Package org.eclipse.persistence.queries

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.queries.EntityResult

            List<SQLResultSetMapping> resultSetMappings = new ArrayList<SQLResultSetMapping>();
            for (String resultClass : resultClassNames) {
                SQLResultSetMapping mapping = new SQLResultSetMapping(resultClass);
                EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(resultClass);

            query = StoredProcedureQueryImpl.buildResultSetMappingQuery(resultSetMappings, call, hints, loader, (AbstractSession)session);
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the entity result for the given sql result set mapping.
    public EntityResult process() {
        // Create a new entity result.
        EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(getJavaClassName(getEntityClass()));
        // Process the field results.
        for (FieldResultMetadata fieldResult : getFieldResults()) {
        // Process the discriminator value;
        if (getDiscriminatorColumn() != null) {
            DatabaseField discriminatorField = new DatabaseField();
            // Process the name (taking into consideration delimiters etc.)
            setFieldName(discriminatorField, getDiscriminatorColumn());
            // Set the discriminator column on the entity result.
        // Return the entity result to the caller.
        return entityResult;
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        // Initialize a new SqlResultSetMapping (with the metadata name)
        SQLResultSetMapping mapping = new SQLResultSetMapping(getName());
        // Process the entity results.
        for (EntityResultMetadata eResult : m_entityResults) {
            EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(MetadataHelper.getClassForName(eResult.getEntityClass().getName(), loader));
            // Process the field results.
            if (eResult.hasFieldResults()) {
                for (FieldResultMetadata fResult : eResult.getFieldResults()) {
                    entityResult.addFieldResult(new FieldResult(fResult.getName(), fResult.getColumn()));
            // Process the discriminator value;
            // Add the result to the SqlResultSetMapping.
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the entity result for the given sql result set mapping.
    public EntityResult process(ClassLoader loader) {
        // Create a new entity result.
        EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(MetadataHelper.getClassForName(getEntityClass().getName(), loader));
        // Process the field results.
        for (FieldResultMetadata fieldResult : getFieldResults()) {
        // Process the discriminator value;
        if (getDiscriminatorColumn() != null) {
            DatabaseField discriminatorField = new DatabaseField();
            // Process the name (taking into consideration delimiters etc.)
            setFieldName(discriminatorField, getDiscriminatorColumn());
            // Set the discriminator column on the entity result.
        // Return the entity result to the caller.
        return entityResult;
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        // Initialize a new SqlResultSetMapping (with the metadata name)
        SQLResultSetMapping mapping = new SQLResultSetMapping(getName());
        // Process the entity results.
        for (EntityResultMetadata eResult : m_entityResults) {
            EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(MetadataHelper.getClassForName(eResult.getEntityClass().getName(), loader));
            // Process the field results.
            if (eResult.hasFieldResults()) {
                for (FieldResultMetadata fResult : eResult.getFieldResults()) {
                    FieldResult fieldResult = new FieldResult(fResult.getName(), fResult.getColumn());
                    if (project.useDelimitedIdentifier()) {
                    } else if (project.getShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase() && !fieldResult.getColumn().shouldUseDelimiters()) {
            // Process the discriminator value;
            if (eResult.getDiscriminatorColumn() !=null){
                DatabaseField descriminatorField = new DatabaseField(eResult.getDiscriminatorColumn());
                if (project.useDelimitedIdentifier()) {
                } else if (project.getShouldForceFieldNamesToUpperCase() && !descriminatorField.shouldUseDelimiters()){
            // Add the result to the SqlResultSetMapping.
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            List<SQLResultSetMapping> resultSetMappings = new ArrayList<SQLResultSetMapping>();
            for (String resultClass : resultClassNames) {
                SQLResultSetMapping mapping = new SQLResultSetMapping(resultClass);
                EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(resultClass);

            query = StoredProcedureQueryImpl.buildResultSetMappingQuery(resultSetMappings, call, hints, loader, (AbstractSession)session);
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the entity result for the given sql result set mapping.
    public EntityResult process() {
        // Create a new entity result.
        EntityResult entityResult = new EntityResult(getJavaClassName(getEntityClass()));
        // Process the field results.
        for (FieldResultMetadata fieldResult : getFieldResults()) {
        // Process the discriminator value;
        if (getDiscriminatorColumn() != null) {
            DatabaseField discriminatorField = new DatabaseField();
            // Process the name (taking into consideration delimiters etc.)
            setFieldName(discriminatorField, getDiscriminatorColumn());
            // Set the discriminator column on the entity result.
        // Return the entity result to the caller.
        return entityResult;
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.queries.EntityResult

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