Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet$ObjectChangeSetComparator

     * Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a
     * collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection
     * based on the change set.
    public void mergeChanges(CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord, Object valueOfTarget, boolean shouldMergeCascadeParts, MergeManager mergeManager, AbstractSession parentSession) {
        ObjectChangeSet objectChanges;
        // Ensure the collection is synchronized while changes are being made,
        // clone also synchronizes on collection (does not have cache key read-lock for indirection).
        // Must synchronize of the real collection as the clone does so.
        Object synchronizedValueOfTarget = valueOfTarget;
        if (valueOfTarget instanceof IndirectCollection) {
            synchronizedValueOfTarget = ((IndirectCollection)valueOfTarget).getDelegateObject();
            if(changeRecord.orderHasBeenRepaired()) {
                if(valueOfTarget instanceof IndirectList) {
        synchronized (synchronizedValueOfTarget) {
            if (!changeRecord.getOrderedChangeObjectList().isEmpty()){
                //Attribute change tracking merge behavior
                Vector removedList = new Vector();
                Iterator objects =changeRecord.getOrderedChangeObjectList().iterator();
                while (objects.hasNext()){
                    OrderedChangeObject changeObject = (OrderedChangeObject);
                    objectChanges = changeObject.getChangeSet();
                    if (changeObject.getChangeType() == CollectionChangeEvent.REMOVE){
                        boolean objectRemoved = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
                        Object objectToRemove = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
                        //if objectToRemove is null, we can't look it up in the collection.
                        // This should not happen unless identity is lost.
                        if (objectToRemove!=null){
                            Integer index = changeObject.getIndex();
                            if (index!=null){
                                if (objectToRemove.equals(get(index, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession()) )){
                                    removeFromAtIndex(index, valueOfTarget);
                                } else {
                                    //Object is in the cache, but the collection doesn't have it at the location we expect
                                    // Collection is invalid with respect to these changes, so invalidate the parent and abort
                                    Vector key = ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet)changeRecord.getOwner()).getPrimaryKeys();
                                    parentSession.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(key, changeRecord.getOwner().getClassType(parentSession));
                            } else{
                                removeFrom(objectToRemove, valueOfTarget, parentSession);
                            if ( (! mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) && changeRecord.getMapping().isPrivateOwned()) {
                                // Check that the object was actually removed and not moved.
                                if (objectRemoved) {
                    } else {//getChangeType == add
                        boolean objectAdded = changeRecord.getAddObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
                        Object object = null;
                        // The object was actually added and not moved.
                        if (objectAdded && shouldMergeCascadeParts) {
                            object = mergeCascadeParts(objectChanges, mergeManager, parentSession);
                        if (object == null) {
                            // Retrieve the object to be added to the collection.
                            object = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
                        // Assume at this point the above merge will have created a new
                        // object if required and that the object was actually added and
                        // not moved.
                        if (objectAdded && mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
                            // Bugs 4458089 & 4454532 - check if collection contains new item before adding
                            // during merge into distributed cache                 
                            if (! contains(object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession())) {
                                addIntoAtIndex(changeObject.getIndex(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());                               
                        } else {
                            addIntoAtIndex(changeObject.getIndex(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());
            } else {
                //Deferred change tracking merge behavior
                // Step 1 - iterate over the removed changes and remove them from the container.
                Vector removedIndices = changeRecord.getOrderedRemoveObjectIndices();
                if (removedIndices.isEmpty()) {
                    // Check if we have removed objects via a
                    // simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord API call.
                    Iterator removedObjects = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().keySet().iterator();
                    while (removedObjects.hasNext()) {
                        objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet);
                        removeFrom(objectChanges.getOldKey(), objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession()), valueOfTarget, parentSession);
                        registerRemoveNewObjectIfRequired(objectChanges, mergeManager);
                } else {
                    for (int i = removedIndices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        Integer index = ((Integer) removedIndices.elementAt(i)).intValue();
                        objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet) changeRecord.getOrderedRemoveObject(index);
                        Object objectToRemove = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
                        if ( (objectToRemove!=null) &&
                                    (objectToRemove.equals(get(index, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession()) )) ) {
                            removeFromAtIndex(index, valueOfTarget);
                            // The object was actually removed and not moved.
                            if (changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges)) {
                                registerRemoveNewObjectIfRequired(objectChanges, mergeManager);
                        } else {
                            //Object is either not in the cache, or not at the location we expect
                            // Collection is invalid with respect to these changes, so invalidate the parent and abort
                            Vector key = ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet)changeRecord.getOwner()).getPrimaryKeys();
                            parentSession.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(key, changeRecord.getOwner().getClassType(parentSession));
                // Step 2 - iterate over the added changes and add them to the container.
                Enumeration addObjects = changeRecord.getOrderedAddObjects().elements();
                while (addObjects.hasMoreElements()) {
                    objectChanges =  (ObjectChangeSet) addObjects.nextElement();
                    boolean objectAdded = changeRecord.getAddObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
                    Object object = null;
                    // The object was actually added and not moved.
                    if (objectAdded && shouldMergeCascadeParts) {
                        object = mergeCascadeParts(objectChanges, mergeManager, parentSession);
                    if (object == null) {
                        // Retrieve the object to be added to the collection.
                        object = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
                    // Assume at this point the above merge will have created a new
                    // object if required and that the object was actually added and
                    // not moved.
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            } else {
                descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateEvent, writeQuery));
        ObjectChangeSet changes = createObjectChangeSet(clone, backUp, changeSet, isNew, unitOfWork, descriptor);
        if(changes.hasChanges() && descriptor.hasMappingsPostCalculateChanges() && ! changes.isNew() && ! unitOfWork.getCommitManager().isActive() && !unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) {
            // if we are in the commit because of an event skip this postCalculateChanges step as we have already executed it.
            int size = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().size();
            for(int i=0; i < size; i++) {
                DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingsPostCalculateChanges().get(i);
                org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.ChangeRecord record = changes.getChangesForAttributeNamed(mapping.getAttributeName());
                if(record != null) {
                    // Deferred attributes will already have been acted on, therefore we need
                    // to post calculate changes to ensure orphaned objects are removed.
                    mapping.postCalculateChanges(record, unitOfWork);
        //Check if the user set the PK to null and throw an exception (bug# 4569755)
        if (changes.getPrimaryKeys() == null && !isNew && !changes.isAggregate()) {
            if(!(unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork()) || (unitOfWork.isNestedUnitOfWork() && !((UnitOfWorkImpl)unitOfWork.getParent()).isObjectNew(backUp))) {
                throw ValidationException.nullPrimaryKeyInUnitOfWorkClone(clone);

        // if forceUpdate or optimistic read locking is on, mark changeSet.  This is to force it
        // to be stored and used for writing out SQL later on
        if ((descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) && (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getForceUpdate())) {
        if (!changes.hasForcedChangesFromCascadeLocking() && unitOfWork.hasOptimisticReadLockObjects()) {
        if (changes.hasChanges() || changes.hasForcedChanges()) {
            return changes;
        return null;
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Create ObjectChangeSet
    public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSetThroughComparison(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
        ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        ObjectChangeSet changes = builder.createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, true, session);

        // The following code deals with reads that force changes to the flag associated with optimistic locking.
        if ((descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) && (changes.getPrimaryKeys() != null)) {
            changes.setOptimisticLockingPolicyAndInitialWriteLockValue(descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy(), session);

        // PERF: Do not create change records for new objects.
        if (!isNew || descriptor.shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects() || descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor() || descriptor.isAggregateCollectionDescriptor()) {
            // PERF: Avoid synchronized enumerator as is concurrency bottleneck.
            List mappings = descriptor.getMappings();
            int mappingsSize = mappings.size();
            for (int index = 0; index < mappingsSize; index++) {
                DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping)mappings.get(index);
                changes.addChange(mapping.compareForChange(clone, backUp, changes, session));

        return changes;
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Create ObjectChangeSet
    public ObjectChangeSet createObjectChangeSet(Object clone, Object backUp, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet changeSet, boolean isNew, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
        ObjectChangeSet changes;
        if (!isNew) {
            changes = ((AttributeChangeListener)((ChangeTracker)clone)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener()).getObjectChangeSet();
            // The changes can be null if forceUpdate is used in CMP, so an empty change must be created.
            if (changes != null) {
                // PERF: Only merge the change set if merging into a new uow change set.
                // merge the changeSet locally (ie the UOW's copy not the tracking policies copy) ; the local changeset will be returned.
                if (changes.getUOWChangeSet() != changeSet) {
                    changes = changeSet.mergeObjectChanges(changes, (org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)changes.getUOWChangeSet());
                // check for deferred changes
                if (changes.hasDeferredAttributes()){
                    //need to calculate the changes for these attributes.
                    for (Iterator iterator = changes.getDeferredSet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
                        DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName((String);
                        mapping.calculateDeferredChanges((ChangeRecord)changes.getChangesForAttributeNamed(mapping.getAttributeName()), session);
            } else {
                changes = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, session);           
        } else {
            changes = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(clone, changeSet, isNew, true, session);
            // PERF: Do not create change records for new objects.
            if (descriptor.shouldUseFullChangeSetsForNewObjects() || descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) {
                List mappings = descriptor.getMappings();
                int size = mappings.size();
                for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
                    DatabaseMapping mapping = (DatabaseMapping)mappings.get(index);
                    changes.addChange(mapping.compareForChange(clone, null, changes, (UnitOfWorkImpl)session));

        // The following code deals with reads that force changes to the flag associated with optimistic locking.
        if ((descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) && (changes.getPrimaryKeys() != null)) {
            changes.setOptimisticLockingPolicyAndInitialWriteLockValue(descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy(), session);
        return changes;
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    protected void createChangeSetForKeys(Map originalKeyValues, CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord, AbstractSession session, ClassDescriptor referenceDescriptor){
        Iterator originalKeyValuesIterator = originalKeyValues.values().iterator();
        while (originalKeyValuesIterator.hasNext()){
            Association association = (Association);
            Object object = association.getValue();
            ObjectChangeSet changeSet = referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(object, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) changeRecord.getOwner().getUOWChangeSet(), session);
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                            backUpVersion = firstObject;
                        } else {
                            backUpVersion = ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getBackupClone(firstObject, referenceDescriptor);
                        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(firstObject, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) changeRecord.getOwner().getUOWChangeSet(), session);
                        changeSet.setOldKey(keyFrom(backUpVersion, session));
                        changeSet.setNewKey(keyFrom(firstObject, session));
                        cloneKeyValues.put(key, firstObject);
                } else {
                    // Place it in the add collection
                    buildChangeSetForNewObjectInCollection(wrappedFirstObject, referenceDescriptor, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) changeRecord.getOwner().getUOWChangeSet(), session);
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     * Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a
     * collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection
     * based on the change set.
    public void mergeChanges(CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord, Object valueOfTarget, boolean shouldMergeCascadeParts, MergeManager mergeManager, AbstractSession targetSession) {
        ObjectChangeSet objectChanges;       
        // Step 1 - iterate over the removed changes and remove them from the container.
        Iterator removeObjects = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().keySet().iterator();
        // Ensure the collection is synchronized while changes are being made,
        // clone also synchronizes on collection (does not have cache key read-lock for indirection).
        // Must synchronize of the real collection as the clone does so.
        Object synchronizedValueOfTarget = valueOfTarget;
        if (valueOfTarget instanceof IndirectCollection) {
            synchronizedValueOfTarget = ((IndirectCollection)valueOfTarget).getDelegateObject();
        synchronized (synchronizedValueOfTarget) {
            while (removeObjects.hasNext()) {
                objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet);               
                removeFrom(objectChanges.getOldKey(), objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager, targetSession), valueOfTarget, targetSession);
                if (!mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
            // Step 2 - iterate over the added changes and add them to the container.
            Iterator addObjects = changeRecord.getAddObjectList().keySet().iterator();               
            while (addObjects.hasNext()) {
                objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet);
                Object object = null;                   
                if (shouldMergeCascadeParts) {
                    object = mergeCascadeParts(objectChanges, mergeManager, targetSession);
                if (object == null) {
                    // Retrieve the object to be added to the collection.
                    object = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager, targetSession, false);
                // I am assuming that at this point the above merge will have created a new object if required
                if (mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
                    //bug#4458089 and 4454532- check if collection contains new item before adding during merge into distributed cache         
                    if (!contains(object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession())) {
                        addInto(objectChanges.getNewKey(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());
                } else {
                    addInto(objectChanges.getNewKey(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());   
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    public void postCalculateChanges(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets.ChangeRecord changeRecord, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) {
        // targets are added to and/or removed to/from the source.
        CollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (CollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord;
        Iterator it = collectionChangeRecord.getAddObjectList().values().iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectChangeSet change = (ObjectChangeSet);
            if(!change.hasChanges()) {
                ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)change.getUOWChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSet(change, uow, false);
        // in the mapping is privately owned then the target will be deleted - no need to modify target version.
        it = collectionChangeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().values().iterator();
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectChangeSet change = (ObjectChangeSet);
            if (!isPrivateOwned()){
                if(!change.hasChanges()) {
                    ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)change.getUOWChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSet(change, uow, false);
                containerPolicy.postCalculateChanges(change, referenceDescriptor, this, uow);
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        Object col = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(deletedObject, uow);
        if (col != null) {
            Object iterator = this.containerPolicy.iteratorFor(col);
            while (this.containerPolicy.hasNext(iterator)) {
                Object target =, uow);
                ObjectChangeSet change = this.referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(target, uowChangeSet, uow);
                if (!change.hasChanges()) {
                    ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet)change.getUOWChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSet(change, uow, false);
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            ClassDescriptor tempValueDescriptor = session.getDescriptor(value.getClass());
            if (tempValueDescriptor != null){
                valueDescriptor = tempValueDescriptor;
        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = valueDescriptor.getObjectBuilder().createObjectChangeSet(value, uowChangeSet, session);
        Object key = ((Map.Entry)object).getKey();
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet$ObjectChangeSetComparator

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