Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder

     * INTERNAL:
     * Create an instance of the composite primary key class for the key object.
    public Object createPrimaryKeyInstance(Object key, AbstractSession session) {
        KeyElementAccessor[] pkElementArray = this.getKeyClassFields(getPKClass());
        ObjectBuilder builder = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder();
        if (pkElementArray.length == 1 && pkElementArray[0] instanceof KeyIsElementAccessor){
            DatabaseMapping mapping = builder.getMappingForAttributeName(pkElementArray[0].getAttributeName());
            return mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(key, session);
        Object keyInstance = getPKClassInstance();
        for (int index = 0; index < pkElementArray.length; index++) {
            KeyElementAccessor accessor = pkElementArray[index];
            DatabaseMapping mapping = builder.getMappingForAttributeName(accessor.getAttributeName());
            // With session validation, the mapping shouldn't be null at this
            // point, don't bother checking.
            while (mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()) {
                mapping = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getMappingForAttributeName(pkElementArray[index].getAttributeName());
                if (mapping == null) { // must be aggregate
                    mapping = builder.getMappingForField(accessor.getDatabaseField());
            Object fieldValue = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(key, session);
            accessor.setValue(keyInstance, fieldValue);
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                    if (!useXMLRoot) {
                        referenceDescriptor = getDescriptor(nestedRecord, session, null);

                        if ((referenceDescriptor != null) && (keepAsElementPolicy != UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_ALL_AS_ELEMENT)) {
                            ObjectBuilder builder = referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder();
                            objectValue = builder.buildObject(query, nestedRecord, joinManager);
                            if(getConverter() != null) {
                              objectValue = getConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(objectValue, session, record.getUnmarshaller());
                            cp.addInto(objectValue, container, session);
                        } else {
                            if ((keepAsElementPolicy == UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_UNKNOWN_AS_ELEMENT) || (keepAsElementPolicy == UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_ALL_AS_ELEMENT)) {
                                XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform().namespaceQualifyFragment((Element) next);
                                objectValue = next;
                                if(getConverter() != null) {
                                  objectValue = getConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(objectValue, session, record.getUnmarshaller());
                                cp.addInto(objectValue, container, session);
                    } else {
                        String schemaType = ((Element) next).getAttributeNS(XMLConstants.SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URL, XMLConstants.SCHEMA_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
                        QName schemaTypeQName = null;
                        XPathFragment frag = new XPathFragment();
                        if ((null != schemaType) && (!schemaType.equals(""))) {
                            if (frag.hasNamespace()) {
                                String prefix = frag.getPrefix();
                                XMLPlatform xmlPlatform = XMLPlatformFactory.getInstance().getXMLPlatform();
                                String url = xmlPlatform.resolveNamespacePrefix(next, prefix);
                                schemaTypeQName = new QName(url, frag.getLocalName());
                            XMLContext xmlContext = nestedRecord.getUnmarshaller().getXMLContext();
                            referenceDescriptor = xmlContext.getDescriptorByGlobalType(frag);
                        if (referenceDescriptor == null) {
                            try {
                                QName qname = new QName(nestedRecord.getNamespaceURI(), nestedRecord.getLocalName());
                                referenceDescriptor = getDescriptor(nestedRecord, session, qname);
                            } catch (XMLMarshalException e) {
                                referenceDescriptor = null;
                            // Check if descriptor is for a wrapper, if it is null it out and let continue
                            XMLDescriptor xmlReferenceDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor) referenceDescriptor;
                            if (referenceDescriptor != null && xmlReferenceDescriptor.isWrapper()) {
                              referenceDescriptor = null;
                        if ((referenceDescriptor != null) && (getKeepAsElementPolicy() != UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_ALL_AS_ELEMENT)) {
                            ObjectBuilder builder = referenceDescriptor.getObjectBuilder();
                            objectValue = builder.buildObject(query, nestedRecord, joinManager);
                            Object updated = ((XMLDescriptor) referenceDescriptor).wrapObjectInXMLRoot(objectValue, next.getNamespaceURI(), next.getLocalName(), next.getPrefix(), false);

                            if(getConverter() != null) {
                              updated = getConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(updated, session, record.getUnmarshaller());
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                if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {
                    // In EJB3 this should be a direct to field mapping (either
                    // on the entity directly or on an embeddable (aggregate).
                } else if (mapping.isAggregateMapping()) { // in the case of aggregates drill down.
                    ObjectBuilder builder = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder();
                    List aggregateMappings = builder.getReadOnlyMappingsForField(field);
                    if ((aggregateMappings != null) && (!aggregateMappings.isEmpty())) {
                        // Add all the mappings from the aggregate to be
                        // processed.
                    DatabaseMapping writableMapping = builder.getMappingForField(field);
                    if (writableMapping != null) {
                        // Since it may be another aggregate mapping, add it to
                        // the allMappings list so we can drill down on it as
                        // well.
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        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(original);
        //Nested unit of work is not supported for attribute change tracking
        if (isNestedUnitOfWork() && (descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy() instanceof AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy)) {
            throw ValidationException.nestedUOWNotSupportedForAttributeTracking();
        ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();

        // bug 2612602 create the working copy object.
        Object clone = builder.instantiateWorkingCopyClone(original, this);
        // This is the only difference from my superclass. I am building a new
        // original to put in the shared cache.
        Object newOriginal = builder.buildNewInstance();
        // Must put in the detached original to clone to resolve circular refs.
        getNewObjectsOriginalToClone().put(original, clone);
        getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal().put(clone, original);
        // Must put in clone mapping.
        getCloneMapping().put(clone, clone);

        builder.populateAttributesForClone(original, clone, this);
        // Must reregister in both new objects.
        registerNewObjectClone(clone, newOriginal, descriptor);

        //Build backup clone for DeferredChangeDetectionPolicy or ObjectChangeTrackingPolicy,
        //but not for AttributeChangeTrackingPolicy
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            return rmiClone;

        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(rmiClone);
        try {
            ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            if (registeredObject != rmiClone && descriptor.usesVersionLocking() && ! mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {
                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy) descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();
                if (policy.isStoredInObject()) {
                    Object currentValue = builder.extractValueFromObjectForField(registeredObject, policy.getWriteLockField(), session);
                    if (policy.isNewerVersion(currentValue, rmiClone, session.keyFromObject(rmiClone), session)) {
                        throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(rmiClone);
            // Toggle change tracking during the merge.
            boolean cascadeOnly = false;
            if (registeredObject == rmiClone || mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {   
                // GF#1139 Cascade merge operations to relationship mappings even if already registered
                cascadeOnly = true;
            // Merge into the clone from the original and use the clone as
            // backup as anything different should be merged.
            builder.mergeIntoObject(registeredObject, false, rmiClone, this, cascadeOnly, false)
        } finally {

        return registeredObject;
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                requiresToRegisterInParent = true;

        ClassDescriptor descriptor = unitOfWork.getDescriptor(clone.getClass());
        ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        // This always finds an original different from the clone, even if it has to create one.
        // This must be done after special cases have been computed because it registers unregistered new objects.
        Object original = unitOfWork.getOriginalVersionOfObjectOrNull(clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);

        // Always merge into the original.
        try {
            if (original == null) {
                // If original does not exist then we must merge the entire object.
                original = unitOfWork.buildOriginal(clone);
                if (objectChangeSet == null) {
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                } else if (!objectChangeSet.isNew()) {
                    // Once the original is created we must put it in the cache and
                    // lock it to prevent a reading thread from creating it as well
                    // there will be no deadlock situation because no other threads
                    // will be able to reference this object.
                    original = parent.getIdentityMapAccessorInstance().getWriteLockManager().appendLock(objectChangeSet.getPrimaryKeys(), original, descriptor, this, parent);
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                } else {
                    objectBuilder.mergeChangesIntoObject(original, objectChangeSet, clone, this, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                    // PERF: If PersistenceEntity is caching the primary key this must be cleared as the primary key may have changed in new objects.
                updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
            } else if (objectChangeSet == null) {
                // PERF: If we have no change set if it is existing, then no merging is required.
                // If it is new, then merge the object (normally a new object would have a change set, so this is an odd case.
                if (unitOfWork.isCloneNewObject(clone)) {
                    objectBuilder.mergeIntoObject(original, true, clone, this, false, !descriptor.getCopyPolicy().buildsNewInstance());
                    updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
            } else {
                // Invalidate any object that was marked invalid during the change calculation, even if it was new as multiple flushes
                // and custom SQL could still produce invalid new objects.
                if (objectChangeSet.shouldInvalidateObject(original, parent)) {
                    // no need to update cacheKey properties here
                if (objectChangeSet.isNew()) {
                    // PERF: If PersistenceEntity is caching the primary key this must be cleared as the primary key may have changed in new objects.
                // Regardless if the object is new, old, valid or invalid, merging will ensure there is a stub of an object in the
                // shared cache for filling in foreign reference relationships. If merge did not occur in some cases (new  objects, garbage
                // collection objects, object read in a transaction) then no object would be in the shared cache and foreign reference
                // mappings would be set to null when they should be set to an object.
                if (objectChangeSet.hasChanges()){
                    //if there are no changes then we just need a reference to the object so skip the merge
                    // saves trying to lock related objects after the fact producing deadlocks
                    objectBuilder.mergeChangesIntoObject(original, objectChangeSet, clone, this, false);
                    updateCacheKeyProperties(unitOfWork, original, clone, objectChangeSet, descriptor);
        } catch (QueryException exception) {
            // Ignore validation errors if unit of work validation is suppressed.
            // Also there is a very specific case under EJB wrappering where
            // a related object may have never been accessed in the unit of work context
            // but is still valid, so this error must be ignored.
            if (unitOfWork.shouldPerformNoValidation() || (descriptor.hasWrapperPolicy())) {
                if ((exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_DELETED) && (exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_IS_ORIGINAL_FROM_PARENT) && (exception.getErrorCode() != QueryException.BACKUP_CLONE_IS_ORIGINAL_FROM_SELF)) {
                    throw exception;
                return clone;
            } else {
                throw exception;

        if (requiresToRegisterInParent) {
            // Can use a new instance as backup and original.
            Object backupClone = objectBuilder.buildNewInstance();
            Object newInstance = objectBuilder.buildNewInstance();
            ((UnitOfWorkImpl)parent).registerOriginalNewObjectFromNestedUnitOfWork(original, backupClone, newInstance, descriptor);

        return clone;
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    protected void updateObjectAndRowWithSequenceNumber() throws DatabaseException {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = writeQuery.getDescriptor();
        ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
        AbstractSession session = writeQuery.getSession();
        Object sequenceValue = objectBuilder.assignSequenceNumber(object, session);
        if (sequenceValue == null) {
        Vector primaryKey = objectBuilder.extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, getSession());
        DatabaseField sequenceNumberField = descriptor.getSequenceNumberField();
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = getModifyRow();
        // Update the row.
        modifyRow.put(sequenceNumberField, sequenceValue);
        if (descriptor.hasMultipleTables()) {
            objectBuilder.addPrimaryKeyForNonDefaultTable(modifyRow, object, session);
        // Update the changeSet if there is one.
        if (session.isUnitOfWork()) {
            ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet = writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet();
            if ((objectChangeSet == null) && (((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() != null)) {
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     * This method collects the Joined Mappings from the descriptor and initializes them.
    public void processJoinedMappings() {   
        ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder();
        if (objectBuilder.hasJoinedAttributes()) {
            List mappingJoinedAttributes = objectBuilder.getJoinedAttributes();
            if (!hasJoinedAttributeExpressions()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < mappingJoinedAttributes.size(); i++) {
            } else {
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    protected void processDataResults(AbstractSession session) {
        this.dataResultsByPrimaryKey = new HashMap();
        int size = this.dataResults.size();
        CacheKey lastCacheKey = null;
        List childRows = null;
        ObjectBuilder builder = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder();
        int parentIndex = getParentResultIndex();
        for (int dataResultsIndex = 0; dataResultsIndex < size; dataResultsIndex++) {
            AbstractRecord row = this.dataResults.get(dataResultsIndex);
            AbstractRecord parentRow = row;
            // Must adjust for the parent index to ensure the correct pk is extracted.
            if (parentIndex > 0) {
                Vector trimedFields = new NonSynchronizedSubVector(row.getFields(), parentIndex, row.size());
                Vector trimedValues = new NonSynchronizedSubVector(row.getValues(), parentIndex, row.size());
                parentRow = new DatabaseRecord(trimedFields, trimedValues);
            // Extract the primary key of the source object, to filter only the joined rows for that object.
            Vector sourceKey = builder.extractPrimaryKeyFromRow(parentRow, session);
            // May be any outer-join so ignore null.
            if (sourceKey != null) {
                CacheKey sourceCacheKey = new CacheKey(sourceKey);
                if ((lastCacheKey != null) && lastCacheKey.equals(sourceCacheKey)) {
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            // CR#3173211
            // If the value is stored in the cache or object, there still may
            // be read-only mappings for it, so the object must always be updated for
            // any writable or read-only mappings for the version value.
            // Reuse the method used for returning as has the same requirements.
            ObjectBuilder objectBuilder = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            AbstractRecord record = objectBuilder.createRecord(1, session);
            record.put(this.writeLockField, lockValue);
            objectBuilder.assignReturnRow(object, session, record);           
            if (objectChangeSet != null) {
                query.getQueryMechanism().updateChangeSet(this.descriptor, objectChangeSet, record, object);
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder

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