
Examples of

        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
        while (entries.hasNext()){
            String entryName = (String);
            InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
            // Add a directory entry
            // Add a regular entry
            JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
            // Ignore non-class files.
            if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
            String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
            byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
            byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
            try {
                Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                // to the target(no weaving).
                if (thisClass == null){
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                // if the class bytes can't be read.
                InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                if (is!=null){
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                        baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                        int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        while (bytesRead >= 0){
                            baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                            bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                    swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
        while (entries.hasNext()){
            String entryName = (String);
            InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
            // Add a directory entry
            // Add a regular entry
            JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
            // Ignore non-class files.
            if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
            String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
            byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
            byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
            try {
                Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                // to the target(no weaving).
                if (thisClass == null){
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                // if the class bytes can't be read.
                InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                if (is!=null){
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                        baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                        int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        while (bytesRead >= 0){
                            baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                            bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                    swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source, null, null);
        if (sourceArchive != null) {
            try {
                Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
                while (entries.hasNext()){
                    String entryName = (String);
                    InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                    // Add a directory entry
                    // Add a regular entry
                    JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                    // Ignore non-class files.
                    if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                    byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                    byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                    try {
                        Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                        // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                        // to the target(no weaving).
                        if (thisClass == null){
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                        // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                        // if the class bytes can't be read.
                        InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                        if (is!=null){
                            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                                baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                                int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                    baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                    bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                            } finally {
                        } else {
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                        // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                        transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                        // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                        if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                            swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                        } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        try {
            Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
            while (entries.hasNext()){
                String entryName = (String);
                InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                // Add a directory entry
                // Add a regular entry
                JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                // Ignore non-class files.
                if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                try {
                    Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                    // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                    // to the target(no weaving).
                    if (thisClass == null){
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                    // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                    // if the class bytes can't be read.
                    InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                    if (is!=null){
                        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                            baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                            int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                    // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                    transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                    // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                    if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                        swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                    } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        try {
            Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
            while (entries.hasNext()){
                String entryName = (String);
                InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                // Add a directory entry
                // Add a regular entry
                JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                // Ignore non-class files.
                if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                try {
                    Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                    // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                    // to the target(no weaving).
                    if (thisClass == null){
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                    // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                    // if the class bytes can't be read.
                    InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                    if (is!=null){
                        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                            baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                            int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                    // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                    transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                    // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                    if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                        swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                    } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        try {
            Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
            while (entries.hasNext()){
                String entryName = (String);
                InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                // Add a directory entry
                // Add a regular entry
                JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                // Ignore non-class files.
                if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                try {
                    Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                    // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                    // to the target(no weaving).
                    if (thisClass == null){
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                    // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                    // if the class bytes can't be read.
                    InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                    if (is!=null){
                        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                            baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                            int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                            originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                        } finally {
                    } else {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                    // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                    transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                    // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                    if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                        swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                    } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source, null, null);
        if (sourceArchive != null) {
            try {
                Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
                while (entries.hasNext()){
                    String entryName = (String);
                    InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                    // Add a directory entry
                    // Add a regular entry
                    JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                    // Ignore non-class files.
                    if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                    byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                    byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                    try {
                        Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                        // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                        // to the target(no weaving).
                        if (thisClass == null){
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                        // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                        // if the class bytes can't be read.
                        InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                        if (is!=null){
                            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                                baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                                int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                    baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                    bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                            } finally {
                        } else {
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                        // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                        transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                        // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                        if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                            swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                        } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source);
        Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
        while (entries.hasNext()){
            String entryName = (String);
            InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
            // Add a directory entry
            // Add a regular entry
            JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
            // Ignore non-class files.
            if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
            String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
            byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
            byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
            try {
                Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                // to the target(no weaving).
                if (thisClass == null){
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                // if the class bytes can't be read.
                InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                if (is!=null){
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                        baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                        int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        while (bytesRead >= 0){
                            baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                            bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                        originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                    } finally {
                } else {
                    swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                    swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source, null, null);
        if (sourceArchive != null) {
            try {
                Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
                while (entries.hasNext()){
                    String entryName = (String);
                    InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                    // Add a directory entry
                    // Add a regular entry
                    JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                    // Ignore non-class files.
                    if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                    byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                    byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                    try {
                        Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                        // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                        // to the target(no weaving).
                        if (thisClass == null){
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                        // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                        // if the class bytes can't be read.
                        InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                        if (is!=null){
                            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                                baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                                int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                    baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                    bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                            } finally {
                        } else {
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                        // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                        transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                        // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                        if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                            swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                        } else {
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        // Instantiate classloader.
        this.classLoader = (this.classLoader == null)? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader():this.classLoader;
        this.classLoader = new URLClassLoader(getURLs(), this.classLoader);
        // Instantiate the classtransformer, we check if the persistenceinfo URL has been specified.
        StaticWeaveClassTransformer classTransformer=null;
        if (persistenceInfo!=null) {
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(persistenceInfo, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);
        } else{
            classTransformer = new StaticWeaveClassTransformer(source, persistenceXMLLocation, this.classLoader,this.logWriter,this.logLevel);

        // Starting process.
        Archive sourceArchive =(new ArchiveFactoryImpl()).createArchive(source, null, null);
        if (sourceArchive != null) {
            try {
                Iterator entries = sourceArchive.getEntries();
                while (entries.hasNext()){
                    String entryName = (String);
                    InputStream entryInputStream = sourceArchive.getEntry(entryName);
                    // Add a directory entry
                    // Add a regular entry
                    JarEntry newEntry = new JarEntry(entryName);
                    // Ignore non-class files.
                    if (!(entryName.endsWith(".class"))) {
                        swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                    String className = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassNameFromEntryString(entryName) ;
                    byte[] originalClassBytes=null;
                    byte[] transferredClassBytes=null;
                    try {
                        Class thisClass = this.classLoader.loadClass(className);
                        // If the class is not in the classpath, we simply copy the entry
                        // to the target(no weaving).
                        if (thisClass == null){
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // Try to read the loaded class bytes, the class bytes is required for
                        // classtransformer to perform transfer. Simply copy entry to the target(no weaving)
                        // if the class bytes can't be read.
                        InputStream is = this.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(entryName);
                        if (is!=null){
                            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
                                baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                byte[] bytes = new byte[NUMBER_OF_BYTES];
                                int bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                while (bytesRead >= 0){
                                    baos.write(bytes, 0, bytesRead);
                                    bytesRead =, 0, NUMBER_OF_BYTES);
                                originalClassBytes = baos.toByteArray();
                            } finally {
                        } else {
                            swoh.addEntry(entryInputStream, newEntry);
                        // If everything is OK so far, we perform the weaving. we need three parameters in order to
                        // class to perform weaving for that class, the class name,the class object and class bytes.
                        transferredClassBytes = classTransformer.transform(className.replace('.', '/'), thisClass, originalClassBytes);
                        // If transferredClassBytes is null means the class dose not get woven.
                        if (transferredClassBytes!=null){
                            swoh.addEntry(newEntry, transferredClassBytes);
                        } else {
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