
Examples of

            part = new ActuatorPart();
        else if( definition instanceof CustomFormComponentDef )
            final JavaType customPartImplClass = ( (CustomFormComponentDef) definition ).getImplClass().target();
            if( customPartImplClass != null )
                    part = (SapphirePart) ( (Class<?>) customPartImplClass.artifact() ).newInstance();
                catch( Exception e )
                    Sapphire.service( LoggingService.class ).log( e );
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                        if( element instanceof ServiceDef )
                            final ServiceDef def = (ServiceDef) element;
                            final String id = def.getId().text();
                            final JavaType type = def.getImplementation().target();
                            final Class<?> cl = ( type == null ? null : (Class<?>) type.artifact() );
                            if( id != null && id.startsWith( "Sapphire." ) &&
                                cl != null && ConversionService.class.isAssignableFrom( cl ) )
                                return true;

                        return false;

                final String functions = op.execute( getExtensions(), filter );

                content = loadResource( "html/services/ConversionService.html" );
                content = content.replace( "##servicess##", functions );
            else if( href.startsWith( "html/services/FactsService.html" ) )
                final ExtensionSummaryExportOp op = ExtensionSummaryExportOp.TYPE.instantiate();
                op.setCreateFinishedDocument( false );

                final ExtensionSummarySectionDef section = op.getSections().insert();
                section.setExtensionType( );
                section.setIncludeSectionHeader( false );

                final ExtensionSummarySectionColumnDef idColumn = section.getColumns().insert();
                idColumn.setName( );

                final ExtensionSummarySectionColumnDef descColumn = section.getColumns().insert();
                descColumn.setName( );
                final Filter<Element> filter = new Filter<Element>()
                    public boolean allows( final Element element )
                        if( element instanceof ServiceDef )
                            final ServiceDef def = (ServiceDef) element;
                            final String id = def.getId().text();
                            final JavaType type = def.getImplementation().target();
                            final Class<?> cl = ( type == null ? null : (Class<?>) type.artifact() );
                            if( id != null && id.startsWith( "Sapphire." ) &&
                                cl != null && FactsService.class.isAssignableFrom( cl ) )
                                return true;
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            File file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toFile();
            file = new File( file, ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.sapphire.ui/state" );
            file = new File( file, digest );
            final JavaType persistedStateElementJavaType = definition().getPersistentStateElementType().target();
            if( persistedStateElementJavaType == null )
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            final ElementType persistedStateElementType = (Class<?>) persistedStateElementJavaType.artifact() );
                final Resource resource = new RootXmlResource( new XmlResourceStore( file ) ) ;
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            if( action != null && isForContext( def ) && checkCondition( def ) )
                    final JavaType implType = def.getImplClass().target();
                    if( implType != null )
                        final Class<?> implClass = (Class<?>) implType.artifact();
                        if( implClass != null )
                            final SapphireActionHandler handler = (SapphireActionHandler) implClass.newInstance();
                            handler.init( action, def );
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            if( action != null && isForContext( def ) && checkCondition( def ) )
                    final JavaType implType = def.getImplClass().target();
                    if( implType != null )
                        final Class<?> implClass = (Class<?>) implType.artifact();
                        if( implClass != null )
                            final SapphireActionHandlerFactory factory = (SapphireActionHandlerFactory) implClass.newInstance();
                            factory.init( action, def );
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            if( isForContext( def ) )
                    final JavaType implClass = def.getImplClass().target();
                    if( implClass != null )
                        final SapphireActionHandlerFilter filter = (SapphireActionHandlerFilter) ( (Class<?>) implClass.artifact() ).newInstance();
                        addFilter( filter );
                catch( Exception e )
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    private boolean checkCondition( final ISapphireConditionHostDef def )
            final JavaType conditionType = def.getConditionClass().target();
            if( conditionType != null )
                final Class<?> conditionClass = (Class<?>) conditionType.artifact();
                if( conditionClass != null )
                    final SapphireCondition condition = SapphireCondition.create( this.part, conditionClass, null );
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    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    private static <T> Class<T> resolve( final ReferenceValue<JavaTypeName,JavaType> ref )
        final JavaType type =;
        return ( type != null ? (Class<T>) type.artifact() : null );
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            final Map<?,?> properties = (Map<?,?>) data;
            final String sdef = (String) properties.get( "sdef" );
            final DefinitionLoader.Reference<WizardDef> definition = DefinitionLoader.context( context ).sdef( sdef ).wizard();
            final JavaType operationJavaType = definition.resolve().getElementType().target();
            final ElementType operationElementType = (Class<?>) operationJavaType.artifact(), true );
            init( operationElementType, definition );
            this.editor = (String) properties.get( "editor" );
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        final String val = value.text( false );
        if( val != null )
            final JavaType type = (JavaType);
            if( type == null )
                return Status.createOkStatus();
            final JavaTypeKind kind = type.kind();
            switch( kind )
                case CLASS:
                    if( ! kinds.contains( JavaTypeKind.CLASS ) )
                        final String label = value.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false );
                        final String msg = classNotAllowed.format( val, label );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                case ABSTRACT_CLASS:
                    if( ! kinds.contains( JavaTypeKind.ABSTRACT_CLASS ) )
                        final String label = value.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false );
                        final String msg = abstractClassNotAllowed.format( val, label );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                case INTERFACE:
                    if( ! kinds.contains( JavaTypeKind.INTERFACE ) )
                        final String label = value.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false );
                        final String msg = interfaceNotAllowed.format( val, label );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                case ANNOTATION:
                    if( ! kinds.contains( JavaTypeKind.ANNOTATION ) )
                        final String label = value.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false );
                        final String msg = annotationNotAllowed.format( val, label );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                case ENUM:
                    if( ! kinds.contains( JavaTypeKind.ENUM ) )
                        final String label = value.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false );
                        final String msg = enumNotAllowed.format( val, label );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
            if( kind != JavaTypeKind.ENUM && kind != JavaTypeKind.ANNOTATION )
                if( behavior == JavaTypeConstraintBehavior.ALL )
                    for( String baseType : requiredBaseTypes )
                        if( ! type.isOfType( baseType ) )
                            final LocalizableText template = ( type.kind() == JavaTypeKind.INTERFACE ? interfaceDoesNotExtend : classDoesNotImplementOrExtend );
                            final String msg = template.format( val, baseType );
                            return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
                    boolean satisfied = false;
                    for( String baseType : requiredBaseTypes )
                        if( type.isOfType( baseType ) )
                            satisfied = true;
                    if( ! satisfied )
                        final StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder();
                        for( String baseType : requiredBaseTypes )
                            if( list.length() > 0 )
                                list.append( ", " );
                            list.append( baseType );
                        final LocalizableText template = ( type.kind() == JavaTypeKind.INTERFACE ? interfaceDoesNotExtendOneOf : classDoesNotImplementOrExtendOneOf );
                        final String msg = template.format( val, list.toString() );
                        return Status.createErrorStatus( msg );
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