Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.sessions

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.sessions.CoreAbstractSession

        UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord =null;
        Descriptor xmlDescriptor = null;

        // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
        // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
        CoreAbstractSession session = null;

        // check for case where the reference class is a primitive wrapper - in this case, we
        // need to use the conversion manager to convert the node's value to the primitive
        // wrapper class, then create, populate and return an XMLRoot.  This will be done
        // via XMLRootRecord.
        boolean isPrimitiveWrapper = false;
        if(clazz == CoreClassConstants.OBJECT) {
                SAXUnmarshallerHandler saxUnmarshallerHandler = new SAXUnmarshallerHandler(xmlUnmarshaller.getContext());
                setContentHandler(xmlReader, saxUnmarshallerHandler);
                // resolve any mapping references
                return saxUnmarshallerHandler.getObject();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw XMLMarshalException.unmarshalException(e);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                throw convertSAXException(e);
        } else {
            // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
            // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
            session = xmlUnmarshaller.getContext().getSession(clazz);
            xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor)session.getDescriptor(clazz);
            unmarshalRecord = xmlUnmarshaller.createUnmarshalRecord(xmlDescriptor, session);

          }catch(XMLMarshalException xme){
            if(xme.getErrorCode() == XMLMarshalException.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND_IN_PROJECT){                  
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    public Object unmarshal(DOMReader domReader, Node node, Class clazz) {
        UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord = null;
        Descriptor xmlDescriptor = null;

        CoreAbstractSession session = null;

        // check for case where the reference class is a primitive wrapper - in this case, we
        // need to use the conversion manager to convert the node's value to the primitive
        // wrapper class, then create, populate and return an XMLRoot.  This will be done
        // via XMLRootRecord.
        boolean isPrimitiveWrapper = false;
if(clazz == CoreClassConstants.OBJECT) {
            SAXUnmarshallerHandler saxUnmarshallerHandler = new SAXUnmarshallerHandler(xmlUnmarshaller.getContext());
            setContentHandler(domReader, saxUnmarshallerHandler);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                throw convertSAXException(e);

            // resolve any mapping references
            return saxUnmarshallerHandler.getObject();
        } else {
            // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
            // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
                session = xmlUnmarshaller.getContext().getSession(clazz);
                xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor) session.getDescriptor(clazz);
                unmarshalRecord = xmlUnmarshaller.createUnmarshalRecord(xmlDescriptor, session);
            }catch(XMLMarshalException xme){
                if(xme.getErrorCode() == XMLMarshalException.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND_IN_PROJECT){                  
                    isPrimitiveWrapper = isPrimitiveWrapper(clazz);
                    if (isPrimitiveWrapper) {
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        UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord = null;
        boolean isPrimitiveWrapper = false;
        Descriptor xmlDescriptor = null;

        CoreAbstractSession session = null;

        // check for case where the reference class is a primitive wrapper - in this case, we
        // need to use the conversion manager to convert the node's value to the primitive
        // wrapper class, then create, populate and return an XMLRoot.  This will be done
        // via XMLRootRecord.
if(clazz == CoreClassConstants.OBJECT) {
            SAXUnmarshallerHandler saxUnmarshallerHandler = new SAXUnmarshallerHandler(xmlUnmarshaller.getContext());
            try {
                XMLReader xmlReader = getXMLReader(clazz);
                setContentHandler(xmlReader, saxUnmarshallerHandler);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw XMLMarshalException.unmarshalException(e);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                throw convertSAXException(e);
            } finally {
            // resolve any mapping references
            return saxUnmarshallerHandler.getObject();
        } else {
            // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
            // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
            session = xmlUnmarshaller.getContext().getSession(clazz);
            xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor) session.getDescriptor(clazz);
            unmarshalRecord = xmlUnmarshaller.createUnmarshalRecord(xmlDescriptor, session);
          }catch(XMLMarshalException xme){
            if(xme.getErrorCode() == XMLMarshalException.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND_IN_PROJECT){                  
                   isPrimitiveWrapper = isPrimitiveWrapper(clazz);
                   if (isPrimitiveWrapper) {
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            UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord = null;
            Descriptor xmlDescriptor = null;

            CoreAbstractSession session = null;
            boolean isPrimitiveWrapper = false;
            // check for case where the reference class is a primitive wrapper - in this case, we
            // need to use the conversion manager to convert the node's value to the primitive
            // wrapper class, then create, populate and return an XMLRoot.  This will be done
            // via XMLRootRecord.
if(clazz == CoreClassConstants.OBJECT) {
                SAXUnmarshallerHandler saxUnmarshallerHandler = new SAXUnmarshallerHandler(xmlUnmarshaller.getContext());

                // resolve any mapping references
                return saxUnmarshallerHandler.getObject();
            } else {
                // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
                // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
                session = xmlContext.getSession(clazz);
                xmlDescriptor = (Descriptor) session.getDescriptor(clazz);
                unmarshalRecord = xmlUnmarshaller.createUnmarshalRecord(xmlDescriptor, session);
              }catch(XMLMarshalException xme){               
                if(xme.getErrorCode() == XMLMarshalException.DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND_IN_PROJECT){                  
                       isPrimitiveWrapper = isPrimitiveWrapper(clazz);
                       if (isPrimitiveWrapper) {
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          return SIMPLE_FRAGMENT;
        return frag;
       CoreAbstractSession childSession = null;
       try {
         childSession= marshaller.getContext().getSession(value);
         } catch (XMLMarshalException e) {              
             return SIMPLE_FRAGMENT;
         if(childSession != null){
           Descriptor descriptor = (Descriptor) childSession.getDescriptor(value);
           String defaultRootElementString = descriptor.getDefaultRootElement();
           if(defaultRootElementString != null){
             return new XPathFragment(defaultRootElementString);
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        XPathFragment xmlRootFragment = null;
        Object originalValue = value;

        Descriptor descriptor;
        ObjectBuilder objectBuilder;
        CoreAbstractSession childSession;
        Marshaller marshaller = marshalRecord.getMarshaller();
        XPathFragment rootFragment;

        if (xmlAnyCollectionMapping.usesXMLRoot() && (value instanceof Root)) {
            xmlRootFragment = new XPathFragment();
            wasXMLRoot = true;
            value = ((Root) value).getObject();
            if(null == value){
                return false;
        UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy keepAsElementPolicy = xmlAnyCollectionMapping.getKeepAsElementPolicy();
        if (value instanceof String) {
            marshalSimpleValue(xmlRootFragment, marshalRecord, originalValue, object, value, session, namespaceResolver);
        } else if (null != keepAsElementPolicy && (keepAsElementPolicy.isKeepUnknownAsElement() || keepAsElementPolicy.isKeepAllAsElement()) && value instanceof org.w3c.dom.Node) {
            marshalRecord.node((org.w3c.dom.Node) value, marshalRecord.getNamespaceResolver());
        } else {
            try {
                childSession = marshaller.getContext().getSession(value);
            } catch (XMLMarshalException e) {              
                marshalSimpleValue(xmlRootFragment, marshalRecord, originalValue, object, value, session, namespaceResolver);
                return true;
            descriptor = (Descriptor) childSession.getDescriptor(value);
            objectBuilder = (ObjectBuilder) descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
            List extraNamespaces = objectBuilder.addExtraNamespacesToNamespaceResolver(descriptor, marshalRecord, session, true, true);
            if (wasXMLRoot) {
                Namespace generatedNamespace = setupFragment(((Root) originalValue), xmlRootFragment, marshalRecord);
                if (generatedNamespace != null) {
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    public void attribute(UnmarshalRecord unmarshalRecord, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value) {
        Field xmlField = (Field) xmlDirectMapping.getField();
        CoreAbstractSession session = unmarshalRecord.getSession();       
        Object realValue = unmarshalRecord.getXMLReader().convertValueBasedOnSchemaType(xmlField, value, (XMLConversionManager) session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager(), unmarshalRecord);

        // Perform operations on the object based on the null policy
        Object convertedValue = xmlDirectMapping.getAttributeValue(realValue, session, unmarshalRecord);
        xmlDirectMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(unmarshalRecord.getCurrentObject(), convertedValue);
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            value = xmlDirectMapping.getNullValue();
        } else {
            value = unmarshalRecordCharacters.toString();
        CoreAbstractSession session = unmarshalRecord.getSession();
        XMLConversionManager xmlConversionManager = (XMLConversionManager) session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager();
        QName typeQName = unmarshalRecord.getTypeQName();
        if (typeQName != null) {
            Class typeClass = xmlField.getJavaClass(typeQName);
            value = xmlConversionManager.convertObject(value, typeClass, typeQName);
        } else {
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              return xmlRoot;
          // for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
          // try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
          CoreAbstractSession readSession = xmlContext.getSession(referenceClass);
          Descriptor descriptor = (Descriptor)readSession.getDescriptor(referenceClass);
          if (descriptor == null) {
              throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(referenceClass.getName());
          Object object = null;
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.sessions.CoreAbstractSession

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