Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceCall

        Vector vectorToCache = updateCalls;
        if (!updateCalls.isEmpty()) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            vectorToCache = new Vector(updateCallsSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                DatasourceCall updateCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);
                // clone call and dereference query for DatasourceCall and EJBQLCall
                DatasourceCall clonedUpdateCall = (DatasourceCall) updateCall.clone();
        this.cachedUpdateCalls.put(updateFields, vectorToCache);

            // we need to figure out the tag names based on the call's output parameters.
            // assumes JPAQuery
            JPAQuery jpaQuery = (JPAQuery) queryHandler.getDatabaseQuery();
            // to match field names with results, we need to gather the database fields from each of the Output parameters
            List<DatabaseField> paramFlds = new ArrayList<DatabaseField>();
            DatasourceCall dsCall = (DatasourceCall) jpaQuery.getDatabaseQuery().getDatasourceCall();
            for (Object obj : dsCall.getParameters()) {
                if (obj instanceof OutputParameterForCallableStatement) {
                    paramFlds.add(((OutputParameterForCallableStatement) obj).getOutputField());
                } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) {
                    Object[] objArray = (Object[]) obj;
                    for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {

        Vector vectorToCache = updateCalls;
        if (!updateCalls.isEmpty()) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            vectorToCache = new NonSynchronizedVector(updateCallsSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                DatasourceCall updateCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);
                // clone call and dereference query for DatasourceCall and EJBQLCall
                DatasourceCall clonedUpdateCall = (DatasourceCall) updateCall.clone();
        getCachedUpdateCalls().put(updateFields, vectorToCache);

        // If the calls were cached then don't need to prepare.
        if (updateCalls != null && useCache == true) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            if (updateCallsSize == 1) {
                // clone call, to be able to set query on clone
                DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(0);
                DatasourceCall clonedCall = (DatasourceCall)existingCall.clone();
            } else {
                // clone calls
                Vector clonedCalls = new Vector(updateCallsSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                    DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);

        // If the calls were cached then don't need to prepare.
        if (updateCalls != null && useCache == true) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            if (updateCallsSize == 1) {
                // clone call, to be able to set query on clone
                DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(0);
                DatasourceCall clonedCall = (DatasourceCall)existingCall.clone();
            } else {
                // clone calls
                Vector clonedCalls = new Vector(updateCallsSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                    DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);

        Vector vectorToCache = updateCalls;
        if (!updateCalls.isEmpty()) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            vectorToCache = new NonSynchronizedVector(updateCallsSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                DatasourceCall updateCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);
                // clone call and dereference query for DatasourceCall and EJBQLCall
                DatasourceCall clonedUpdateCall = (DatasourceCall) updateCall.clone();
        this.cachedUpdateCalls.put(updateFields, vectorToCache);

        Vector vectorToCache = updateCalls;
        if (!updateCalls.isEmpty()) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            vectorToCache = new NonSynchronizedVector(updateCallsSize);
            for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                DatasourceCall updateCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);
                // clone call and dereference query for DatasourceCall and EJBQLCall
                DatasourceCall clonedUpdateCall = (DatasourceCall) updateCall.clone();
        this.cachedUpdateCalls.put(updateFields, vectorToCache);

        // If the calls were cached then don't need to prepare.
        if (updateCalls != null) {
            int updateCallsSize = updateCalls.size();
            if (updateCallsSize == 1) {
                // clone call, to be able to set query on clone
                DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(0);
                DatasourceCall clonedCall = (DatasourceCall)existingCall.clone();
            } else {
                // clone calls
                Vector clonedCalls = new Vector(updateCallsSize);
                for (int i = 0; i < updateCallsSize; i++) {
                    DatasourceCall existingCall = (DatasourceCall)updateCalls.get(i);

            if (hasMultipleCalls()) {
                Integer returnedRowCount = null;
                // Deletion must occur in reverse order.
                for (int index = getCalls().size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
                    DatasourceCall databseCall = (DatasourceCall)getCalls().elementAt(index);
                    returnedRowCount = (Integer)executeCall(databseCall);
                // returns the number of rows removed from the first table in insert order
                return returnedRowCount;
            } else {

        // Deletion must occur in reverse order.

        // first call - crete temp table.
        // may fail in case global temp table already exists.
        try {
            DatasourceCall databseCall = (DatasourceCall)getCalls().elementAt(getCalls().size() - 1);
        } catch (DatabaseException databaseEx) {
            // ignore

        // second call - populate temp table.
        // if that fails save the exception and untill cleanup
        if(ex == null) {
            try {
                DatasourceCall databseCall = (DatasourceCall)getCalls().elementAt(getCalls().size() - 2);
            } catch (DatabaseException databaseEx) {
                ex = databaseEx;
        // third (a call per table) - delete from original tables calls.
        // if that fails save the exception untill cleanup
        for (int index = getCalls().size() - 3; index >= 1 && ex == null; index--) {
            DatasourceCall databseCall = (DatasourceCall)getCalls().elementAt(index);
            try {
                // returns the number of rows removed from the first table in insert order
                returnedRowCount = (Integer)executeCall(databseCall);
            } catch (DatabaseException databaseEx) {
                ex = databaseEx;

        // last call - cleanup temp table.
        // ignore exceptions here.
        try {
            DatasourceCall databseCall = (DatasourceCall)getCalls().elementAt(0);
        } catch (DatabaseException databaseEx) {
            // ignore


Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceCall

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