* Merge changes from the source to the target object. Because this is a
* collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the collection
* based on the change set.
public void mergeChanges(CollectionChangeRecord changeRecord, Object valueOfTarget, boolean shouldMergeCascadeParts, MergeManager mergeManager, AbstractSession parentSession) {
ObjectChangeSet objectChanges;
// Ensure the collection is synchronized while changes are being made,
// clone also synchronizes on collection (does not have cache key read-lock for indirection).
// Must synchronize of the real collection as the clone does so.
Object synchronizedValueOfTarget = valueOfTarget;
if (valueOfTarget instanceof IndirectCollection) {
synchronizedValueOfTarget = ((IndirectCollection)valueOfTarget).getDelegateObject();
if(changeRecord.orderHasBeenRepaired()) {
if(valueOfTarget instanceof IndirectList) {
synchronized (synchronizedValueOfTarget) {
if (!changeRecord.getOrderedChangeObjectList().isEmpty()){
//Attribute change tracking merge behavior
Vector removedList = new Vector();
Iterator objects =changeRecord.getOrderedChangeObjectList().iterator();
while (objects.hasNext()){
OrderedChangeObject changeObject = (OrderedChangeObject)objects.next();
objectChanges = changeObject.getChangeSet();
if (changeObject.getChangeType() == CollectionChangeEvent.REMOVE){
boolean objectRemoved = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
Object objectToRemove = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
//if objectToRemove is null, we can't look it up in the collection.
// This should not happen unless identity is lost.
if (objectToRemove!=null){
Integer index = changeObject.getIndex();
if (index!=null){
if (objectToRemove.equals(get(index, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession()) )){
removeFromAtIndex(index, valueOfTarget);
} else {
//Object is in the cache, but the collection doesn't have it at the location we expect
// Collection is invalid with respect to these changes, so invalidate the parent and abort
Vector key = ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet)changeRecord.getOwner()).getPrimaryKeys();
parentSession.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(key, changeRecord.getOwner().getClassType(parentSession));
} else{
removeFrom(objectToRemove, valueOfTarget, parentSession);
if ( (! mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) && changeRecord.getMapping().isPrivateOwned()) {
// Check that the object was actually removed and not moved.
if (objectRemoved) {
} else {//getChangeType == add
boolean objectAdded = changeRecord.getAddObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
Object object = null;
// The object was actually added and not moved.
if (objectAdded && shouldMergeCascadeParts) {
object = mergeCascadeParts(objectChanges, mergeManager, parentSession);
if (object == null) {
// Retrieve the object to be added to the collection.
object = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
// Assume at this point the above merge will have created a new
// object if required and that the object was actually added and
// not moved.
if (objectAdded && mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
// Bugs 4458089 & 4454532 - check if collection contains new item before adding
// during merge into distributed cache
if (! contains(object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession())) {
addIntoAtIndex(changeObject.getIndex(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());
} else {
addIntoAtIndex(changeObject.getIndex(), object, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());
} else {
//Deferred change tracking merge behavior
// Step 1 - iterate over the removed changes and remove them from the container.
Vector removedIndices = changeRecord.getOrderedRemoveObjectIndices();
if (removedIndices.isEmpty()) {
// Check if we have removed objects via a
// simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord API call.
Iterator removedObjects = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().keySet().iterator();
while (removedObjects.hasNext()) {
objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet) removedObjects.next();
removeFrom(objectChanges.getOldKey(), objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession()), valueOfTarget, parentSession);
registerRemoveNewObjectIfRequired(objectChanges, mergeManager);
} else {
for (int i = removedIndices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Integer index = ((Integer) removedIndices.elementAt(i)).intValue();
objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet) changeRecord.getOrderedRemoveObject(index);
Object objectToRemove = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
if ( (objectToRemove!=null) &&
(objectToRemove.equals(get(index, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession()) )) ) {
removeFromAtIndex(index, valueOfTarget);
// The object was actually removed and not moved.
if (changeRecord.getRemoveObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges)) {
registerRemoveNewObjectIfRequired(objectChanges, mergeManager);
} else {
//Object is either not in the cache, or not at the location we expect
// Collection is invalid with respect to these changes, so invalidate the parent and abort
Vector key = ((org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet)changeRecord.getOwner()).getPrimaryKeys();
parentSession.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(key, changeRecord.getOwner().getClassType(parentSession));
// Step 2 - iterate over the added changes and add them to the container.
Enumeration addObjects = changeRecord.getOrderedAddObjects().elements();
while (addObjects.hasMoreElements()) {
objectChanges = (ObjectChangeSet) addObjects.nextElement();
boolean objectAdded = changeRecord.getAddObjectList().containsKey(objectChanges);
Object object = null;
// The object was actually added and not moved.
if (objectAdded && shouldMergeCascadeParts) {
object = mergeCascadeParts(objectChanges, mergeManager, parentSession);
if (object == null) {
// Retrieve the object to be added to the collection.
object = objectChanges.getTargetVersionOfSourceObject(mergeManager.getSession());
// Assume at this point the above merge will have created a new
// object if required and that the object was actually added and
// not moved.