Package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLUnmarshaller

            Object element = stream.nextElement();

            // PERF: Direct variable access.
            //Object value = row.get(field);
            //Object fieldValue = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((XMLRecord) row).getUnmarshaller();
            if (element instanceof String) {
                if (this.isSwaRef() && (unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null)) {
                    fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler((String) element);
                } else if (!this.isSwaRef()) {
                    //should be base64
                    byte[] bytes = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(element);
                    fieldValue = bytes;
            } else {
                //this was an element, so do the XOP/SWAREF/Inline binary cases for an element
                XMLRecord record = (XMLRecord) element;

                if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().isXOPPackage() && !this.isSwaRef() && !this.shouldInlineBinaryData()) {
                    //look for the include element:
                    String xpath = XMLConstants.EMPTY_STRING;

                    //  need a prefix for XOP
                    String prefix = null;
                    NamespaceResolver descriptorResolver = ((XMLDescriptor) getDescriptor()).getNamespaceResolver();
                    if (descriptorResolver != null) {
                        prefix = descriptorResolver.resolveNamespaceURI(XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                    if (prefix == null) {
                        prefix = XMLConstants.XOP_PREFIX;
                    NamespaceResolver tempResolver = new NamespaceResolver();
                    tempResolver.put(prefix, XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                    xpath = prefix + XMLConstants.COLON + INCLUDE + "/@href";
                    XMLField field = new XMLField(xpath);
                    String includeValue = (String) record.get(field);
                    if (element != null && includeValue != null) {
                        if ((getCollectionContentType() == ClassConstants.ABYTE) || (getCollectionContentType() == ClassConstants.APBYTE)) {
                            fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsByteArray(includeValue);
                        } else {
                            fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(includeValue);
                    } else {
                        //If we didn't find the Include element, check for inline
                        fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                        //should be a base64 string
                        fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);
                } else if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && isSwaRef()) {
                    String refValue = (String) record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                    if (refValue != null) {
                        fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(refValue);
                } else {
                    fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                    //should be a base64 string
                    fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);

        // Marshal OPM format.
        XMLContext context = new XMLContext(opmProject);
        context.getSession(Project.class).getEventManager().addListener(new MissingDescriptorListener());
        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
        Project project = (Project)unmarshaller.unmarshal(document);

        // Set the project's class loader.
        if ((classLoader != null) && (project.getDatasourceLogin() != null)) {

        // This tries to unmarshal three times, once with each different XSD (orm 1.0, orm 2.0, eclipselink-orm)
        // If the third attempt fails, it reports all three errors, as any may contain the real exception.
        // TODO: Ideally we would have a better way to determine what xsd to use.
        try {
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = getOrm2Project().createUnmarshaller();
            if (validateORMSchema) {
                useLocalSchemaForUnmarshaller(unmarshaller, getOrm2_0Schema());
            xmlEntityMappings = (XMLEntityMappings) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader1);
        } catch (Exception orm2Error) {
            try {
                XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = getOrm1Project().createUnmarshaller();
                if (validateORMSchema) {
                    useLocalSchemaForUnmarshaller(unmarshaller, getOrm1_0Schema());
                xmlEntityMappings = (XMLEntityMappings) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader2);
            } catch (Exception orm1Error) {
                try {
                    XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = getEclipseLinkOrmProject().createUnmarshaller();
                    if (validateORMSchema) {
                        useLocalSchemaForUnmarshaller(unmarshaller, getEclipseLinkOrmSchema());
                    xmlEntityMappings = (XMLEntityMappings) unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader3);
                } catch (Exception eclipselinkError) {
                    throw ValidationException.errorParsingMappingFile(mappingFile, orm2Error, orm1Error, eclipselinkError);

                    XMLContext context = new XMLContext(p);
                        new MissingDescriptorListener());
                    XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
                    project = (Project)unmarshaller.unmarshal(url);
            catch (ValidationException validationException) {
                if (validationException.getErrorCode() == ValidationException.PROJECT_XML_NOT_FOUND) {
                    throw SessionLoaderException.failedToLoadProjectXml(projectString,

    public Object buildObject(ObjectBuildingQuery query, AbstractRecord databaseRow, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
        XMLRecord row = (XMLRecord)databaseRow;

        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = row.getUnmarshaller();
        Object parent = row.getOwningObject();

        Object pk = extractPrimaryKeyFromRow(databaseRow, query.getSession());
        if (!(isXmlDescriptor() || getDescriptor().isDescriptorTypeAggregate())) {
            return super.buildObject(query, databaseRow, joinManager);
        query.getSession().startOperationProfile(SessionProfiler.ObjectBuilding, query, SessionProfiler.ALL);
        ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor();
        Object domainObject = null;

        // only need to check in the root case since the nested case is handled
        // in the mapping
        if (concreteDescriptor.hasInheritance() && (parent == null)) {
            // look for an xsi:type attribute in the xml document
            Class classValue = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().classFromRow(databaseRow, query.getSession());
            if ((classValue == null) && isXmlDescriptor()) {
                // no xsi:type attribute - look for type indicator on the
                // default root element
                QName leafElementType = ((XMLDescriptor)concreteDescriptor).getDefaultRootElementType();

                // if we have a user-set type, try to get the class from the
                // inheritance policy
                if (leafElementType != null) {
                    Object indicator = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getClassIndicatorMapping().get(leafElementType);
                    if(indicator != null) {
                        classValue = (Class)indicator;

            // if we found the class, use it - otherwise, use the descriptor
            // class, if non-abstract
            if (classValue != null) {
                concreteDescriptor = query.getSession().getDescriptor(classValue);
                if ((concreteDescriptor == null) && query.hasPartialAttributeExpressions()) {
                    concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor();
                if (concreteDescriptor == null) {
                    throw QueryException.noDescriptorForClassFromInheritancePolicy(query, classValue);
            } else {
                // make sure the class is non-abstract
                if (Modifier.isAbstract(concreteDescriptor.getJavaClass().getModifiers())) {
                    // throw an exception
                    throw DescriptorException.missingClassIndicatorField(databaseRow, concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().getDescriptor());
        domainObject = concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
        if ((unmarshaller != null) && (unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener() != null)) {
            unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener().beforeUnmarshal(domainObject, parent);
        concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildAttributesIntoObject(domainObject, null, databaseRow, query, joinManager, false, query.getSession());
        if (isXmlDescriptor() && ((XMLDescriptor)concreteDescriptor).getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size() > 0) {
            if ((pk == null) || (((CacheId)pk).getPrimaryKey().length == 0)) {
                pk = new CacheId(new Object[]{ new WeakObjectWrapper(domainObject) });
            CacheKey key = query.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireDeferredLock(pk, concreteDescriptor.getJavaClass(), concreteDescriptor);
            if (((XMLDescriptor)concreteDescriptor).shouldPreserveDocument()) {
        DocumentPreservationPolicy docPresPolicy = ((DOMRecord)row).getDocPresPolicy();
        if(docPresPolicy != null) {
            //EIS XML Cases won't have a doc pres policy set
            ((DOMRecord)row).getDocPresPolicy().addObjectToCache(domainObject, ((DOMRecord)row).getDOM());
        query.getSession().endOperationProfile(SessionProfiler.ObjectBuilding, query, SessionProfiler.ALL);
        if ((unmarshaller != null) && (unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener() != null)) {
            unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener().afterUnmarshal(domainObject, parent);
        return domainObject;

    public Object buildObject(ObjectBuildingQuery query, AbstractRecord databaseRow, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager) throws DatabaseException, QueryException {
        XMLRecord row = (XMLRecord) databaseRow;

        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = row.getUnmarshaller();
        Object parent = row.getOwningObject();

        Object pk = extractPrimaryKeyFromRow(databaseRow, query.getSession());
        if (!(isXmlDescriptor() || getDescriptor().isDescriptorTypeAggregate())) {
            return super.buildObject(query, databaseRow, joinManager);
        query.getSession().startOperationProfile(SessionProfiler.ObjectBuilding, query, SessionProfiler.ALL);
        ClassDescriptor concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor();
        Object domainObject = null;

        // only need to check in the root case since the nested case is handled
        // in the mapping
        if (concreteDescriptor.hasInheritance() && (parent == null)) {
            // look for an xsi:type attribute in the xml document
            InheritancePolicy inheritancePolicy = concreteDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy();
            Class classValue = inheritancePolicy.classFromRow(databaseRow, query.getSession());
            if ((classValue == null) && isXmlDescriptor()) {
                // no xsi:type attribute - look for type indicator on the
                // default root element
                QName leafElementType = ((XMLDescriptor) concreteDescriptor).getDefaultRootElementType();

                // if we have a user-set type, try to get the class from the
                // inheritance policy
                if (leafElementType != null) {
                    XPathQName xpathQName = new XPathQName(leafElementType, row.isNamespaceAware());
                    Object indicator = inheritancePolicy.getClassIndicatorMapping().get(xpathQName);
                    if (indicator != null) {
                        classValue = (Class)indicator;

            // if we found the class, use it - otherwise, use the descriptor
            // class, if non-abstract
            if (classValue != null) {
                concreteDescriptor = query.getSession().getDescriptor(classValue);
                if ((concreteDescriptor == null) && query.hasPartialAttributeExpressions()) {
                    concreteDescriptor = getDescriptor();
                if (concreteDescriptor == null) {
                    throw QueryException.noDescriptorForClassFromInheritancePolicy(query, classValue);
            } else {
                // make sure the class is non-abstract
                if (Modifier.isAbstract(concreteDescriptor.getJavaClass().getModifiers())) {
                    // throw an exception
                    throw DescriptorException.missingClassIndicatorField(databaseRow, inheritancePolicy.getDescriptor());
        domainObject = concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();
        if ((unmarshaller != null) && (unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener() != null)) {
            unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener().beforeUnmarshal(domainObject, parent);
        concreteDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildAttributesIntoObject(domainObject, null, databaseRow, query, joinManager, false, query.getSession());
        if (isXmlDescriptor() && ((XMLDescriptor) concreteDescriptor).getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size() > 0) {
            if ((pk == null) || (((CacheId) pk).getPrimaryKey().length == 0)) {
                pk = new CacheId(new Object[]{ new WeakObjectWrapper(domainObject) });
            CacheKey key = query.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().acquireDeferredLock(pk, concreteDescriptor.getJavaClass(), concreteDescriptor, query.isCacheCheckComplete());
            if (((XMLDescriptor) concreteDescriptor).shouldPreserveDocument()) {
        DocumentPreservationPolicy docPresPolicy = ((DOMRecord) row).getDocPresPolicy();
        if (docPresPolicy != null) {
            //EIS XML Cases won't have a doc pres policy set
            ((DOMRecord) row).getDocPresPolicy().addObjectToCache(domainObject, ((DOMRecord)row).getDOM());
        query.getSession().endOperationProfile(SessionProfiler.ObjectBuilding, query, SessionProfiler.ALL);
        if ((unmarshaller != null) && (unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener() != null)) {
            unmarshaller.getUnmarshalListener().afterUnmarshal(domainObject, parent);
        return domainObject;

     * @return
    public Schema getSchema(Source xsdSource, SchemaResolverWrapper schemaResolverWrapper) {
        try {
            XMLContext context = new XMLContext(getSchemaProject());
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();

            Schema schema = (Schema) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xsdSource);
            //populate Imports
            java.util.List imports = schema.getImports();
            Iterator iter = imports.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Import nextImport = (Import);

            Object element = stream.nextElement();

            // PERF: Direct variable access.
            //Object value = row.get(field);
            //Object fieldValue = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((XMLRecord) row).getUnmarshaller();
            if (element instanceof String) {
                if (this.isSwaRef() && (unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null)) {
                    fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler((String) element);
                } else if (!this.isSwaRef()) {
                    //should be base64
                    byte[] bytes = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(element);
                    fieldValue = bytes;
            } else {
                //this was an element, so do the XOP/SWAREF/Inline binary cases for an element
                XMLRecord record = (XMLRecord) element;

                if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().isXOPPackage() && !this.isSwaRef() && !this.shouldInlineBinaryData()) {
                    //look for the include element:
                    String xpath = XMLConstants.EMPTY_STRING;

                    //  need a prefix for XOP
                    String prefix = null;
                    NamespaceResolver descriptorResolver = ((XMLDescriptor) getDescriptor()).getNamespaceResolver();
                    if (descriptorResolver != null) {
                        prefix = descriptorResolver.resolveNamespaceURI(XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                    if (prefix == null) {
                        prefix = XMLConstants.XOP_PREFIX;
                    NamespaceResolver tempResolver = new NamespaceResolver();
                    tempResolver.put(prefix, XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                    xpath = prefix + XMLConstants.COLON + INCLUDE + "/@href";
                    XMLField field = new XMLField(xpath);
                    String includeValue = (String) record.get(field);
                    if (element != null && includeValue != null) {
                      if ((getAttributeElementClass() == ClassConstants.ABYTE) || (getAttributeElementClass() == ClassConstants.APBYTE)) {
                            fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsByteArray(includeValue);
                        } else {
                            fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(includeValue);
                    } else {
                        //If we didn't find the Include element, check for inline
                        fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                        //should be a base64 string
                        fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);
                } else if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && isSwaRef()) {
                    String refValue = (String) record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                    if (refValue != null) {
                        fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(refValue);
                } else {
                    fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                    //should be a base64 string
                    fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);

     * Sets the value of the instance variable in the object to the value.
    public void setAttributeValueInObject(Object domainObject, Object attributeValue) throws DescriptorException {
        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((SDOXMLHelper)helperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().createUnmarshaller();
        unmarshaller.setUnmarshalListener(new org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOCSUnmarshalListener(helperContext));

        if (attributeValue instanceof Collection) {
            //handle collection case
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
            Iterator fragments = ((Collection)attributeValue).iterator();
            while (fragments.hasNext()) {
                Node next = (Node);

                //Handle Simple Case here
                Object dataObject = unmarshaller.unmarshal(next);
                if(dataObject instanceof org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLRoot) {
                    dataObject = ((XMLRoot)dataObject).getObject();
            ((SDODataObject)domainObject).set(property, result);
        } else {
            Object result = null;
            if (!(attributeValue == null)) {
                Node value = (Node)attributeValue;
                result = unmarshaller.unmarshal(value);
            if(result instanceof org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLRoot) {
                    result = ((XMLRoot)result).getObject();
            ((SDODataObject)domainObject).set(property, result);

        // if parent is null we are back to the root object
        // the last object that will hit the afterUnmarshal method
        if (parent == null) {
            SDOChangeSummary nextCS = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((SDOXMLHelper)aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlContext().createUnmarshaller();
            for (int i = 0; i < changeSummaries.size(); i++) {
                nextCS = (SDOChangeSummary)changeSummaries.get(i);
                // Set logging to true until finished building modified list.
                boolean loggingValue = nextCS.isLoggingMapping();
                // CREATES
                // For each xpath in the create attribute convert it to an sdo path and execute it against the root
                // dataobject to get the dataobject being pointed to and set that dataobject to be created
                List xpaths = nextCS.getCreatedXPaths();
                String nextXPath = null;
                SDODataObject nextCreatedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < xpaths.size(); j++) {
                    nextXPath = (String)xpaths.get(j);
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(nextXPath);
                    nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);

                    if(nextCreatedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextCreatedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    if (nextCreatedDO != null) {
                    } else {
                        throw SDOException.errorProcessingXPath(nextXPath);
                //clear the createxpaths list that was read in from XML               
                List modifiedDoms = nextCS.getModifiedDoms();
                Element nextNode = null;
                String refValue = null;
                SDODataObject nextModifiedDO = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < modifiedDoms.size(); j++) {
                    nextNode = (Element)modifiedDoms.get(j);
                    refValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_REF);
                    if ((refValue == null) || (refValue.length() == 0)) {
                        throw SDOException.missingRefAttribute();
                    //nextModifiedDO is the real modified current data object
                    String sdoPath = convertXPathToSDOPath(refValue);
                    nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    //if it failed, try peeling off the first fragment (may be the root
                    if(nextModifiedDO == null) {
                        int nextSlash = sdoPath.indexOf('/');
                        if(nextSlash != -1) {
                            sdoPath = sdoPath.substring(nextSlash + 1);
                        } else {
                            sdoPath = "/";
                        nextModifiedDO = targetDataObject.getDataObject(sdoPath);
                    String unsetValue = nextNode.getAttributeNS(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY_UNSET);
                    List unsetValueList = new ArrayList();
                    if ((unsetValue != null) && (unsetValue.length() > 0)) {
                        XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = ((SDOXMLHelper) aHelperContext.getXMLHelper()).getXmlConversionManager();
                        unsetValueList = (List)xmlConversionManager.convertObject(unsetValue, List.class);
                    if (nextModifiedDO != null) {
                        SDOCSUnmarshalListener listener = new SDOCSUnmarshalListener(nextModifiedDO.getType().getHelperContext(), true);
                        unmarshaller.getProperties().put("sdoHelperContext", aHelperContext);
                        Object unmarshalledNode = unmarshaller.unmarshal(nextNode, nextModifiedDO.getType().getXmlDescriptor().getJavaClass());
                        //unmarshalledDO is the modified dataobject from the changesummary xml
                        DataObject unmarshalledDO = null;
                        // Assumption: unmarshalledNode should always be either an instance of XMLRoot or DataObject                       
                        if (unmarshalledNode instanceof XMLRoot) {
                            unmarshalledDO = (DataObject)((XMLRoot)unmarshalledNode).getObject();


Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLUnmarshaller

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