Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ContainerPolicy

    public void writeFromObjectIntoRow(Object object, AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session, WriteType writeType) {
        XMLRecord record = (XMLRecord) row;
        XMLMarshaller marshaller = record.getMarshaller();
        Object attributeValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(object);

        ContainerPolicy cp = this.getContainerPolicy();
        Vector elements = new Vector(cp.sizeFor(attributeValue));
        XMLField field = (XMLField) getField();
        NamespaceResolver resolver = field.getNamespaceResolver();
        boolean isAttribute = field.getLastXPathFragment().isAttribute();
        String prefix = null;
        XMLField includeField = null;
        if (!isAttribute) {
            if (record.isXOPPackage() && !isSwaRef() && !shouldInlineBinaryData()) {
                field = (XMLField) getField();

                // If the field's resolver is non-null and has an entry for XOP,
                // use it - otherwise, create a new resolver, set the XOP entry,
                // on it, and use it instead.
                // We do this to avoid setting the XOP namespace declaration on
                // a given field or descriptor's resolver, as it is only required
                // on the current element
                if (resolver != null) {
                    prefix = resolver.resolveNamespaceURI(XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                if (prefix == null) {
                    prefix = XMLConstants.XOP_PREFIX;//"xop";
                    resolver = new NamespaceResolver();
                    resolver.put(prefix, XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                includeField = new XMLField(prefix + XMLConstants.COLON + INCLUDE + "/@href");
        XMLField textField = new XMLField(field.getXPath() + '/' + XMLConstants.TEXT);
        //field = textField;

        boolean inline = false;
        for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(attributeValue); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object element =, session);
            element = getValueToWrite(element, object, record, field, includeField, session);
            if(element == null){
                AbstractNullPolicy nullPolicy = getNullPolicy();
                if (nullPolicy == null) {
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        record.add(field, valueToWrite);

    public Object valueFromRow(AbstractRecord row, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, ObjectBuildingQuery query, CacheKey cacheKey, AbstractSession executionSession, boolean isTargetProtected, Boolean[] wasCacheUsed) {
        ContainerPolicy cp = this.getContainerPolicy();

        Object fieldValue = row.getValues(this.getField());
        if (fieldValue == null) {
            if (reuseContainer) {
                Object currentObject = ((XMLRecord) row).getCurrentObject();
                Object container = getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(currentObject);
                return container != null ? container : cp.containerInstance();
            } else {
                return cp.containerInstance();

        Vector fieldValues = this.getDescriptor().buildDirectValuesFromFieldValue(fieldValue);
        if (fieldValues == null) {
            if (reuseContainer) {
                Object currentObject = ((XMLRecord) row).getCurrentObject();
                Object container = getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(currentObject);
                return container != null ? container : cp.containerInstance();
            } else {
                return cp.containerInstance();

        Object result = null;
        if (reuseContainer) {
            Object currentObject = ((XMLRecord) row).getCurrentObject();
            Object container = getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(currentObject);
            result = container != null ? container : cp.containerInstance();
        } else {
            result = cp.containerInstance(fieldValues.size());

        for (Enumeration stream = fieldValues.elements(); stream.hasMoreElements();) {
            Object element = stream.nextElement();

            // PERF: Direct variable access.
            //Object value = row.get(field);
            //Object fieldValue = null;
            XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = ((XMLRecord) row).getUnmarshaller();
            if (element instanceof String) {
                if (this.isSwaRef() && (unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null)) {
                    fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler((String) element);
                } else if (!this.isSwaRef()) {
                    //should be base64
                    byte[] bytes = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(element);
                    fieldValue = bytes;
            } else {
                //this was an element, so do the XOP/SWAREF/Inline binary cases for an element
                XMLRecord record = (XMLRecord) element;
                if (getNullPolicy().valueIsNull((Element) record.getDOM())) {
                    fieldValue = null;

                    if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().isXOPPackage() && !this.isSwaRef() && !this.shouldInlineBinaryData()) {
                        //look for the include element:
                        String xpath = XMLConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
                        //  need a prefix for XOP
                        String prefix = null;
                        NamespaceResolver descriptorResolver = ((XMLDescriptor) getDescriptor()).getNamespaceResolver();
                        if (descriptorResolver != null) {
                            prefix = descriptorResolver.resolveNamespaceURI(XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                        if (prefix == null) {
                            prefix = XMLConstants.XOP_PREFIX;
                        NamespaceResolver tempResolver = new NamespaceResolver();
                        tempResolver.put(prefix, XMLConstants.XOP_URL);
                        xpath = prefix + XMLConstants.COLON + INCLUDE + "/@href";
                        XMLField field = new XMLField(xpath);
                        String includeValue = (String) record.get(field);
                        if (element != null && includeValue != null) {
                          if ((getAttributeElementClass() == ClassConstants.ABYTE) || (getAttributeElementClass() == ClassConstants.APBYTE)) {
                                fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsByteArray(includeValue);
                            } else {
                                fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(includeValue);
                        } else {
                            //If we didn't find the Include element, check for inline
                            fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                            //should be a base64 string
                            fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);
                    } else if ((unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller() != null) && isSwaRef()) {
                        String refValue = (String) record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                        if (refValue != null) {
                            fieldValue = unmarshaller.getAttachmentUnmarshaller().getAttachmentAsDataHandler(refValue);
                    } else {
                        fieldValue = record.get(XMLConstants.TEXT);
                        //should be a base64 string
                        fieldValue = ((XMLConversionManager) executionSession.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertSchemaBase64ToByteArray(fieldValue);
            Object attributeValue = fieldValue;
            if (getValueConverter() != null) {
                if (getValueConverter() instanceof XMLConverter) {
                    attributeValue = ((XMLConverter) getValueConverter()).convertDataValueToObjectValue(fieldValue, executionSession, unmarshaller);
                } else {
                    attributeValue = getValueConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(fieldValue, executionSession);

            cp.addInto(attributeValue, result, query.getSession());
        return result;
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        Object attributeValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(object);
        List<XMLEntry> nestedRows = new ArrayList<XMLEntry>();
        XMLRecord record = (XMLRecord)row;
        //First determine which Field is associated with each value:
        if(null != attributeValue) {
            ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
            Object iterator = cp.iteratorFor(attributeValue);
            if(null != iterator) {
                while(cp.hasNext(iterator)) {
                    Object value =, session);
                    if (null != converter) {
                        if (converter instanceof XMLConverter) {
                            value = ((XMLConverter)converter).convertObjectValueToDataValue(value, session, record.getMarshaller());
                        } else {
                            value = converter.convertObjectValueToDataValue(value, session);
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                        //use the nestedQuery to trigger joins remaining for this expression (base onward)
                        if ((nestedQuery != null) && (nestedQuery.getJoinedAttributeManager() != null)) {
                            if (!mapping.isCollectionMapping()) {
                                triggerJoinExpressions(unitOfWork, nestedQuery.getJoinedAttributeManager(), attributeValue, null);
                            }else {
                                ContainerPolicy cp = ((CollectionMapping)mapping).getContainerPolicy();
                                Object iterator = cp.iteratorFor(attributeValue);
                                while (cp.hasNext(iterator)){
                                    triggerJoinExpressions(unitOfWork, nestedQuery.getJoinedAttributeManager(),, unitOfWork), null);
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            // Tie into the collection hierarchy at a lower level
            if (mapping instanceof CollectionMapping) {
                // Handle 1:m, n:m collection mappings
                CollectionMapping colMapping = (CollectionMapping) mapping;
                ContainerPolicy collectionContainerPolicy = colMapping.getContainerPolicy();
                if (collectionContainerPolicy.isMapPolicy()) {
                    // Handle the 3 Map type mappings (policy.isMappedKeyMapPolicy()) is handled by isMapPolicy())
                    member = new MapAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                    // check mapping.attributeAcessor.attributeField.type=Collection
                } else if (collectionContainerPolicy.isListPolicy()) {
                    // This seems very over complex...
                     * Handle lazy Collections and Lists and the fact that both return an IndirectList policy.
                     * We check the type on the attributeField of the attributeAccessor on the mapping
                    Class aType = null;
                    // 325699: AttributeAccessor is subclassed by both IntanceVariableAttributeAccessor (JPA) and ValuesAccessor (Dynamic JPA)
                    if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof ValuesAccessor) {
                        member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping);
                    } else if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor) {
                        Field aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();                       
                        // MappedSuperclasses need special handling to get their type from an inheriting subclass
                        if(null == aField) { // MappedSuperclass field will not be set
                            if(this.isMappedSuperclass()) {
                                // get inheriting subtype member (without handling @override annotations)
                                MappedSuperclassTypeImpl aMappedSuperclass = ((MappedSuperclassTypeImpl)this);
                                AttributeImpl inheritingTypeMember = aMappedSuperclass.getMemberFromInheritingType(colMapping.getAttributeName());
                                // 322166: If attribute is defined on this current ManagedType (and not on a superclass) - do not attempt a reflective call on a superclass
                                if(null != inheritingTypeMember) {
                                    // Verify we have an attributeAccessor
                                    aField = ((InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor)inheritingTypeMember.getMapping().getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeField();
                        // 322166: The attribute may be defined on the current ManagedType - not inherited
                        if(null == aField) {
                            // Check attributeName when the field is null
                            aType = this.getTypeClassFromAttributeOrMethodLevelAccessor(mapping);
                        } else {
                            aType = aField.getType();
                        // This attribute is declared as List
                        if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {                   
                            member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                        } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                            // This attribute is therefore declared as Collection
                            member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                        } else {
                            member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                    } else {
                        // handle variations of missing get/set methods - only for Collection vs List
                        if(colMapping.getAttributeAccessor() instanceof MethodAttributeAccessor) {
                             * The following call will perform a getMethod call for us.
                             * If no getMethod exists, we will secondarily check the getMethodName below.
                            aType = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getAttributeClass();
                            if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                            } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                            } else {
                                 * In this block we have the following scenario:
                                 * 1) The access type is "field"
                                 * 2) The get method is not set on the entity
                                 * 3) The get method is named differently than the attribute
                                // Type may be null when no getMethod exists for the class for a ManyToMany mapping
                                // Here we check the returnType on the declared method on the class directly
                                String getMethodName = ((MethodAttributeAccessor)colMapping.getAttributeAccessor()).getGetMethodName();
                                if(null == getMethodName) {
                                    // Check declaredFields in the case where we have no getMethod or getMethodName
                                    try {
                                        Field field = null;
                                        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
                                            try {
                                                field = (Field)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredField(
                                                        this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false));
                                            } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                                                member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);                                           
                                        } else {
                                            field = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getDeclaredField(
                                                    this.getJavaType(), colMapping.getAttributeName(), false);
                                        if(null == field) {
                                            member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                        } else {
                                            aType = field.getType();
                                            if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                                member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                                            } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                                member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                                            } else {
                                                member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                } else {
                                     * Field access Handling:
                                     * If a get method name exists, we check the return type on the method directly
                                     * using reflection.
                                     * In all failure cases we default to the List type.
                                    try {
                                        Method aMethod = null;                                       
                                        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()) {
                                            aMethod = (Method) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredMethod(
                                                    this.getJavaType(), getMethodName, null));
                                        } else {
                                            aMethod = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getDeclaredMethod(
                                                    this.getJavaType(), getMethodName, null);
                                        if(null == aMethod) {
                                            member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                        } else {
                                            aType = aMethod.getReturnType();
                                            if((aType != null) && List.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                                member = new ListAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                                            } else if((aType != null) && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aType)) {
                                                member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                                            } else {
                                                member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        member = initializePluralAttributeTypeNotFound(this, colMapping, true);
                } else {
                    // Handle non-lazy Collection or Set type mappings (IndirectSet.isAssignableFrom(Set.class) == false)
                    if ((collectionContainerPolicy.getContainerClass() != null) && Set.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionContainerPolicy.getContainerClass())) {
                        member = new SetAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                    } else {
                        // Check for non-lazy Collection policy possibly instantiated to a Set or List (both of which is ignored)
                        if(collectionContainerPolicy.isCollectionPolicy()) {
                            member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping, true);
                        } else {
                            // Handle Collection type mappings as a default (we should never get here)
                            // TODO: System.out.println("_Warning: defaulting to non-Set specific Collection type on " + colMapping);
                            member = new CollectionAttributeImpl(this, colMapping);
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    protected Object instantiate(AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        Vector rows = mapping.getForeignKeyRows(this.getRow());

        int size = rows.size();
        ContainerPolicy cp = ((ReadAllQuery)this.getQuery()).getContainerPolicy();
        Object returnValue = cp.containerInstance(size);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
          AbstractRecord nextRow = (AbstractRecord)rows.get(i);
            Object results = session.executeQuery(getQuery(), nextRow);

            if (results instanceof Collection) {
                Iterator iter = ((Collection)results).iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    cp.addInto(, returnValue, session);
            } else if (results instanceof java.util.Map) {
                Iterator iter = ((java.util.Map)results).values().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    cp.addInto(, returnValue, session);
            } else {
                cp.addInto(results, returnValue, session);
        return returnValue;
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    public boolean verifyDelete(Object object, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        if (this.isPrivateOwned()) {
            Object objects = this.getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(object, session);

            ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();
            for (Object iter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(objects); containerPolicy.hasNext(iter);) {
                if (!session.verifyDelete(, session))) {
                    return false;
        return true;
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        Object objects = this.getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());

        // insert each object one by one
        ContainerPolicy cp = this.getContainerPolicy();
        for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object object =, query.getSession());
            if (this.isPrivateOwned()) {
                // no need to set changeSet as insert is a straight copy
                InsertObjectQuery insertQuery = new InsertObjectQuery();
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        // if we have a custom delete all query, use it;
        // otherwise, delete the reference objects one by one
        if (this.hasCustomDeleteAllQuery()) {
            this.deleteAll(query, referenceObjects);
        } else {
            ContainerPolicy cp = this.getContainerPolicy();
            for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(referenceObjects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
                DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery = new DeleteObjectQuery();
                deleteQuery.setObject(, query.getSession()));
            if (!query.getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
                // This deletes any objects on the database, as the collection in memory may have been changed.
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        if (!this.shouldObjectModifyCascadeToParts(query)) {

        Object objects = this.getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        ContainerPolicy cp = this.getContainerPolicy();

        // if privately-owned parts have their privately-owned sub-parts, delete them one by one;
        // else delete everything in one shot
        if (this.mustDeleteReferenceObjectsOneByOne()) {
            for (Object iter = cp.iteratorFor(objects); cp.hasNext(iter);) {
                DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery = new DeleteObjectQuery();
                deleteQuery.setObject(, query.getSession()));
            if (!query.getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
                // This deletes any objects on the database, as the collection in memory may have been changed.
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ContainerPolicy

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