Package org.eclipse.sapphire

Examples of org.eclipse.sapphire.Property$SuspendFilter


    protected void facts( final SortedSet<String> facts )
        final Property property = context( Property.class );
        final JavaTypeConstraintService service = property.service( JavaTypeConstraintService.class );

        final List<JavaTypeKind> kinds = new ArrayList<JavaTypeKind>( service.kinds() );
        if( kinds.size() > 0 && kinds.size() < 5 )
            if( kinds.size() == 1 )
                facts.add( statementKindOne.format( term( kinds.get( 0 ) ) ) );
            else if( kinds.size() == 2 )
                facts.add( statementKindTwo.format( term( kinds.get( 0 ) ), term( kinds.get( 1 ) ) ) );
            else if( kinds.size() == 3 )
                facts.add( statementKindThree.format( term( kinds.get( 0 ) ), term( kinds.get( 1 ) ), term( kinds.get( 2 ) ) ) );
            else if( kinds.size() == 4 )
                facts.add( statementKindFour.format( term( kinds.get( 0 ) ), term( kinds.get( 1 ) ), term( kinds.get( 2 ) ), term( kinds.get( 3 ) ) ) );
        final List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>( service.types() );
        if( types.size() > 0 )
            if( types.size() == 1 )
                final String typeName = types.get( 0 );
                String verb = verbImplementOrExtend.text();
                final ReferenceService<?> referenceService = property.service( ReferenceService.class );
                if( referenceService != null && referenceService instanceof JavaTypeReferenceService )
                    JavaType type = null;
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    protected boolean computeEnablementState()
        if( super.computeEnablementState() == true )
            final Property property = property();
            final Path relativePath = (Path) ( (Value<?>) property ).content();
            if( relativePath != null )
                final Path absolutePath = property.service( RelativePathService.class ).convertToAbsolute( relativePath );
                if( absolutePath != null )
                    final File absoluteFile = absolutePath.toFile();
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    protected Object run( final Presentation context )
        final Property property = property();
        final Path relativePath = (Path) ( (Value<?>) property ).content();
        if( relativePath != null )
            final Path absolutePath = property.service( RelativePathService.class ).convertToAbsolute( relativePath );
            if( absolutePath != null )
                final File file = absolutePath.toFile();
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        setId( ID );
        setLabel( label.text() );
        addImage( IMG_FILE );
        final Property property = property();
        this.type = null;
        final String paramType = def.getParam( PARAM_TYPE );
        if( paramType != null )
            if( paramType.equalsIgnoreCase( "file" ) )
                this.type = FileSystemResourceType.FILE;
            else if( paramType.equalsIgnoreCase( "folder" ) )
                this.type = FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER;
            final ValidFileSystemResourceType validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation
                = property.definition().getAnnotation( ValidFileSystemResourceType.class );
            if( validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation != null )
                this.type = validFileSystemResourceTypeAnnotation.value();

        final String staticFileExtensions = def.getParam( PARAM_EXTENSIONS );
        if( staticFileExtensions == null )
            this.fileExtensionService = property.service( FileExtensionsService.class );
            if( this.fileExtensionService == null )
                this.staticFileExtensionsList = Collections.emptyList();
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    protected String browse( final Presentation context )
        final FormComponentPresentation p = (FormComponentPresentation) context;
        final Property property = property();
        final List<Path> roots = getBasePaths();
        String selectedAbsolutePath = null;
        final List<String> extensions;
        if( this.fileExtensionService == null )
            extensions = this.staticFileExtensionsList;
            extensions = this.fileExtensionService.extensions();
        if( enclosed() )
            final List<IContainer> baseContainers = new ArrayList<IContainer>();
            for( Path path : roots )
                final IContainer baseContainer = getWorkspaceContainer( path.toFile() );
                if( baseContainer != null )
                    baseContainers.add( baseContainer );
            final ITreeContentProvider contentProvider;
            final ILabelProvider labelProvider;
            final ViewerComparator viewerComparator;
            final Object input;

            if( roots.size() == baseContainers.size() )
                // All paths are in the Eclipse Workspace. Use the available content and label
                // providers.
                contentProvider = new WorkspaceContentProvider( baseContainers );
                labelProvider = new WorkbenchLabelProvider();
                viewerComparator = new ResourceComparator();
                input = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
                // At least one of the roots is not in the Eclipse Workspace. Use custom file
                // system content and label providers.
                contentProvider = new FileSystemContentProvider( roots );
                labelProvider = new FileSystemLabelProvider( p );
                viewerComparator = new FileSystemNodeComparator();
                input = new Object();
            final ElementTreeSelectionDialog dialog = new ElementTreeSelectionDialog(, labelProvider, contentProvider );
            dialog.setTitle( property.definition().getLabel( false, CapitalizationType.TITLE_STYLE, false ) );
            dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false ) ) );
            dialog.setAllowMultiple( false );
            dialog.setHelpAvailable( false );
            dialog.setInput( input );
            dialog.setComparator( viewerComparator );
            final Path currentPathAbsolute = convertToAbsolute( (Path) ( (Value<?>) property ).content() );
            if( currentPathAbsolute != null )
                Object initialSelection = null;
                if( contentProvider instanceof WorkspaceContentProvider )
                    final URI uri = currentPathAbsolute.toFile().toURI();
                    final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
                    final IFile[] files = wsroot.findFilesForLocationURI( uri );
                    if( files.length > 0 )
                        final IFile file = files[ 0 ];
                        if( file.exists() )
                            initialSelection = file;
                    if( initialSelection == null )
                        final IContainer[] containers = wsroot.findContainersForLocationURI( uri );
                        if( containers.length > 0 )
                            final IContainer container = containers[ 0 ];
                            if( container.exists() )
                                initialSelection = container;
                    initialSelection = ( (FileSystemContentProvider) contentProvider ).find( currentPathAbsolute );
                if( initialSelection != null )
                    dialog.setInitialSelection( initialSelection );
            if( this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FILE )
                dialog.setValidator( new FileSelectionStatusValidator() );
            else if( this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER )
                dialog.addFilter( new ContainersOnlyViewerFilter() );
            if( ! extensions.isEmpty() )
                dialog.addFilter( new ExtensionBasedViewerFilter( extensions ) );
            if( == Window.OK )
                final Object firstResult = dialog.getFirstResult();
                if( firstResult instanceof IResource )
                    selectedAbsolutePath = ( (IResource) firstResult ).getLocation().toString();
                    selectedAbsolutePath = ( (FileSystemNode) firstResult ).getFile().getPath();
        else if( this.type == FileSystemResourceType.FOLDER )
            final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog( );
            dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false ) );
            dialog.setMessage( createBrowseDialogMessage( property.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.NO_CAPS, false ) ) );
            final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property;
            final Path path = (Path) value.content();
            if( path != null )
                dialog.setFilterPath( path.toOSString() );
            else if( roots.size() > 0 )
                dialog.setFilterPath( roots.get( 0 ).toOSString() );
            selectedAbsolutePath =;
            final FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog( );
            dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel( true, CapitalizationType.FIRST_WORD_ONLY, false ) );
            final Value<?> value = (Value<?>) property;
            final Path path = (Path) value.content();
            if( path != null && path.segmentCount() > 1 )
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            return f.evaluate( this );
        else if( element == this || element instanceof Element )
            final Element el = ( element == this ? element() : (Element) element );
            final Property property = name );
            if( property != null )
                final Function f = new ReadPropertyFunction( property, name, PropertyContentEvent.class )
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        public final FunctionResult evaluate( final FunctionContext context )
            final Property property = this.context;
            final Class<? extends PropertyEvent> eventType = this.eventType;
            return new FunctionResult( this, context )
                private Listener listener;
                protected void init()
                    this.listener = new Listener()
                        public void handle( final Event event )
                            if( eventType.isInstance( event ) )
                    property.attach( this.listener );

                protected Object evaluate()
                    return ReadPropertyFunction.this.evaluate();
                public void dispose()
                    property.detach( this.listener );
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public final class ColorBrowseActionHandler extends BrowseActionHandler
    protected String browse( final Presentation context )
        final Property property = property();
        final Shell parent = ( (FormComponentPresentation) context ).shell();
        final Rectangle bounds = parent.getBounds();
        // There is no means to compute the size of the color dialog. In the following
        // computations, measurements of the dialog on Windows 7 are used. Will need to
        // generalize in the future.
        final int x = bounds.x + bounds.width / 2 - 120;
        final int y = bounds.y + bounds.height / 2 - 170;

        final Shell shell = new Shell( parent );
            shell.setBounds( x, y, 0, 0 );
            final ColorDialog dialog = new ColorDialog( shell );
            dialog.setText( property.definition().getLabel( false, CapitalizationType.TITLE_STYLE, false ) );
            dialog.setRGB( convert( (Color) ( (Value<?>) property ).content() ) );
            final RGB pickedColor =;
            if( pickedColor != null )
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public final class RelativePathJumpActionHandlerCondition extends PropertyEditorCondition
    protected boolean evaluate( final PropertyEditorPart part )
        final Property property =;
        return ( property.definition() instanceof ValueProperty && Path.class.isAssignableFrom( property.definition().getTypeClass() ) && property.service( RelativePathService.class ) != null );
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            protected Object evaluate()
                final Element element = operand( 0, Element.class, false );
                final Property parent = element.parent();
                if( parent instanceof ElementList )
                    final ElementList<?> list = (ElementList<?>) parent;
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.sapphire.Property$SuspendFilter

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