if (!this.isImportProcessor()) {
java.util.List descriptorsToAdd = new ArrayList(returnList);
Iterator<Type> iter = descriptorsToAdd.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SDOType nextSDOType = (SDOType) iter.next();
if (!nextSDOType.isFinalized()) {
//Only throw this error if we're not processing an import.
throw SDOException.typeReferencedButNotDefined(nextSDOType.getURI(), nextSDOType.getName());
Iterator<Property> propertiesIter = nextSDOType.getProperties().iterator();
while (propertiesIter.hasNext()) {
SDOProperty prop = (SDOProperty) propertiesIter.next();
if (prop.getType().isDataType() && prop.isContainment()) {
// If isDataType is true, then isContainment has to be false.
// This property was likely created as a stub, and isContainment never got reset
// when the property was fully defined.
// This problem was uncovered in bug 6809767
Iterator<Property> propertiesIter = getGeneratedGlobalElements().values().iterator();
while (propertiesIter.hasNext()) {
SDOProperty nextSDOProperty = (SDOProperty) propertiesIter.next();
if (!nextSDOProperty.isFinalized()) {
//Only throw this error if we're not processing an import.
throw SDOException.referencedPropertyNotFound(nextSDOProperty.getUri(), nextSDOProperty.getName());
propertiesIter = getGeneratedGlobalAttributes().values().iterator();
while (propertiesIter.hasNext()) {
SDOProperty nextSDOProperty = (SDOProperty) propertiesIter.next();
if (!nextSDOProperty.isFinalized()) {
//Only throw this error if we're not processing an import.
throw SDOException.referencedPropertyNotFound(nextSDOProperty.getUri(), nextSDOProperty.getName());
iter = getGeneratedTypes().values().iterator();
//If we get here all types were finalized correctly
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SDOType nextSDOType = (SDOType) iter.next();
((SDOTypeHelper) aHelperContext.getTypeHelper()).addType(nextSDOType);
Iterator anonymousIterator = getAnonymousTypes().iterator();
while (anonymousIterator.hasNext()) {
SDOType nextSDOType = (SDOType) anonymousIterator.next();
((SDOTypeHelper) aHelperContext.getTypeHelper()).getAnonymousTypes().add(nextSDOType);
// add any base types to the list
for (int i=0; i<descriptorsToAdd.size(); i++) {
SDOType nextSDOType = (SDOType) descriptorsToAdd.get(i);
if (!nextSDOType.isDataType() && nextSDOType.getBaseTypes().size() == 0 && nextSDOType.getSubTypes().size() > 0) {
} else if (!nextSDOType.isDataType() && nextSDOType.getBaseTypes().size() > 0 && !getGeneratedTypes().values().contains(nextSDOType.getBaseTypes().get(0))) {
SDOType baseType = (SDOType) nextSDOType.getBaseTypes().get(0);
while (baseType != null) {
if (baseType.getBaseTypes().size() == 0) {
// baseType should now be root of inheritance
baseType = null;
} else {
baseType = (SDOType) baseType.getBaseTypes().get(0);