Package org.eclipse.persistence.sdo

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOChangeSummary

     * @param doMap (map of original do's (CS1) to their copy do's in (CS2))
    private void copyChangeSummary(ChangeSummary anOriginalCS, ChangeSummary aCopyCS,//
                                   Map origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map) {
        // cast interfaces to concrete classes in one place
        SDOChangeSummary originalCS = (SDOChangeSummary)anOriginalCS;
        SDOChangeSummary copyCS = (SDOChangeSummary)aCopyCS;

        // handled by copy constructor
        // map of copy of original ListWrapper (CS2) to its new copy of a copy (CS2) - link ValueStores to Elements
        HashMap copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map = new HashMap();

        // in the absence of a ListWrapper.getProperty() we keep a map
        HashMap propertyToOriginalListMap = new HashMap();

         * In 3 parts we add deleted objects to the global doMap and copy modified, created nodes

        // fields that need re-referencing from original to copy
        DataObject anOriginalObject = null;
        DataObject aCopyOfOriginalObject = null;

        // iterate deleted objects
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getDeleted().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = copy(anOriginalObject, null);
            // fix deletedList
            // Assumption check do map before a possible re-add - reset()
            if (null == origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject)) {
                // add temp map of original  : copy of original           
                origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.put(anOriginalObject, aCopyOfOriginalObject);

        // iterate created objects     
        for (Iterator aIterator = originalCS.getCreated().iterator(); aIterator.hasNext();) {

        // add modified objects     
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getModified().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {

         * Fix originalValueStores by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original valueStore:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the ValueStore
        ValueStore aVSCopy = null;
        ValueStore aVSOriginal = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            // deep copy to get corresponding copy DataObject (deleted objects were added to doMap)
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = (DataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);

             * Recursively shallow-copy elements (by iterating the ovs map and iterating the properties of each item)
             * Fix the dataObject pointer
            aVSCopy = createValueStore();
            aVSOriginal = (ValueStore)originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().get(anOriginalObject);
            // changes made to the copy VS must not affect the original -hence the dataObject field must be a copy of the original
            Object aVSPropertyItem = null;

            // get the # of non-opencontent properties for the object holding the CS - do not use DVS.getTypePropertyValues()
            for (int size = ((SDOType) anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().size(), i = 0;
                     i < size; i++) {
                aVSPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getDeclaredProperty(i);
                // only iterate set properties
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetDeclaredProperty(i)) {
                    // shallow copy the object values
                    // handle single case
                    SDOProperty currentProperty = (SDOProperty)((SDOType)anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().get(i);
                    if (currentProperty.isMany()) {
                        propertyToOriginalListMap.put(aVSPropertyItem, currentProperty);

                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(currentProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(currentProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // COMPLEX SINGLE
                        if (!currentProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            // are we using the cast to DataObject as a sort of instance check that would throw a CCE?
                            aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // SIMPLE SINGLE
                            // skip changeSummary property
                            if (!currentProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                                // simple singles set
                                aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aVSPropertyItem);

            // create list of unset and current open content properties
            List ocPropertiesList = new ArrayList();
            // add existing properties
            // iterate existing open content properties           
            for (Iterator i = ocPropertiesList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                SDOProperty ocProperty = (SDOProperty);
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetOpenContentProperty(ocProperty)) {
                    // get oc value             
                    Object anOCPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getOpenContentProperty(ocProperty);

                    // get oc copy - shallow copy the object values
                    if (ocProperty.isMany()) {
                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(ocProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(ocProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // handle complex single case
                        if (!ocProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // simple singles set
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, anOCPropertyItem);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalValueStores().put(aCopyOfOriginalObject, aVSCopy);

        // end originalValueStore iteration

         * Fix originalElements by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original List:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the elements
         * The instances of ListWrapper inside the valueStores must be the same ones used in the originalElements
        ListWrapper anOriginalListKey = null;
        ListWrapper aCopyListWrapper = null;
        List aCopyList = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalElements().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalListKey = (ListWrapper);
            // create a new ListWrapper
            SDOProperty aProperty = (SDOProperty) propertyToOriginalListMap.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyListWrapper = (ListWrapper)copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyList = new ArrayList();

             * For each key:ListWrapper
             *     - shallow copy all the items in the currentElements list
             *     - replace the dataObject with its copy of the copy
             *     - leave the property as is
             * For each value:ArrayList
             *     - replace all values with their copy
            Object aListItem = null;
            Object aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator anItemIterator = anOriginalListKey.iterator(); anItemIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    // get the copy of the original (in the current valuestore) - we need do not make a copy of this copy
                    // we should have a copy of the copy for List items - ListWrapper.add(item) will remove the item from its original wrapper
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

            // add element list directly to the ListWrapper and bypass the cs element copy and containment updates
            List listValueCopy = new ArrayList();

            // fix ArrayList value
            List listValue = (List)originalCS.getOriginalElements().get(anOriginalListKey);
            aListItem = null;
            aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator aListIterator = listValue.iterator(); aListIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);                   
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

                // don't add nulls to the listWrapper so an undoChanges will encounter an NPE later
                if (aListItemCopy != null) {

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalElements().put(aCopyListWrapper, listValueCopy);

        // end originalist Iteration

         * fields that are already set when logging is turned on but need to be fixed (deleted objects need references)
        Map oldContainersMap = originalCS.getOldContainers();
        Map copyContainersMap = copyCS.getOldContainers();
        DataObject oldContainerKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainerKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator anIterator = oldContainersMap.keySet().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            oldContainerKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainerKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            DataObject oldContainerValue = null;
            if (null == copyContainersMap.get(copyContainerKey)) {
                oldContainerValue = (DataObject)oldContainersMap.get(oldContainerKey);
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainersMap.put(copyContainerKey, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerValue));

        Map oldContainmentPropertyMap = originalCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        Map copyContainmentPropertyMap = copyCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        DataObject oldContainmentPropertyKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainmentPropertyKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator iterContProp = oldContainmentPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContProp.hasNext();) {
            oldContainmentPropertyKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainmentPropertyKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            if (null == copyContainmentPropertyMap.get(copyContainmentPropertyKey)) {
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainmentPropertyMap.put(copyContainmentPropertyKey, oldContainmentPropertyMap.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey));

        Map oldUnsetOCPropertyMap = originalCS.getUnsetOCPropertiesMap();
        SDODataObject oldOCPropertyContainer = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0
        for (Iterator iterContainer = oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContainer.hasNext();) {
            // DataObject will be non-Null
            oldOCPropertyContainer = (SDODataObject);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            for (Iterator iterUnset = ((List)oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.get(oldOCPropertyContainer)).iterator();
                     iterUnset.hasNext();) {
                // set/create new list on copy Map with corresponding copy of container
                oldOCPropertyContainer), (Property);

        // process sequences

         * Fix originalSequences by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original Sequence:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the settings in the sequence.
         * The instances of Sequence inside the originalSequences must be the same ones used in the originalElements

        // iterate the map of <DataObject, Sequence>
        for (Iterator aMapIterator = originalCS.getOriginalSequences().keySet().iterator();
                 aMapIterator.hasNext();) {
            SDODataObject sequenceDataObjectKey = (SDODataObject);
            SDOSequence originalSequence = (SDOSequence)originalCS.getOriginalSequences().get(sequenceDataObjectKey);

            // create a new Sequence with a pointer to the copy of the original DataObject backpointer
            // assume that all dataObject backpointers are containment objects.
            SDODataObject copyOriginalSequenceDataObject = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(originalSequence.getDataObject());
            SDOSequence copySequence = new SDOSequence(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject);

            replicateAndRereferenceSequenceCopyPrivate(originalSequence, copySequence, originalSequence.getDataObject(), copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map, originalCS);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalSequences().put(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, copySequence);

         * fields to ignore
        // aHelperContext    SDOHelperContext  (id=42)
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    public void afterMarshal(Object obj) {

    public void beforeMarshal(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof SDOChangeSummary) {
            SDOChangeSummary changeSummary = ((SDOChangeSummary)obj);

            //CREATED - build a list of xpaths to write to the created attribute
            //this must be done dynamically because the xpath is relative to the marshalledObject
            //so it can't be calculated until we know what object is being marshalled
            List createdSet = changeSummary.getCreated();
            List xpaths = new ArrayList(createdSet.size());

            String rootElementName = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getLocalPart();
            String rootNamespaceUri = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI();
            if(rootNamespaceUri != null && !rootNamespaceUri.equals("")) {
                NamespaceResolver resolver = getRootMarshalRecord().getNamespaceResolver();
                if(resolver != null) {
                    String prefix = resolver.resolveNamespaceURI(this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI());
                    if(prefix != null) {
                        rootElementName = prefix + ":" + rootElementName;
            if ((createdSet != null) && (createdSet.size() > 0)) {
                Iterator anIterator = createdSet.iterator();
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                while (anIterator.hasNext()) {
                    // get path to the changeSummaryRoot (may not be the root marshalled object - may be internal)
                    nextCreatedDO = ((SDODataObject);
                    String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextCreatedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                    //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                    if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                        //if this is the root, just put the root element
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                    } else {
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                rootElementName + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + nextPath);

            //Build xpathToCS           
            String xpathMarshalledObjToCS = getPathFromAncestor(changeSummary.getRootObject(), (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
            String xpathChangeSumProp = getXPathForProperty(changeSummary.getRootObject().getType().getChangeSummaryProperty());

            String xpathToCS = SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + rootElementName;

            // check if the CS is at the local-cs-root or is in a child property
            if ((xpathMarshalledObjToCS != null) && !xpathMarshalledObjToCS.equals(SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) {//SDO_XPATH_TO_ROOT)) {
                // CS is not on the root
                xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + xpathMarshalledObjToCS;
            xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT//
                         +xpathChangeSumProp + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT;

            //MODIFIED && DELETED          
            List deletedXPaths = new ArrayList();
            Document document = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform().createDocument();
            Element csNode = null;
            List modifiedItems = changeSummary.getModified();
            int modifiedSize = modifiedItems.size();
            List newNodes = new ArrayList(modifiedSize);
            SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;

            //Iterate through CS modified items
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedSize; i++) {
                nextModifiedDO = (SDODataObject)modifiedItems.get(i);
                String sdoPrefix = typeHelper.getPrefix(SDOConstants.SDO_URL);

                //List unsetPropNames = new ArrayList();
                String uri = getURI(nextModifiedDO);
                String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName(nextModifiedDO);

                if (uri == null) {
                    csNode = document.createElement(qualifiedName);
                } else {
                    csNode = document.createElementNS(uri, qualifiedName);

                String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextModifiedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                    //if this is the root, just put the root element
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                            SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                            sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName);
                } else {
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                      SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                      sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName + "/" + nextPath);

                //Bug6346754 Add all namespaces if they are not yet declared above.               
                Vector namespaces = nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getNonNullNamespaceResolver().getNamespaces();
                for (int j = 0; j < namespaces.size(); j++) {
                    Namespace next = (Namespace)namespaces.get(j);
                    if (declareNamespace(next.getNamespaceURI(), next.getPrefix(), changeSummary.getRootObject())) {
                        csNode.setAttributeNS(XMLConstants.XMLNS_URL, XMLConstants.XMLNS + ":" + next.getPrefix(), next.getNamespaceURI());

                List nextDOSettings = changeSummary.getOldValues(nextModifiedDO);
                DOMRecord row = new DOMRecord(csNode);
                Session session = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().getSession(0);
                row.setSession((AbstractSession) session);

                //Iterate through SDOSettings for the current modified Object
                SDOSetting nextSetting = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < nextDOSettings.size(); j++) {
                    nextSetting = (SDOSetting)nextDOSettings.get(j);
                    if (nextSetting.isSet()) {
                        if (!nextSetting.getProperty().getType().isDataType()) {
                            if (nextSetting.getProperty().isMany()) {
                                List values = (List)nextSetting.getValue();
                                for (int k = 0; k < values.size(); k++) {
                                    doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)values.get(k),//
                                              changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                            } else {
                                doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)nextSetting.getValue(),//
                                          changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                        } else {
                            //This writes out simple values                           
                            Object value = nextSetting.getValue();

                            if (value == null) {
                                //Marshal out xsi:nil=true  
                                marshalNilAttribute(nextSetting.getProperty(), row);                           
                            } else {
                                String xPath = getXPathForProperty(nextSetting.getProperty());
                                XMLField field = new XMLField(xPath);
                                row.put(field, value);

                List unsetPropNames = changeSummary.getUnsetProps(nextModifiedDO);
                if (!unsetPropNames.isEmpty()) {
                    XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                    String unsetPropsString = (String)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetPropNames, String.class);
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                          SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                          SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET, unsetPropsString);

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                DatabaseMapping mapping = getJAXBMappingForProperty(sdoProperty);
                AttributeAccessor attributeAccessor = mapping.getAttributeAccessor();
                Object attributeValue = attributeAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(originalEntity);
                if(mapping.isCollectionMapping()) {
                    Object containerCopy = null;
                    SDOChangeSummary sdoChangeSummary = dataObject.getChangeSummary();
                    if(null != sdoChangeSummary) {
                        List list = listWrappers.get(sdoProperty);
                        containerCopy = sdoChangeSummary.getOriginalElements().get(list);
                    if(null == containerCopy) {
                        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = mapping.getContainerPolicy();
                        containerCopy = containerPolicy.containerInstance();
                        if(null != attributeValue) {
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     * @param doMap (map of original do's (CS1) to their copy do's in (CS2))
    private void copyChangeSummary(ChangeSummary anOriginalCS, ChangeSummary aCopyCS,//
                                   Map origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map) {
        // cast interfaces to concrete classes in one place
        SDOChangeSummary originalCS = (SDOChangeSummary)anOriginalCS;
        SDOChangeSummary copyCS = (SDOChangeSummary)aCopyCS;

        // handled by copy constructor
        // map of copy of original ListWrapper (CS2) to its new copy of a copy (CS2) - link ValueStores to Elements
        HashMap copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map = new HashMap();

        // in the absence of a ListWrapper.getProperty() we keep a map
        HashMap propertyToOriginalListMap = new HashMap();

         * In 3 parts we add deleted objects to the global doMap and copy modified, created nodes

        // fields that need re-referencing from original to copy
        DataObject anOriginalObject = null;
        DataObject aCopyOfOriginalObject = null;

        // iterate deleted objects
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getDeleted().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = copy(anOriginalObject, null);
            // fix deletedList
            // Assumption check do map before a possible re-add - reset()
            if (null == origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject)) {
                // add temp map of original  : copy of original           
                origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.put(anOriginalObject, aCopyOfOriginalObject);

        // iterate created objects     
        for (Iterator aIterator = originalCS.getCreated().iterator(); aIterator.hasNext();) {

        // add modified objects     
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getModified().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {

         * Fix originalValueStores by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original valueStore:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the ValueStore
        ValueStore aVSCopy = null;
        ValueStore aVSOriginal = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            // deep copy to get corresponding copy DataObject (deleted objects were added to doMap)
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = (DataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);

             * Recursively shallow-copy elements (by iterating the ovs map and iterating the properties of each item)
             * Fix the dataObject pointer
            aVSCopy = createValueStore();
            aVSOriginal = (ValueStore)originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().get(anOriginalObject);
            // changes made to the copy VS must not affect the original -hence the dataObject field must be a copy of the original
            Object aVSPropertyItem = null;

            // get the # of non-opencontent properties for the object holding the CS - do not use DVS.getTypePropertyValues()
            for (int size = ((SDOType) anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().size(), i = 0;
                     i < size; i++) {
                aVSPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getDeclaredProperty(i);
                // only iterate set properties
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetDeclaredProperty(i)) {
                    // shallow copy the object values
                    // handle single case
                    SDOProperty currentProperty = (SDOProperty)((SDOType)anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().get(i);
                    if (currentProperty.isMany()) {
                        propertyToOriginalListMap.put(aVSPropertyItem, currentProperty);

                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(currentProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(currentProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // COMPLEX SINGLE
                        if (!currentProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            // are we using the cast to DataObject as a sort of instance check that would throw a CCE?
                            aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // SIMPLE SINGLE
                            // skip changeSummary property
                            if (!currentProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                                // simple singles set
                                aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aVSPropertyItem);

            // create list of unset and current open content properties
            List ocPropertiesList = new ArrayList();
            // add existing properties
            // iterate existing open content properties           
            for (Iterator i = ocPropertiesList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                SDOProperty ocProperty = (SDOProperty);
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetOpenContentProperty(ocProperty)) {
                    // get oc value             
                    Object anOCPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getOpenContentProperty(ocProperty);

                    // get oc copy - shallow copy the object values
                    if (ocProperty.isMany()) {
                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(ocProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(ocProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // handle complex single case
                        if (!ocProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // simple singles set
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, anOCPropertyItem);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalValueStores().put(aCopyOfOriginalObject, aVSCopy);

        // end originalValueStore iteration

         * Fix originalElements by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original List:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the elements
         * The instances of ListWrapper inside the valueStores must be the same ones used in the originalElements
        ListWrapper anOriginalListKey = null;
        ListWrapper aCopyListWrapper = null;
        List aCopyList = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalElements().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalListKey = (ListWrapper);
            // create a new ListWrapper
            SDOProperty aProperty = (SDOProperty) propertyToOriginalListMap.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyListWrapper = (ListWrapper)copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyList = new ArrayList();

             * For each key:ListWrapper
             *     - shallow copy all the items in the currentElements list
             *     - replace the dataObject with its copy of the copy
             *     - leave the property as is
             * For each value:ArrayList
             *     - replace all values with their copy
            Object aListItem = null;
            Object aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator anItemIterator = anOriginalListKey.iterator(); anItemIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    // get the copy of the original (in the current valuestore) - we need do not make a copy of this copy
                    // we should have a copy of the copy for List items - ListWrapper.add(item) will remove the item from its original wrapper
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

            // add element list directly to the ListWrapper and bypass the cs element copy and containment updates
            List listValueCopy = new ArrayList();

            // fix ArrayList value
            List listValue = (List)originalCS.getOriginalElements().get(anOriginalListKey);
            aListItem = null;
            aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator aListIterator = listValue.iterator(); aListIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);                   
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

                // don't add nulls to the listWrapper so an undoChanges will encounter an NPE later
                if (aListItemCopy != null) {

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalElements().put(aCopyListWrapper, listValueCopy);

        // end originalist Iteration

         * fields that are already set when logging is turned on but need to be fixed (deleted objects need references)
        Map oldContainersMap = originalCS.getOldContainers();
        Map copyContainersMap = copyCS.getOldContainers();
        DataObject oldContainerKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainerKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator anIterator = oldContainersMap.keySet().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            oldContainerKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainerKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            DataObject oldContainerValue = null;
            if (null == copyContainersMap.get(copyContainerKey)) {
                oldContainerValue = (DataObject)oldContainersMap.get(oldContainerKey);
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainersMap.put(copyContainerKey, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerValue));

        Map oldContainmentPropertyMap = originalCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        Map copyContainmentPropertyMap = copyCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        DataObject oldContainmentPropertyKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainmentPropertyKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator iterContProp = oldContainmentPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContProp.hasNext();) {
            oldContainmentPropertyKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainmentPropertyKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            if (null == copyContainmentPropertyMap.get(copyContainmentPropertyKey)) {
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainmentPropertyMap.put(copyContainmentPropertyKey, oldContainmentPropertyMap.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey));

        Map oldUnsetOCPropertyMap = originalCS.getUnsetOCPropertiesMap();
        SDODataObject oldOCPropertyContainer = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0
        for (Iterator iterContainer = oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContainer.hasNext();) {
            // DataObject will be non-Null
            oldOCPropertyContainer = (SDODataObject);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            for (Iterator iterUnset = ((List)oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.get(oldOCPropertyContainer)).iterator();
                     iterUnset.hasNext();) {
                // set/create new list on copy Map with corresponding copy of container
                oldOCPropertyContainer), (Property);

        // process sequences

         * Fix originalSequences by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original Sequence:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the settings in the sequence.
         * The instances of Sequence inside the originalSequences must be the same ones used in the originalElements

        // iterate the map of <DataObject, Sequence>
        for (Iterator aMapIterator = originalCS.getOriginalSequences().keySet().iterator();
                 aMapIterator.hasNext();) {
            SDODataObject sequenceDataObjectKey = (SDODataObject);
            SDOSequence originalSequence = (SDOSequence)originalCS.getOriginalSequences().get(sequenceDataObjectKey);

            // create a new Sequence with a pointer to the copy of the original DataObject backpointer
            // assume that all dataObject backpointers are containment objects.
            SDODataObject copyOriginalSequenceDataObject = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(originalSequence.getDataObject());
            SDOSequence copySequence = new SDOSequence(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject);

            replicateAndRereferenceSequenceCopyPrivate(originalSequence, copySequence, originalSequence.getDataObject(), copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map, originalCS);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalSequences().put(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, copySequence);

         * fields to ignore
        // aHelperContext    SDOHelperContext  (id=42)
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        // if parent is null we are back to the root object
        // the last object that will hit the afterUnmarshal method
        if (parent == null) {
            SDOChangeSummary nextCS = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((SDOXMLHelper)aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().createUnmarshaller();
            for (int i = 0; i < changeSummaries.size(); i++) {
                nextCS = (SDOChangeSummary)changeSummaries.get(i);
                // Set logging to true until finished building modified list.
                boolean loggingValue = nextCS.isLoggingMapping();
                // CREATES
                // For each xpath in the create attribute convert it to an sdo path and execute it against the root
                // dataobject to get the dataobject being pointed to and set that dataobject to be created
                List xpaths = nextCS.getCreatedXPaths();
                String nextXPath = null;
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < xpaths.size(); j++) {
                    nextXPath = (String)xpaths.get(j);
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(nextXPath);
                    nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);

                    if(nextCreatedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    if (nextCreatedDO != null) {
                    } else {
                        throw SDOException.errorProcessingXPath(nextXPath);
                //clear the createxpaths list that was read in from XML               
                List modifiedDoms = nextCS.getModifiedDoms();
                Element nextNode = null;
                String refValue = null;
                SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < modifiedDoms.size(); j++) {
                    nextNode = (Element)modifiedDoms.get(j);
                    refValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_REF);
                    if ((refValue == null) || (refValue.length() == 0)) {
                        throw SDOException.missingRefAttribute();
                    //nextModifiedDO is the real modified current data object
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(refValue);
                    nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    //if it failed, try peeling off the first fragment (may be the root
                    if(nextModifiedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    String unsetValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET);
                    List unsetValueList = new ArrayList();
                    if ((unsetValue != null) && (unsetValue.length() > 0)) {
                        XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper) aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                        unsetValueList = (List)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetValue, List.class);
                    if (nextModifiedDO != null) {
                        SDOCSUnmarshalListener listener = new SDOCSUnmarshalListener(nextModifiedDO.getType().getHelperContext(), true);
                        unmarshaller.getProperties().put("sdoHelperContext", aHelperContext);
                        Object unmarshalledNode = unmarshaller.unmarshal(nextNode, nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getJavaClass());
                        //unmarshalledDO is the modified dataobject from the changesummary xml
                        DataObject unmarshalledDO = null;
                        // Assumption: unmarshalledNode should always be either an instance of XMLRoot or DataObject                       
                        if (unmarshalledNode instanceof XMLRoot) {
                            unmarshalledDO = (DataObject)((XMLRoot)unmarshalledNode).getObject();
                        } else if (unmarshalledNode instanceof DataObject) {
                            unmarshalledDO = (DataObject)unmarshalledNode;
                        List modifiedProps = new ArrayList();
                        Node n = nextNode.getFirstChild();
                        while(n != null) {
                            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                String propName = n.getLocalName();
                                Property nextProp = unmarshalledDO.getInstanceProperty(propName);
                                if (nextProp == null) {
                                    nextProp = aHelperContext.getTypeHelper().getOpenContentProperty(n.getNamespaceURI(), propName);
                                if (!modifiedProps.contains(nextProp)) {
                            n = n.getNextSibling();
                        //instead of iterating over all props can we just check elements in cs and get appropriate properties from DO
                        for (int k = 0; k < modifiedProps.size(); k++) {
                            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)modifiedProps.get(k);
                            if (!nextProp.getType().isDataType()) {
                                if (nextProp.isMany()) {
                                    //original value is the list from the changesummary xml
                                    List originalValue = unmarshalledDO.getList(nextProp);
                                    List newList = new ArrayList();
                                    List toDelete = new ArrayList();
                                    List indexsToDelete = new ArrayList();
                                    for (int l = 0; l < originalValue.size(); l++) {
                                        SDODataObject nextInList = (SDODataObject)originalValue.get(l);
                                        String sdoRef = nextInList._getSdoRef();
                                        if (sdoRef != null) {
                                            //if sdoRef is not null then object is modified
                                            String sdoRefPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(sdoRef);
                                            int nextSlash = sdoRefPath.indexOf('/');
                                            if(nextSlash != -1) {
                                                sdoRefPath = sdoRefPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                                            } else {
                                                sdoRefPath = "/";
                                        } else {
                                            //if sdo ref is null there is a deleted object                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                            indexsToDelete.add(new Integer(l));
                                    //lw is the list from the real current data object
                                    ListWrapper lw = ((ListWrapper)nextModifiedDO.getList(nextProp));
                                    if (indexsToDelete.size() > 0) {
                                        //after this loop, lw will have the entire list when logging was turned on                                       
                                        for (int m = 0; m < indexsToDelete.size(); m++) {
                                            int toDeleteIndex = ((Integer)indexsToDelete.get(m)).intValue();
                                            SDODataObject nextToDelete = (SDODataObject)toDelete.get(m);
                                            lw.add(toDeleteIndex, nextToDelete);
                                        nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, lw);
                                        SDOSequence nextSeq = ((SDOSequence)nextCS.getOriginalSequences().get(nextModifiedDO));
                                        for (int m = indexsToDelete.size() - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
                                            int toDeleteIndex = ((Integer)indexsToDelete.get(m)).intValue();
                                            SDODataObject nextToDelete = (SDODataObject)toDelete.get(m);
                                            if(nextSeq != null){
                                               nextSeq.addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(-1, nextProp, nextToDelete);

                                    nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(lw, newList);
                                } else {
                                    SDODataObject value = (SDODataObject)unmarshalledDO.getDataObject(nextProp);
                                    if (value != null) {
                                        String sdoRef = value._getSdoRef();
                                        if (sdoRef != null) {
                                        } else {
                                            boolean wasSet = nextModifiedDO.isSet(nextProp);

                                            Object existingValue = nextModifiedDO.get(nextProp);
                                            // grab index of nextProp's Setting for use during setting below
                                            Sequence nextModifiedDOSequence = nextModifiedDO.getSequence();
                                            int settingIdx = -1;
                                            if (nextModifiedDOSequence != null) {
                                                settingIdx = ((SDOSequence)nextModifiedDOSequence).getIndexForProperty(nextProp);
                                            nextModifiedDO.set(nextProp, value);
                                            nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, value);
                                            SDOSequence nextSeq = ((SDOSequence)nextCS.getOriginalSequences().get(nextModifiedDO));
                                            if(nextSeq != null){
                                              nextSeq.addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(-1, nextProp, value);

                                            if (wasSet) {
                                                // need to add at the right pos in the list, not at the end
                                                nextModifiedDO.set(nextProp, existingValue, false);
                                                if (settingIdx != -1) {
                                                    nextModifiedDO.getSequence().addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(settingIdx, nextProp, existingValue);
                                            } else {
                                    } else {
                                        nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, null);
                            } else {
                                Object value = unmarshalledDO.get(nextProp);
                                //lw is the list from the real current data object             
                                  Property theProp = nextModifiedDO.getInstanceProperty(nextProp.getName());
                                  if(theProp == null){
                                    Property newProp = nextModifiedDO.defineOpenContentProperty(nextProp.getName(), new ArrayList(), nextProp.getType());
                                    nextModifiedDO.set(newProp, new ArrayList());
                                    theProp = newProp;
                                  List lw = nextModifiedDO.getList(theProp.getName());                                                                   
                                  nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, theProp, lw);
                                  nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(lw, ((ListWrapper)value).getCurrentElements());
                                  nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, value)
                        for (int k = 0; k < unsetValueList.size(); k++) {
                            Property nextProp = unmarshalledDO.getInstanceProperty((String)unsetValueList.get(k));
                            if (nextProp != null) {
                                Object oldValue = null;
                                if (((SDOType)nextProp.getType()).isDataType() || nextProp.isMany()) {
                                    //to get default
                                    oldValue = unmarshalledDO.get(nextProp);
                                nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, oldValue);
                                nextCS.unsetPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp);
                            } else {
                                nextProp = nextModifiedDO.getInstanceProperty((String)unsetValueList.get(k));
                                nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, null);
                                nextCS.unsetPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp);
                    } else {
                        throw SDOException.errorProcessingXPath(refValue);
                //clear modified doms list
                //clear deleted xpaths list

                Iterator created = nextCS.getCreated().iterator();
                while(created.hasNext()) {
                    SDODataObject next = (SDODataObject);
                    Property containmentProperty = next.getContainmentProperty();
                    if(containmentProperty != null && containmentProperty.isMany()) {
                        SDODataObject container = next.getContainer();
                        ListWrapper list = (ListWrapper)container.get(containmentProperty);
                        if(!(nextCS.getOriginalElements().containsKey(list))) {
                            //if there was an object created as part of a list, and that list is not
                            //already in the original elements map. Add an empty list to the map.
                            nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(list, new ArrayList());
            // reset changeSummary list - we are done with it
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    public void afterMarshal(Object obj) {

    public void beforeMarshal(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof SDOChangeSummary) {
            SDOChangeSummary changeSummary = ((SDOChangeSummary)obj);

            //CREATED - build a list of xpaths to write to the created attribute
            //this must be done dynamically because the xpath is relative to the marshalledObject
            //so it can't be calculated until we know what object is being marshalled
            List createdSet = changeSummary.getCreated();
            List xpaths = new ArrayList(createdSet.size());

            String rootElementName = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getLocalPart();
            String rootNamespaceUri = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI();
            if(rootNamespaceUri != null && !rootNamespaceUri.equals("")) {
                NamespaceResolver resolver = getRootMarshalRecord().getNamespaceResolver();
                if(resolver != null) {
                    String prefix = resolver.resolveNamespaceURI(this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI());
                    if(prefix != null) {
                        rootElementName = prefix + ":" + rootElementName;
            if ((createdSet != null) && (createdSet.size() > 0)) {
                Iterator anIterator = createdSet.iterator();
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                while (anIterator.hasNext()) {
                    // get path to the changeSummaryRoot (may not be the root marshalled object - may be internal)
                    nextCreatedDO = ((SDODataObject);
                    String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextCreatedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                    //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                    if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                        //if this is the root, just put the root element
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                    } else {
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                rootElementName + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + nextPath);

            //Build xpathToCS           
            String xpathMarshalledObjToCS = getPathFromAncestor(changeSummary.getRootObject(), (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
            String xpathChangeSumProp = getXPathForProperty(changeSummary.getRootObject().getType().getChangeSummaryProperty());

            String xpathToCS = SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + rootElementName;

            // check if the CS is at the local-cs-root or is in a child property
            if ((xpathMarshalledObjToCS != null) && !xpathMarshalledObjToCS.equals(SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) {//SDO_XPATH_TO_ROOT)) {
                // CS is not on the root
                xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + xpathMarshalledObjToCS;
            xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT//
                         +xpathChangeSumProp + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT;

            //MODIFIED && DELETED          
            List deletedXPaths = new ArrayList();
            Document document = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform().createDocument();
            Element csNode = null;
            List modifiedItems = changeSummary.getModified();
            int modifiedSize = modifiedItems.size();
            List newNodes = new ArrayList(modifiedSize);
            SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;

            //Iterate through CS modified items
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedSize; i++) {
                nextModifiedDO = (SDODataObject)modifiedItems.get(i);
                String sdoPrefix = typeHelper.getPrefix(SDOConstants.SDO_URL);

                //List unsetPropNames = new ArrayList();
                String uri = getURI(nextModifiedDO);
                String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName(nextModifiedDO);

                if (uri == null) {
                    csNode = document.createElement(qualifiedName);
                } else {
                    csNode = document.createElementNS(uri, qualifiedName);

                String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextModifiedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                    //if this is the root, just put the root element
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                            SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                            sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName);
                } else {
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                      SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                      sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName + "/" + nextPath);

                //Bug6346754 Add all namespaces if they are not yet declared above.               
                Vector namespaces = nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getNonNullNamespaceResolver().getNamespaces();
                for (int j = 0; j < namespaces.size(); j++) {
                    Namespace next = (Namespace)namespaces.get(j);
                    if (declareNamespace(next.getNamespaceURI(), next.getPrefix(), changeSummary.getRootObject())) {
                        csNode.setAttributeNS(XMLConstants.XMLNS_URL, XMLConstants.XMLNS + ":" + next.getPrefix(), next.getNamespaceURI());

                List nextDOSettings = changeSummary.getOldValues(nextModifiedDO);
                DOMRecord row = new DOMRecord(csNode);
                Session session = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().getSession(0);
                row.setSession((AbstractSession) session);

                //Iterate through SDOSettings for the current modified Object
                SDOSetting nextSetting = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < nextDOSettings.size(); j++) {
                    nextSetting = (SDOSetting)nextDOSettings.get(j);
                    if (nextSetting.isSet()) {
                        if (!nextSetting.getProperty().getType().isDataType()) {
                            if (nextSetting.getProperty().isMany()) {
                                List values = (List)nextSetting.getValue();
                                for (int k = 0; k < values.size(); k++) {
                                    doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)values.get(k),//
                                              changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                            } else {
                                doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)nextSetting.getValue(),//
                                          changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                        } else {
                            //This writes out simple values                           
                            Object value = nextSetting.getValue();

                            if (value == null) {
                                //Marshal out xsi:nil=true  
                                marshalNilAttribute(nextSetting.getProperty(), row);                           
                            } else {
                                String xPath = getXPathForProperty(nextSetting.getProperty());
                                XMLField field = new XMLField(xPath);
                                row.put(field, value);

                List unsetPropNames = changeSummary.getUnsetProps(nextModifiedDO);
                if (!unsetPropNames.isEmpty()) {
                    XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                    String unsetPropsString = (String)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetPropNames, String.class);
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                          SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                          SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET, unsetPropsString);

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        // if parent is null we are back to the root object
        // the last object that will hit the afterUnmarshal method
        if (parent == null) {
            SDOChangeSummary nextCS = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((SDOXMLHelper)aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().createUnmarshaller();
            for (int i = 0; i < changeSummaries.size(); i++) {
                nextCS = (SDOChangeSummary)changeSummaries.get(i);
                // Set logging to true until finished building modified list.
                boolean loggingValue = nextCS.isLoggingMapping();
                // CREATES
                // For each xpath in the create attribute convert it to an sdo path and execute it against the root
                // dataobject to get the dataobject being pointed to and set that dataobject to be created
                List xpaths = nextCS.getCreatedXPaths();
                String nextXPath = null;
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < xpaths.size(); j++) {
                    nextXPath = (String)xpaths.get(j);
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(nextXPath);
                    nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);

                    if(nextCreatedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    if (nextCreatedDO != null) {
                    } else {
                        throw SDOException.errorProcessingXPath(nextXPath);
                //clear the createxpaths list that was read in from XML               
                List modifiedDoms = nextCS.getModifiedDoms();
                Element nextNode = null;
                String refValue = null;
                SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < modifiedDoms.size(); j++) {
                    nextNode = (Element)modifiedDoms.get(j);
                    refValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_REF);
                    if ((refValue == null) || (refValue.length() == 0)) {
                        throw SDOException.missingRefAttribute();
                    //nextModifiedDO is the real modified current data object
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(refValue);
                    nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    //if it failed, try peeling off the first fragment (may be the root
                    if(nextModifiedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    String unsetValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET);
                    List unsetValueList = new ArrayList();
                    if ((unsetValue != null) && (unsetValue.length() > 0)) {
                        XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper) aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                        unsetValueList = (List)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetValue, List.class);
                    if (nextModifiedDO != null) {
                        SDOCSUnmarshalListener listener = new SDOCSUnmarshalListener(nextModifiedDO.getType().getHelperContext(), true);
                        unmarshaller.getProperties().put("sdoHelperContext", aHelperContext);
                        Object unmarshalledNode = unmarshaller.unmarshal(nextNode, nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getJavaClass());
                        //unmarshalledDO is the modified dataobject from the changesummary xml
                        DataObject unmarshalledDO = null;
                        // Assumption: unmarshalledNode should always be either an instance of XMLRoot or DataObject                       
                        if (unmarshalledNode instanceof XMLRoot) {
                            unmarshalledDO = (DataObject)((XMLRoot)unmarshalledNode).getObject();
                        } else if (unmarshalledNode instanceof DataObject) {
                            unmarshalledDO = (DataObject)unmarshalledNode;
                        List modifiedProps = new ArrayList();
                        Node n = nextNode.getFirstChild();
                        while(n != null) {
                            if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                String propName = n.getLocalName();
                                Property nextProp = unmarshalledDO.getInstanceProperty(propName);
                                if (nextProp == null) {
                                    nextProp = aHelperContext.getTypeHelper().getOpenContentProperty(n.getNamespaceURI(), propName);
                                if (!modifiedProps.contains(nextProp)) {
                            n = n.getNextSibling();
                        //instead of iterating over all props can we just check elements in cs and get appropriate properties from DO
                        for (int k = 0; k < modifiedProps.size(); k++) {
                            SDOProperty nextProp = (SDOProperty)modifiedProps.get(k);
                            if (!nextProp.getType().isDataType()) {
                                if (nextProp.isMany()) {
                                    //original value is the list from the changesummary xml
                                    List originalValue = unmarshalledDO.getList(nextProp);
                                    List newList = new ArrayList();
                                    List toDelete = new ArrayList();
                                    List indexsToDelete = new ArrayList();
                                    for (int l = 0; l < originalValue.size(); l++) {
                                        SDODataObject nextInList = (SDODataObject)originalValue.get(l);
                                        String sdoRef = nextInList._getSdoRef();
                                        if (sdoRef != null) {
                                            //if sdoRef is not null then object is modified
                                            String sdoRefPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(sdoRef);
                                            int nextSlash = sdoRefPath.indexOf('/');
                                            if(nextSlash != -1) {
                                                sdoRefPath = sdoRefPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                                            } else {
                                                sdoRefPath = "/";
                                        } else {
                                            //if sdo ref is null there is a deleted object                                                                                                                                                                                                 
                                            indexsToDelete.add(new Integer(l));
                                    //lw is the list from the real current data object
                                    ListWrapper lw = ((ListWrapper)nextModifiedDO.getList(nextProp));
                                    if (indexsToDelete.size() > 0) {
                                        //after this loop, lw will have the entire list when logging was turned on                                       
                                        for (int m = 0; m < indexsToDelete.size(); m++) {
                                            int toDeleteIndex = ((Integer)indexsToDelete.get(m)).intValue();
                                            SDODataObject nextToDelete = (SDODataObject)toDelete.get(m);
                                            lw.add(toDeleteIndex, nextToDelete);
                                        nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, lw);
                                        SDOSequence nextSeq = ((SDOSequence)nextCS.getOriginalSequences().get(nextModifiedDO));
                                        for (int m = indexsToDelete.size() - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
                                            int toDeleteIndex = ((Integer)indexsToDelete.get(m)).intValue();
                                            SDODataObject nextToDelete = (SDODataObject)toDelete.get(m);
                                            if(nextSeq != null){
                                               nextSeq.addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(-1, nextProp, nextToDelete);

                                    nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(lw, newList);
                                } else {
                                    SDODataObject value = (SDODataObject)unmarshalledDO.getDataObject(nextProp);
                                    if (value != null) {
                                        String sdoRef = value._getSdoRef();
                                        if (sdoRef != null) {
                                        } else {
                                            boolean wasSet = nextModifiedDO.isSet(nextProp);

                                            Object existingValue = nextModifiedDO.get(nextProp);
                                            // grab index of nextProp's Setting for use during setting below
                                            Sequence nextModifiedDOSequence = nextModifiedDO.getSequence();
                                            int settingIdx = -1;
                                            if (nextModifiedDOSequence != null) {
                                                settingIdx = ((SDOSequence)nextModifiedDOSequence).getIndexForProperty(nextProp);
                                            nextModifiedDO.set(nextProp, value);
                                            nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, value);
                                            SDOSequence nextSeq = ((SDOSequence)nextCS.getOriginalSequences().get(nextModifiedDO));
                                            if(nextSeq != null){
                                              nextSeq.addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(-1, nextProp, value);

                                            if (wasSet) {
                                                // need to add at the right pos in the list, not at the end
                                                nextModifiedDO.set(nextProp, existingValue, false);
                                                if (settingIdx != -1) {
                                                    nextModifiedDO.getSequence().addSettingWithoutModifyingDataObject(settingIdx, nextProp, existingValue);
                                            } else {
                                    } else {
                                        nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, null);
                            } else {
                                Object value = unmarshalledDO.get(nextProp);
                                //lw is the list from the real current data object             
                                  Property theProp = nextModifiedDO.getInstanceProperty(nextProp.getName());
                                  if(theProp == null){
                                    Property newProp = nextModifiedDO.defineOpenContentProperty(nextProp.getName(), new ArrayList(), nextProp.getType());
                                    nextModifiedDO.set(newProp, new ArrayList());
                                    theProp = newProp;
                                  List lw = nextModifiedDO.getList(theProp.getName());                                                                   
                                  nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, theProp, lw);
                                  nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(lw, ((ListWrapper)value).getCurrentElements());
                                  nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, value)
                        for (int k = 0; k < unsetValueList.size(); k++) {
                            Property nextProp = unmarshalledDO.getInstanceProperty((String)unsetValueList.get(k));
                            if (nextProp != null) {
                                Object oldValue = null;
                                if (((SDOType)nextProp.getType()).isDataType() || nextProp.isMany()) {
                                    //to get default
                                    oldValue = unmarshalledDO.get(nextProp);
                                nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, oldValue);
                                nextCS.unsetPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp);
                            } else {
                                nextProp = nextModifiedDO.getInstanceProperty((String)unsetValueList.get(k));
                                nextCS.setPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp, null);
                                nextCS.unsetPropertyInternal(nextModifiedDO, nextProp);
                    } else {
                        throw SDOException.errorProcessingXPath(refValue);
                //clear modified doms list
                //clear deleted xpaths list

                Iterator created = nextCS.getCreated().iterator();
                while(created.hasNext()) {
                    SDODataObject next = (SDODataObject);
                    Property containmentProperty = next.getContainmentProperty();
                    if(containmentProperty != null && containmentProperty.isMany()) {
                        SDODataObject container = next.getContainer();
                        ListWrapper list = (ListWrapper)container.get(containmentProperty);
                        if(!(nextCS.getOriginalElements().containsKey(list))) {
                            //if there was an object created as part of a list, and that list is not
                            //already in the original elements map. Add an empty list to the map.
                            nextCS.getOriginalElements().put(list, new ArrayList());
            // reset changeSummary list - we are done with it
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                DatabaseMapping mapping = getJAXBMappingForProperty(sdoProperty);
                AttributeAccessor attributeAccessor = mapping.getAttributeAccessor();
                Object attributeValue = attributeAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(originalEntity);
                if(mapping.isCollectionMapping()) {
                    Object containerCopy = null;
                    SDOChangeSummary sdoChangeSummary = dataObject.getChangeSummary();
                    if(null != sdoChangeSummary) {
                        List list = listWrappers.get(sdoProperty);
                        containerCopy = sdoChangeSummary.getOriginalElements().get(list);
                    if(null == containerCopy) {
                        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = mapping.getContainerPolicy();
                        containerCopy = containerPolicy.containerInstance();
                        if(null != attributeValue) {
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     * @param doMap (map of original do's (CS1) to their copy do's in (CS2))
    private void copyChangeSummary(ChangeSummary anOriginalCS, ChangeSummary aCopyCS,//
                                   Map origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map) {
        // cast interfaces to concrete classes in one place
        SDOChangeSummary originalCS = (SDOChangeSummary)anOriginalCS;
        SDOChangeSummary copyCS = (SDOChangeSummary)aCopyCS;

        // handled by copy constructor
        // map of copy of original ListWrapper (CS2) to its new copy of a copy (CS2) - link ValueStores to Elements
        HashMap copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map = new HashMap();

        // in the absence of a ListWrapper.getProperty() we keep a map
        HashMap propertyToOriginalListMap = new HashMap();

         * In 3 parts we add deleted objects to the global doMap and copy modified, created nodes

        // fields that need re-referencing from original to copy
        DataObject anOriginalObject = null;
        DataObject aCopyOfOriginalObject = null;

        // iterate deleted objects
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getDeleted().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = copy(anOriginalObject, null);
            // fix deletedList
            // Assumption check do map before a possible re-add - reset()
            if (null == origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject)) {
                // add temp map of original  : copy of original           
                origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.put(anOriginalObject, aCopyOfOriginalObject);

        // iterate created objects     
        for (Iterator aIterator = originalCS.getCreated().iterator(); aIterator.hasNext();) {

        // add modified objects     
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getModified().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {

         * Fix originalValueStores by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original valueStore:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the ValueStore
        ValueStore aVSCopy = null;
        ValueStore aVSOriginal = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalObject = (DataObject);
            // deep copy to get corresponding copy DataObject (deleted objects were added to doMap)
            aCopyOfOriginalObject = (DataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);

             * Recursively shallow-copy elements (by iterating the ovs map and iterating the properties of each item)
             * Fix the dataObject pointer
            aVSCopy = createValueStore();
            aVSOriginal = (ValueStore)originalCS.getOriginalValueStores().get(anOriginalObject);
            // changes made to the copy VS must not affect the original -hence the dataObject field must be a copy of the original
            Object aVSPropertyItem = null;

            // get the # of non-opencontent properties for the object holding the CS - do not use DVS.getTypePropertyValues()
            for (int size = ((SDOType) anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().size(), i = 0;
                     i < size; i++) {
                aVSPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getDeclaredProperty(i);
                // only iterate set properties
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetDeclaredProperty(i)) {
                    // shallow copy the object values
                    // handle single case
                    SDOProperty currentProperty = (SDOProperty)((SDOType)anOriginalObject.getType()).getDeclaredProperties().get(i);
                    if (currentProperty.isMany()) {
                        propertyToOriginalListMap.put(aVSPropertyItem, currentProperty);

                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(currentProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(currentProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // COMPLEX SINGLE
                        if (!currentProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            // are we using the cast to DataObject as a sort of instance check that would throw a CCE?
                            aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // SIMPLE SINGLE
                            // skip changeSummary property
                            if (!currentProperty.getType().isChangeSummaryType()) {
                                // simple singles set
                                aVSCopy.setDeclaredProperty(i, aVSPropertyItem);

            // create list of unset and current open content properties
            List ocPropertiesList = new ArrayList();
            // add existing properties
            // iterate existing open content properties           
            for (Iterator i = ocPropertiesList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                SDOProperty ocProperty = (SDOProperty);
                if (aVSOriginal.isSetOpenContentProperty(ocProperty)) {
                    // get oc value             
                    Object anOCPropertyItem = aVSOriginal.getOpenContentProperty(ocProperty);

                    // get oc copy - shallow copy the object values
                    if (ocProperty.isMany()) {
                        // handle many case - handled by originalElements
                        // container DO must be in our reference map
                        SDODataObject copyContainer = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(anOriginalObject);
                        ListWrapper aCopyOfListCopy = (ListWrapper)((DataObject)copyContainer).getList(ocProperty);

                        // add reference of new copy of original List keyed on original List
                        copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.put((anOriginalObject).getList(ocProperty), aCopyOfListCopy);
                        aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, aCopyOfListCopy);
                    } else {
                        // handle complex single case
                        if (!ocProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aVSPropertyItem));
                        } else {
                            // simple singles set
                            aVSCopy.setOpenContentProperty(ocProperty, anOCPropertyItem);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalValueStores().put(aCopyOfOriginalObject, aVSCopy);

        // end originalValueStore iteration

         * Fix originalElements by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original List:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the elements
         * The instances of ListWrapper inside the valueStores must be the same ones used in the originalElements
        ListWrapper anOriginalListKey = null;
        ListWrapper aCopyListWrapper = null;
        List aCopyList = null;
        for (Iterator anIterator = originalCS.getOriginalElements().keySet().iterator();
                 anIterator.hasNext();) {
            anOriginalListKey = (ListWrapper);
            // create a new ListWrapper
            SDOProperty aProperty = (SDOProperty) propertyToOriginalListMap.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyListWrapper = (ListWrapper)copyListWrapperCS2toCopyOfListCS2Map.get(anOriginalListKey);
            aCopyList = new ArrayList();

             * For each key:ListWrapper
             *     - shallow copy all the items in the currentElements list
             *     - replace the dataObject with its copy of the copy
             *     - leave the property as is
             * For each value:ArrayList
             *     - replace all values with their copy
            Object aListItem = null;
            Object aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator anItemIterator = anOriginalListKey.iterator(); anItemIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    // get the copy of the original (in the current valuestore) - we need do not make a copy of this copy
                    // we should have a copy of the copy for List items - ListWrapper.add(item) will remove the item from its original wrapper
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

            // add element list directly to the ListWrapper and bypass the cs element copy and containment updates
            List listValueCopy = new ArrayList();

            // fix ArrayList value
            List listValue = (List)originalCS.getOriginalElements().get(anOriginalListKey);
            aListItem = null;
            aListItemCopy = null;
            for (Iterator aListIterator = listValue.iterator(); aListIterator.hasNext();) {
                aListItem =;
                // for simple many types we use the original in the copy
                if (!aProperty.getType().isDataType()) {
                    aListItemCopy = origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(aListItem);                   
                } else {
                    aListItemCopy = aListItem;

                // don't add nulls to the listWrapper so an undoChanges will encounter an NPE later
                if (aListItemCopy != null) {

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalElements().put(aCopyListWrapper, listValueCopy);

        // end originalist Iteration

         * fields that are already set when logging is turned on but need to be fixed (deleted objects need references)
        Map oldContainersMap = originalCS.getOldContainers();
        Map copyContainersMap = copyCS.getOldContainers();
        DataObject oldContainerKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainerKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator anIterator = oldContainersMap.keySet().iterator(); anIterator.hasNext();) {
            oldContainerKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainerKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            DataObject oldContainerValue = null;
            if (null == copyContainersMap.get(copyContainerKey)) {
                oldContainerValue = (DataObject)oldContainersMap.get(oldContainerKey);
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainersMap.put(copyContainerKey, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainerValue));

        Map oldContainmentPropertyMap = originalCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        Map copyContainmentPropertyMap = copyCS.getOldContainmentProperty();
        DataObject oldContainmentPropertyKey = null;
        DataObject copyContainmentPropertyKey = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0 - unless any OC properties were unset
        for (Iterator iterContProp = oldContainmentPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContProp.hasNext();) {
            oldContainmentPropertyKey = (DataObject);
            // get corresponding copy
            copyContainmentPropertyKey = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            if (null == copyContainmentPropertyMap.get(copyContainmentPropertyKey)) {
                // set copy key:value pair on copy map directly
                copyContainmentPropertyMap.put(copyContainmentPropertyKey, oldContainmentPropertyMap.get(oldContainmentPropertyKey));

        Map oldUnsetOCPropertyMap = originalCS.getUnsetOCPropertiesMap();
        SDODataObject oldOCPropertyContainer = null;

        // convert any existing entries in the Map - should normally be 0
        for (Iterator iterContainer = oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.keySet().iterator();
                 iterContainer.hasNext();) {
            // DataObject will be non-Null
            oldOCPropertyContainer = (SDODataObject);
            // check existing copyContainers for existing objects - should be 0 - add all objects when pauseLogging() used
            for (Iterator iterUnset = ((List)oldUnsetOCPropertyMap.get(oldOCPropertyContainer)).iterator();
                     iterUnset.hasNext();) {
                // set/create new list on copy Map with corresponding copy of container
                oldOCPropertyContainer), (Property);

        // process sequences

         * Fix originalSequences by deep copying the original dataObject:key and the original Sequence:value
         * key is original deleted object in [deepCopies] - value is copy of the settings in the sequence.
         * The instances of Sequence inside the originalSequences must be the same ones used in the originalElements

        // iterate the map of <DataObject, Sequence>
        for (Iterator aMapIterator = originalCS.getOriginalSequences().keySet().iterator();
                 aMapIterator.hasNext();) {
            SDODataObject sequenceDataObjectKey = (SDODataObject);
            SDOSequence originalSequence = (SDOSequence)originalCS.getOriginalSequences().get(sequenceDataObjectKey);

            // create a new Sequence with a pointer to the copy of the original DataObject backpointer
            // assume that all dataObject backpointers are containment objects.
            SDODataObject copyOriginalSequenceDataObject = (SDODataObject)origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map.get(originalSequence.getDataObject());
            SDOSequence copySequence = new SDOSequence(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject);

            replicateAndRereferenceSequenceCopyPrivate(originalSequence, copySequence, originalSequence.getDataObject(), copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, origDOCS1toCopyDOCS2Map, originalCS);

            // set the copy map entry keyed on copy with value a deep copy of the copy
            copyCS.getOriginalSequences().put(copyOriginalSequenceDataObject, copySequence);

         * fields to ignore
        // aHelperContext    SDOHelperContext  (id=42)
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    public void afterMarshal(Object obj) {

    public void beforeMarshal(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof SDOChangeSummary) {
            SDOChangeSummary changeSummary = ((SDOChangeSummary)obj);

            //CREATED - build a list of xpaths to write to the created attribute
            //this must be done dynamically because the xpath is relative to the marshalledObject
            //so it can't be calculated until we know what object is being marshalled
            List createdSet = changeSummary.getCreated();
            List xpaths = new ArrayList(createdSet.size());

            String rootElementName = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getLocalPart();
            String rootNamespaceUri = this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI();
            if(rootNamespaceUri != null && !rootNamespaceUri.equals(XMLConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) {             
                org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.NamespaceResolver resolver = getRootMarshalRecord().getNamespaceResolver();
                if(resolver != null) {
                    String prefix = resolver.resolveNamespaceURI(this.marshalledObjectRootQName.getNamespaceURI());
                    if(prefix != null) {
                        rootElementName = prefix + XMLConstants.COLON + rootElementName;                       
            if ((createdSet != null) && (createdSet.size() > 0)) {
                Iterator anIterator = createdSet.iterator();
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                while (anIterator.hasNext()) {
                    // get path to the changeSummaryRoot (may not be the root marshalled object - may be internal)
                    nextCreatedDO = ((SDODataObject);
                    String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextCreatedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                    //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                    if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                        //if this is the root, just put the root element
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                    } else {
                        xpaths.add(SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX +
                                SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                rootElementName + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + nextPath);

            //Build xpathToCS           
            String xpathMarshalledObjToCS = getPathFromAncestor(changeSummary.getRootObject(), (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
            String xpathChangeSumProp = getXPathForProperty(changeSummary.getRootObject().getType().getChangeSummaryProperty());

            String xpathToCS = SDOConstants.SDO_CHANGESUMMARY_REF_PATH_PREFIX + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + rootElementName;

            // check if the CS is at the local-cs-root or is in a child property
            if ((xpathMarshalledObjToCS != null) && !xpathMarshalledObjToCS.equals(SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) {//SDO_XPATH_TO_ROOT)) {
                // CS is not on the root
                xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT + xpathMarshalledObjToCS;
            xpathToCS = xpathToCS + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT//
                         +xpathChangeSumProp + SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT;

            //MODIFIED && DELETED          
            List deletedXPaths = new ArrayList();
            Document document = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform().createDocument();
            Element csNode = null;
            List modifiedItems = changeSummary.getModified();
            int modifiedSize = modifiedItems.size();
            List newNodes = new ArrayList(modifiedSize);
            SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;

            //Iterate through CS modified items
            for (int i = 0; i < modifiedSize; i++) {
                nextModifiedDO = (SDODataObject)modifiedItems.get(i);
                String sdoPrefix = typeHelper.getPrefix(SDOConstants.SDO_URL);

                //List unsetPropNames = new ArrayList();
                String uri = getURI(nextModifiedDO);
                String qualifiedName = getQualifiedName(nextModifiedDO);

                if (uri == null) {
                    csNode = document.createElement(qualifiedName);
                } else {
                    csNode = document.createElementNS(uri, qualifiedName);

                String nextPath = getPathFromAncestor(nextModifiedDO, (SDODataObject)marshalledObject, changeSummary);
                //Add sdoRef attribute...all modified objects written should have this               
                if(nextPath == SDOConstants.EMPTY_STRING) {
                    //if this is the root, just put the root element
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                            SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                            sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName);
                } else {
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                      SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                      sdoRefPrefix + rootElementName + "/" + nextPath);

                //Bug6346754 Add all namespaces if they are not yet declared above.               
                Vector namespaces = nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getNonNullNamespaceResolver().getNamespaces();
                for (int j = 0; j < namespaces.size(); j++) {
                    Namespace next = (Namespace)namespaces.get(j);
                    if (declareNamespace(next.getNamespaceURI(), next.getPrefix(), changeSummary.getRootObject())) {
                        csNode.setAttributeNS(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI, javax.xml.XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE + XMLConstants.COLON + next.getPrefix(), next.getNamespaceURI());

                List nextDOSettings = changeSummary.getOldValues(nextModifiedDO);
                DOMRecord row = new DOMRecord(csNode);
                Session session = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().getSession();
                row.setSession((AbstractSession) session);

                //Iterate through SDOSettings for the current modified Object
                SDOSetting nextSetting = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < nextDOSettings.size(); j++) {
                    nextSetting = (SDOSetting)nextDOSettings.get(j);
                    if (nextSetting.isSet()) {
                        if (!nextSetting.getProperty().getType().isDataType()) {
                            if (nextSetting.getProperty().isMany()) {
                                List values = (List)nextSetting.getValue();
                                for (int k = 0; k < values.size(); k++) {
                                    doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)values.get(k),//
                                              changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                            } else {
                                doMarshal(nextSetting.getProperty(), (DataObject)nextSetting.getValue(),//
                                          changeSummary, csNode, nextModifiedDO, deletedXPaths, xpathToCS, sdoPrefix, rootElementName);
                        } else {
                            //This writes out simple values                           
                            Object value = nextSetting.getValue();

                            if (value == null) {
                                //Marshal out xsi:nil=true  
                                marshalNilAttribute(nextSetting.getProperty(), row);                           
                            } else {
                                String xPath = getXPathForProperty(nextSetting.getProperty());
                                XMLField field = new XMLField(xPath);
                                row.put(field, value);

                List unsetPropNames = changeSummary.getUnsetProps(nextModifiedDO);
                if (!unsetPropNames.isEmpty()) {
                    XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper)typeHelper.getHelperContext().getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                    String unsetPropsString = (String)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetPropNames, String.class);
                    csNode.setAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, sdoPrefix +//
                                          SDOConstants.SDO_XPATH_NS_SEPARATOR_FRAGMENT +//
                                          SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET, unsetPropsString);

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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOChangeSummary

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