).
                                        final EditFailedException editFailedException = EditFailedException.findAsCause( e );
                                        if( editFailedException == null )
                                            Sapphire.service( LoggingService.class ).log( e );
                final DropTarget target = new DropTarget( this.table, DND.DROP_COPY | DND.DROP_MOVE );
                target.setTransfer( transfers );
                    new DropTargetAdapter()
                        public void dragOver( final DropTargetEvent event )
                            if( event.item != null )
                                final TableItem dragOverItem = (TableItem) event.item;

                                final Point pt = dragOverItem.getDisplay().map( null, TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table, event.x, event.y );
                                final Rectangle bounds = dragOverItem.getBounds();
                                if( pt.y < bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 )
                           = DND.FEEDBACK_INSERT_BEFORE;
                           = DND.FEEDBACK_INSERT_AFTER;
                   |= DND.FEEDBACK_SCROLL;

                        public void drop( final DropTargetEvent event )
                            if( == null )
                                event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
                            final List<ElementData> droppedElements = (List<ElementData>);
                            final Set<ElementType> possibleTypesService = property.service( PossibleTypesService.class ).types();
                            for( final ElementData droppedElement : droppedElements )
                                if( ! possibleTypesService.contains( droppedElement.type() ) )
                                    event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
                            final ElementList<?> list = property();
                            int position;
                            if( event.item == null )
                                position = list.size();
                                final TableItem dropTargetItem = (TableItem) event.item;
                                final TableRow dropTargetRow = (TableRow) dropTargetItem.getData();
                                final Element dropTargetElement = dropTargetRow.element();
                                final Point pt = TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.getDisplay().map( null, TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table, event.x, event.y );
                                final Rectangle bounds = dropTargetItem.getBounds();
                                position = list.indexOf( dropTargetElement );
                                if( pt.y >= bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 )
                                if( event.detail == DND.DROP_MOVE )
                                    for( Element dragElement : dragElements )
                                        final ElementList<?> dragElementContainer = (ElementList<?>) dragElement.parent();
                                        if( dragElementContainer == list && dragElementContainer.indexOf( dragElement ) < position )
                                        dragElementContainer.remove( dragElement );
                                final List<Element> newSelection = new ArrayList<Element>();
                                for( final ElementData droppedElement : droppedElements )
                                    final Element insertedElement = list.insert( droppedElement.type(), position );
                                    insertedElement.copy( droppedElement );
                                    newSelection.add( insertedElement );
                                if( TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this.table.isDisposed() )
                                setSelectedElements( newSelection );
                            catch( Exception e )
                                // Log this exception unless the cause is EditFailedException. These exception
                                // are the result of the user declining a particular action that is necessary
                                // before the edit can happen (such as making a file writable).
                                final EditFailedException editFailedException = EditFailedException.findAsCause( e );
                                if( editFailedException == null )
                                    Sapphire.service( LoggingService.class ).log( e );
                                event.detail = DND.DROP_NONE;
        final boolean toolBarNeeded = toolBarActionsPresentation.hasActions();
        mainComposite.setLayout( glayout( ( toolBarNeeded ? 2 : 1 ), 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
        if( toolBarNeeded )
            final ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar( mainComposite, SWT.FLAT | SWT.VERTICAL );
            toolbar.setLayoutData( gdvfill() );
            toolBarActionsPresentation.setToolBar( toolbar );
            addControl( toolbar );
            this.decorator.addEditorControl( toolbar );
        if( menuActionsPresentation.hasActions() )
            final Menu menu = new Menu( this.table );
            this.table.setMenu( menu );
            menuActionsPresentation.setMenu( menu );
        final HyperlinkTable hyperlinkTable = new HyperlinkTable( this.table, actions );
            new HyperlinkTable.Controller()
                public boolean isHyperlinkEnabled( final TableItem item,
                                                   final int column )
                    final SapphireActionHandler jumpHandler = getJumpHandler( item, column );
                    if( jumpHandler != null )
                        return jumpHandler.isEnabled();

                    return false;

                public void handleHyperlinkEvent( final TableItem item,
                                                  final int column )
                    final SapphireActionHandler jumpHandler = getJumpHandler( item, column );
                    if( jumpHandler != null )
                        jumpHandler.execute( TablePropertyEditorPresentation.this );
                private SapphireActionHandler getJumpHandler( final TableItem item,
                                                              final int column )
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        // Content Outline
        final SapphireAction outlineHideAction = getPart().getActions( CONTEXT_EDITOR_PAGE ).getAction( ACTION_OUTLINE_HIDE );
        final SapphireActionHandler outlineHideActionHandler = new SapphireActionHandler()
            protected Object run( final Presentation context )
                setDetailsMaximized( ! isDetailsMaximized() );
                return null;
        outlineHideActionHandler.init( outlineHideAction, null );
        outlineHideActionHandler.setChecked( isDetailsMaximized() );
        outlineHideAction.addHandler( outlineHideActionHandler );
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