Package org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorQueryManager

     * This is only used for non-unit-of-work updates.
    public void updateObjectForWrite() {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = descriptor.getQueryManager();
        // check for user-defined query
        if ((!writeQuery.isUserDefined())// this is not a user-defined query
                 && queryManager.hasUpdateQuery()// there is a user-defined query
                 && isExpressionQueryMechanism()) {// this is not a hand-coded call (custom SQL etc.)
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        AbstractSession session = getSession();
        CommitManager commitManager = session.getCommitManager();
        // This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.
        DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();
        if (writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() == null) {
            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                // only throw the events if there is no changeset otherwise the event will be thrown twice
                // once by the calculate changes code and here
                eventManager.executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateEvent, writeQuery));

        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {

        // The row must not be built until after preUpdate in case the object reference has changed.
        // For a user defined update in the uow to row must be built twice to check if any update is required.
        if ((writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) && (!getSession().isUnitOfWork())) {
            writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, getSession(), WriteType.UNDEFINED));
        } else {

        // Optimistic read lock implementation
        Boolean shouldModifyVersionField = null;
        if (session.isUnitOfWork() && ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).hasOptimisticReadLockObjects()) {
            shouldModifyVersionField = (Boolean)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getOptimisticReadLockObjects().get(writeQuery.getObject());

        if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || (shouldModifyVersionField != null) || ((descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) && (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getForceUpdate()))) {
            // If user defined the entire row is required. Must not be built until change is known.
            if ((writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) && getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
                writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, getSession(), WriteType.UNDEFINED));

            // Update the write lock field if required.
            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
                OptimisticLockingPolicy policy = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();

                if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue()) {
                    // Update the row with newer lock value.
                    policy.updateRowAndObjectForUpdate(writeQuery, object);
                } else if (!shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue() && (policy instanceof VersionLockingPolicy)) {
                    // Add the existing write lock value to the for a "read" lock (requires something to update).
                    ((VersionLockingPolicy)policy).writeLockValueIntoRow(writeQuery, object);

            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToUpdateEvent, writeQuery);

            if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
            int rowCount = updateObject().intValue();

            if (rowCount < 1) {
                if (session.hasEventManager()) {
                    session.getEventManager().noRowsModified(writeQuery, object);
            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
                descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().validateUpdate(rowCount, object, writeQuery);


        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
        if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {

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    public void updateObjectForWriteWithChangeSet() {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet();
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = descriptor.getQueryManager();
        AbstractSession session = getSession();
        CommitManager commitManager = session.getCommitManager();
        // check for user-defined query
        if ((!writeQuery.isUserDefined())// this is not a user-defined query
                 && queryManager.hasUpdateQuery()// there is a user-defined query
                 && isExpressionQueryMechanism()) {// this is not a hand-coded call (custom SQL etc.)
            // This must be done here because the user defined update does not use a changeset so it will not be set otherwise
        // This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.
        DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();

        if (changeSet.hasChanges()) {
            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateWithChangesEvent, writeQuery);

                // PreUpdateWithChangesEvent listeners may have altered the object - should recalculate the change set.
                UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
                if (!uowChangeSet.isChangeSetFromOutsideUOW() && writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet().shouldRecalculateAfterUpdateEvent()){
                    // writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() is mapped to object in uowChangeSet.
                    // It is first cleared then re-populated by calculateChanges method.
                    if (!descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy() ){
                        // clear the change set without clearing the maps keys since they are not alterable by the event
                        // if the map is changed, it will be changed in the owning object and the
                        // change set will be changed there as well.
                    if (descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForExistingObject(object, uowChangeSet, ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session), descriptor, false) == null) {
                        // calculateChanges returns null in case the changeSet doesn't have changes.
                        // It should be removed from the list of ObjectChangeSets that have changes in uowChangeSet.
        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {

        // The row must not be built until after preUpdate in case the object reference has changed.
        // For a user defined update in the uow to row must be built twice to check if any update is required.
      Boolean shouldModifyVersionField = changeSet.shouldModifyVersionField();
        if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || (shouldModifyVersionField != null) || changeSet.hasCmpPolicyForcedUpdate()) {
            // If user defined the entire row is required. Must not be built until change is known.
            if (writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) {
                writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, session, WriteType.UNDEFINED));
            OptimisticLockingPolicy lockingPolicy = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();

            // Update the write lock field if required.
            if (lockingPolicy != null) {

                if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue()) {
                    // Update the row with newer lock value.
                    lockingPolicy.updateRowAndObjectForUpdate(writeQuery, object);
                } else if (!shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue() && (lockingPolicy instanceof VersionLockingPolicy)) {
                    // Add the existing write lock value to the for a "read" lock (requires something to update).
                    ((VersionLockingPolicy)lockingPolicy).writeLockValueIntoRow(writeQuery, object);

            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToUpdateEvent, writeQuery);

            if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
            int rowCount = updateObject().intValue();

            if (rowCount < 1) {
                if (session.hasEventManager()) {
                    session.getEventManager().noRowsModified(writeQuery, object);
            if (lockingPolicy != null) {
                lockingPolicy.validateUpdate(rowCount, object, writeQuery);


        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
        if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {
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        // Leaf inheritance and multiple table join.
        if (getDescriptor().shouldUseAdditionalJoinExpression()) {
            DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = getDescriptor().getQueryManager();
            Expression additionalJoin;
            if (shouldUseAdditionalJoinExpression) {
                additionalJoin = queryManager.getAdditionalJoinExpression();
            } else {
                additionalJoin = queryManager.getMultipleTableJoinExpression();
                if (additionalJoin == null) {
                    return expression;
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    protected DatabaseQuery checkForCustomQuery(AbstractSession session, AbstractRecord translationRow) {

        // check if user defined a custom query
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = this.descriptor.getQueryManager();
        if ((!isCallQuery())// this is not a hand-coded (custom SQL, SDK etc.) call
                 && (!isUserDefined())// and this is not a user-defined query (in the query manager)
                 && queryManager.hasDeleteQuery()) {// and there is a user-defined query (in the query manager)
            return queryManager.getDeleteQuery();

        return null;
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        if (this.isCustomQueryUsed == null) {
            // Check if user defined a custom query in the query manager.
            if (!this.isUserDefined) {
                if (!isCallQuery()) {
                    DescriptorQueryManager descriptorQueryManager = this.descriptor.getQueryManager();
                    // By default all descriptors have a custom ("static") read-object query.
                    // This allows the read-object query and SQL to be prepare once.
                    if (descriptorQueryManager.hasReadObjectQuery()) {
                        // If the query require special SQL generation or execution do not use the static read object query.
                        // PERF: the read-object query should always be static to ensure no regeneration of SQL.
                        if ((!hasJoining() || !this.joinedAttributeManager.hasJoinedAttributeExpressions()) && (!hasPartialAttributeExpressions()) && (redirector == null) && !doNotRedirect && (!hasAsOfClause()) && (!hasNonDefaultFetchGroup())
                                && this.wasDefaultLockMode && (shouldBindAllParameters == null) && (this.hintString == null)) {
                            if ((this.selectionId != null) || (this.selectionObject != null)) {// Must be primary key.
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     * This is used for both uow and non-uow (old-commit and change-set) operations.
    public void insertObjectForWrite() {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = descriptor.getQueryManager();
        // check for user-defined query
        if ((!writeQuery.isUserDefined())// this is not a user-defined query
                 && queryManager.hasInsertQuery()// there is a user-defined query
                 && isExpressionQueryMechanism()) {// this is not a hand-coded call (custom SQL etc.)
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        AbstractSession session = writeQuery.getSession();
        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet();
        CommitManager commitManager = session.getCommitManager();
        DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();

        // This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.

        if (changeSet == null) {
            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                // only throw the events if there is no changeset otherwise the event will be thrown twice
                // once by the calculate changes code and here
                eventManager.executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreInsertEvent, writeQuery));

        // check whether deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {

        // In a unit of work/writeObjects the preInsert may have caused a shallow insert of this object,
        // in this case this second write must do an update.
        if (commitManager.isShallowCommitted(object)) {
        } else {
            AbstractRecord modifyRow = writeQuery.getModifyRow();
            if (modifyRow == null) {// Maybe have been passed in as in aggregate collection.
                if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
                    writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, session));
                } else {
                    writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRowForShallowInsert(object, session));
            } else {
                if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
                    writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(modifyRow, object, session));
                } else {
                    writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRowForShallowInsert(modifyRow, object, session));
            modifyRow = getModifyRow();
            // the modify row and the translation row are the same for insert
            if (!descriptor.isAggregateCollectionDescriptor()) {// Should/cannot be recomputed in aggregate collection.
                writeQuery.setPrimaryKey(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(object, session));

            // CR#3237
            // Store the size of the modify row so we can determine if the user has added to the row in the insert.
            int modifyRowSize = modifyRow.size();

            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToInsertEvent, writeQuery);

            if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
            // CR#3237
            // Call insert with a boolean that tells it to reprepare if the user has altered the modify row.
            insertObject(modifyRowSize != modifyRow.size());

            // register the object before post insert to resolve possible cycles
            registerObjectInIdentityMap(object, descriptor, session);

        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on.
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
        if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {

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     * This is only used for non-unit-of-work updates.
    public void updateObjectForWrite() {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = descriptor.getQueryManager();
        // check for user-defined query
        if ((!writeQuery.isUserDefined())// this is not a user-defined query
                 && queryManager.hasUpdateQuery()// there is a user-defined query
                 && isExpressionQueryMechanism()) {// this is not a hand-coded call (custom SQL etc.)
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        AbstractSession session = getSession();
        CommitManager commitManager = session.getCommitManager();
        // This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.
        DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();
        if (writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() == null) {
            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                // only throw the events if there is no changeset otherwise the event will be thrown twice
                // once by the calculate changes code and here
                eventManager.executeEvent(new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateEvent, writeQuery));

        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {

        // The row must not be built until after preUpdate in case the object reference has changed.
        // For a user defined update in the uow to row must be built twice to check if any update is required.
        if ((writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) && (!getSession().isUnitOfWork())) {
            writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, getSession()));
        } else {

        // Optimistic read lock implementation
        Boolean shouldModifyVersionField = null;
        if (session.isUnitOfWork() && ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).hasOptimisticReadLockObjects()) {
            shouldModifyVersionField = (Boolean)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getOptimisticReadLockObjects().get(writeQuery.getObject());

        if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || (shouldModifyVersionField != null) || ((descriptor.getCMPPolicy() != null) && (descriptor.getCMPPolicy().getForceUpdate()))) {
            // If user defined the entire row is required. Must not be built until change is known.
            if ((writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) && getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
                writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, getSession()));

            // Update the write lock field if required.
            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
                OptimisticLockingPolicy policy = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();

                if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue()) {
                    // Update the row with newer lock value.
                    policy.updateRowAndObjectForUpdate(writeQuery, object);
                } else if (!shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue() && (policy instanceof VersionLockingPolicy)) {
                    // Add the existing write lock value to the for a "read" lock (requires something to update).
                    ((VersionLockingPolicy)policy).writeLockValueIntoRow(writeQuery, object);

            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToUpdateEvent, writeQuery);

            if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
            int rowCount = updateObject().intValue();

            if (rowCount < 1) {
                if (session.hasEventManager()) {
                    session.getEventManager().noRowsModified(writeQuery, object);
            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {
                descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().validateUpdate(rowCount, object, writeQuery);


        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
        if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {

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    public void updateObjectForWriteWithChangeSet() {
        WriteObjectQuery writeQuery = getWriteObjectQuery();
        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet();
        Object object = writeQuery.getObject();
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = descriptor.getQueryManager();
        AbstractSession session = getSession();
        CommitManager commitManager = session.getCommitManager();
        // check for user-defined query
        if ((!writeQuery.isUserDefined())// this is not a user-defined query
                 && queryManager.hasUpdateQuery()// there is a user-defined query
                 && isExpressionQueryMechanism()) {// this is not a hand-coded call (custom SQL etc.)
            // This must be done here because the user defined update does not use a changeset so it will not be set otherwise
        // This must be done after the custom query check, otherwise it will be done twice.
        DescriptorEventManager eventManager = descriptor.getEventManager();

        if (changeSet.hasChanges()) {
            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.PreUpdateWithChangesEvent, writeQuery);

                // PreUpdateWithChangesEvent listeners may have altered the object - should recalculate the change set.
                UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowChangeSet = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet)((UnitOfWorkImpl)session).getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();
                if (!uowChangeSet.isChangeSetFromOutsideUOW() && writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet().shouldRecalculateAfterUpdateEvent()){
                    // writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() is mapped to object in uowChangeSet.
                    // It is first cleared then re-populated by calculateChanges method.
                    if (!descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy() ){
                        // clear the change set without clearing the maps keys since they are not alterable by the event
                        // if the map is changed, it will be changed in the owning object and the
                        // change set will be changed there as well.
                    if (descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().calculateChangesForExistingObject(object, uowChangeSet, ((UnitOfWorkImpl)session), descriptor, false) == null) {
                        // calculateChanges returns null in case the changeSet doesn't have changes.
                        // It should be removed from the list of ObjectChangeSets that have changes in uowChangeSet.
        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {

        // The row must not be built until after preUpdate in case the object reference has changed.
        // For a user defined update in the uow to row must be built twice to check if any update is required.
      Boolean shouldModifyVersionField = changeSet.shouldModifyVersionField();
        if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || (shouldModifyVersionField != null) || changeSet.hasCmpPolicyForcedUpdate()) {
            // If user defined the entire row is required. Must not be built until change is known.
            if (writeQuery.isUserDefined() || writeQuery.isCallQuery()) {
                writeQuery.setModifyRow(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(object, session));
            OptimisticLockingPolicy lockingPolicy = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();

            // Update the write lock field if required.
            if (lockingPolicy != null) {

                if (!getModifyRow().isEmpty() || shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue()) {
                    // Update the row with newer lock value.
                    lockingPolicy.updateRowAndObjectForUpdate(writeQuery, object);
                } else if (!shouldModifyVersionField.booleanValue() && (lockingPolicy instanceof VersionLockingPolicy)) {
                    // Add the existing write lock value to the for a "read" lock (requires something to update).
                    ((VersionLockingPolicy)lockingPolicy).writeLockValueIntoRow(writeQuery, object);

            // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.
            if (eventManager.hasAnyEventListeners()) {
                DescriptorEvent event = new DescriptorEvent(DescriptorEventManager.AboutToUpdateEvent, writeQuery);

            if (QueryMonitor.shouldMonitor()) {
            int rowCount = updateObject().intValue();

            if (rowCount < 1) {
                if (session.hasEventManager()) {
                    session.getEventManager().noRowsModified(writeQuery, object);
            if (lockingPolicy != null) {
                lockingPolicy.validateUpdate(rowCount, object, writeQuery);


        // Verify if deep shallow modify is turned on
        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeParts()) {
        if ((descriptor.getHistoryPolicy() != null) && descriptor.getHistoryPolicy().shouldHandleWrites()) {
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        if (this.isCustomQueryUsed == null) {
            // Check if user defined a custom query in the query manager.
            if (!this.isUserDefined) {
                if (!isCallQuery()) {
                    DescriptorQueryManager descriptorQueryManager = this.descriptor.getQueryManager();
                    // By default all descriptors have a custom ("static") read-object query.
                    // This allows the read-object query and SQL to be prepare once.
                    if (descriptorQueryManager.hasReadObjectQuery()) {
                        // If the query require special SQL generation or execution do not use the static read object query.
                        // PERF: the read-object query should always be static to ensure no regeneration of SQL.
                        if ((!hasJoining() || !this.joinedAttributeManager.hasJoinedAttributeExpressions()) && (!hasPartialAttributeExpressions()) && (redirector == null) && !doNotRedirect && (!hasAsOfClause()) && (!hasNonDefaultFetchGroup())
                                && (this.shouldUseSerializedObjectPolicy == shouldUseSerializedObjectPolicyDefault)
                                && this.wasDefaultLockMode && (shouldBindAllParameters == null) && (this.hintString == null)) {
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        // Leaf inheritance and multiple table join.
        if (getDescriptor().shouldUseAdditionalJoinExpression()) {
            DescriptorQueryManager queryManager = getDescriptor().getQueryManager();
            Expression additionalJoin;
            if (shouldUseAdditionalJoinExpression) {
                additionalJoin = queryManager.getAdditionalJoinExpression();
            } else {
                additionalJoin = queryManager.getMultipleTableJoinExpression();
                if (additionalJoin == null) {
                    return expression;
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorQueryManager

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